Search results

  1. Sayuri

    Holiday Care For Dwarf Puffers

    I've just booked a holiday to go and visit family (really I just miss Ice Cream Mochi!) for two weeks but am worrying about what to do with my Dwarf Puffers. Most of my family lives up north or abroad and I've only just moved to Bristol so I don't really have anyone I could ask to feed the...
  2. Sayuri

    Free Stem Plants

    Yes it is but only to send them out as one lot and I'm afraid they've already been taken! Thanks for the interest
  3. Sayuri

    Free Stem Plants

    Cheers for that, I think my brain has had enough for today :lol: If you send me your address then their yours!
  4. Sayuri

    Free Stem Plants

    If you PM me an e-mail address I can send you one through? Didn't think the picture would work, I've uploaded them before but can't remember how I did it :S !
  5. Sayuri

    Free Stem Plants

    Plants: Mainly what I think is Water Mifoil, some Green Cabomba and maybe bits of others Quantity for sale: At least 3 bunches Delivery or Collection: Either Sales price: Free Postage & Packaging: Free Location: Bristol Photograph: After trying to get two huge pieces of redmoor root to stay...
  6. Sayuri

    Rotala Sp. Green Wanted

    Wanted: Item Wanted: Rotala sp. Green Condition Required: Alive! Price Limit: Dpends on quantity Picture or Link to Item: N/A Location: Around Bristol or posted Looking alot of Rotala sp. Green for a new aquascape idea, if anyone has some going spare (however much, every little helps!) I'm...
  7. Sayuri

    Fish Behaviour Change After Move To New Tank

    Added loads of new plants yesterday morning, half the substrate at least is taken up with plants 30cm+ high, the rest covered in glosso and shorter plants up to max 15cm. All my driftwood has moss and Anubias on and the surface is also pretty well covered in floating plants. Still no real sign...
  8. Sayuri

    L144 Lemon Bristlenose Black Eyes

    Do you have any photos I could see please? Thanks!
  9. Sayuri

    Seachem Fluorite Black Sand

    Yes! A lot of washing, it's very dirty stuff! Mine took me about 2 hours for 4 bags. As far as I know there are no nutrients in it at first, it's clay and absorbs them from the water to feed the plant roots.
  10. Sayuri

    Tank Stocking Check - Adivce And Suggestions

    Thanks so much for mentioning Maidenhead, just been down and picked myself up another 3 dwarf chain loaches! They are currently doing the mad dash around the tank that they seem to do when new :blush: so cute!
  11. Sayuri

    Dwarf Sag ([I]Sagittaria Subulata[/i])

    My friend has just been round and has plant envy :lol: She's asked me to see if you have anymore left to sell? Thanks!
  12. Sayuri

    Tank Stocking Check - Adivce And Suggestions

    Oh thats great thanks :good: I'm in Bristol and theres a Maidenhead Aquatics near Keynsham I think so I'll check them out! Thanks again!
  13. Sayuri

    Fish Behaviour Change After Move To New Tank

    Tank size has doubled to 260l, twice as tall and deep as my old one. Will have to go plant shopping tomorrow then (can hear OH moaning - not more plants!) as its a great excuse! The front is very empty with glosso and dwarf hairgrass so perhaps something big, bushy and fast growing is called...
  14. Sayuri

    Fish Behaviour Change After Move To New Tank

    Thanks! I was just worried if I was ignoring some really obvious problem! I'll just leave the lights off and wait some more. Mine give me that look too if I squeeze up to the wall to try and peak at them down the back! Guess I just have stropy fish :wub:
  15. Sayuri

    Tank Stocking Check - Adivce And Suggestions

    Yeah I think they are my favourite fish in there, such great little personalities. They have figured out that flake food and bloodworm is tasty so every feeding time they are chasing off the other fish and taking all the flake from the surface as well as bloodworm from my fingers! Is great...
  16. Sayuri

    Tank Stocking Check - Adivce And Suggestions

    Thats great thanks! Will have to seach my LFS's for some and check them out in the flesh!
  17. Sayuri

    Fish Behaviour Change After Move To New Tank

    Yeah I was expecting maybe a bit more sulky for the first day as they were when I first brought them home but it's been since 9am Monday now and I still haven't even seen them! Before I moved them they used to mob my hand for food every time I had to replant something and ate bloodworm happily...
  18. Sayuri

    Fish Behaviour Change After Move To New Tank

    On Sunday I collected a new larger fish tank for my main living room display tank. I caught and moved all the fish from my 130l tank, and kept them over night in a 75l "tub trug" with a heater and their normal filter as well as all the plants from their old tank. When I moved them they never...
  19. Sayuri

    Tank Stocking Check - Adivce And Suggestions

    They both look like interesting fish and are something I never would have thought of by myself! Being rainbowfish I'm assuming I would need a group of at least 5 so would that be okay for my tank in terms of stocking levels?
  20. Sayuri

    Dwarf Sag ([I]Sagittaria Subulata[/i])

    Arrived this morning thanks! Great healthy plants and a huge portion again! :good:
  21. Sayuri

    Tank Stocking Check - Adivce And Suggestions

    Thanks, I had a look at some other types of Shrimp and really liked the yellow shrimp too. Never seen them over here though unfortunatly, only amano and red cherrys around here! Is 3 shrimp enough for them to be happy? Would my tank be fully stocked at this level then? The OH is wanting one or...
  22. Sayuri

    Tank Stocking Check - Adivce And Suggestions

    I'm after some advice on stocking my new tank to make sure I'm not overstocked and that I'm picking the right species/numbers of fish for maximum fish happiness/visual impact! Current plan is: Tank Dimensions: L 103cm x D 49cm x H 62cm (260l / 70g) 5 x Platy (Already have) 5 x Neon Dwarf...
  23. Sayuri

    Mts Malaysian Trumpet Snails

    Arrived safely this morning thanks!
  24. Sayuri

    Wanted Pond Or Ramshorns

    I just emptied out a tank at the weekend and have loads of tadpole/pouch snails that my dwarf puffers love if thats any good? They breed and grow very quickly so ideal for raising as puffer food! Edit: Just looked at the snails and there are ramshorn in there as well, I can count at least 10...
  25. Sayuri

    Wanted Albino/lemon Bristlenose & Dwarf Chain Loaches

    Wanted Item Wanted: Albino/Lemon Bristlenose & Dwarf Chain Loaches Condition Required: Healthy Price Limit: Depends on size Picture or Link to Item: N/A Location: In or around Bristol I'm looking for a Bristlenose plec, either a lemon or albino colour, not bothered if male or female but...
  26. Sayuri

    Dwarf Sag ([I]Sagittaria Subulata[/i])

    If you've got any left I'd be interested in some, the last plants were great and I've been looking for this in my LFS's! Thanks
  27. Sayuri

    Mts Malaysian Trumpet Snails

    I'd be interested in some please, getting new sand substrate over the weekend and looking for some to help turn it over for me.
  28. Sayuri

    Floating Plants! Rarer Phyllanthus Fluitans, Red Root Floater

    Received this morning, huge portion of very healthy plants - thanks :good: !
  29. Sayuri

    Floating Plants! Rarer Phyllanthus Fluitans, Red Root Floater

    I'll take the large portion if its still available. Will pay through paypal if thats okay?
  30. Sayuri

    Move To New Larger Tank Advice

    Thanks, that's helpful to know, I would have just been impatient and poured the whole lot in the bucket at once! Looks like a long job on Saturday then :lol: !
  31. Sayuri

    New Tank

    Yeah, its only the width of the T8 bulb so two fit just nicely there and don't get in the way for feeding etc!
  32. Sayuri

    New Tank

    I've been running my tank fully stocked with just the supplied filter for ages and it works great for me and been very reliable, water parameters are always perfect. The only thing I did was replace the carbon bit with purigen but that was just to remove the tannins from my bogwood!
  33. Sayuri

    New Tank

    I added one of these into the lid Glomat T8 20W Starter Unit, put it just in front of the flappy feeding bit. The light is so much better now, plants are thriving and the colours of the fish look great!
  34. Sayuri

    Move To New Larger Tank Advice

    I'd heard it's a bit of a pain to wash but I got it really cheap so thought it was worth it! Have you got the same sand? If so how long did it take for the rinsing? Thanks!
  35. Sayuri

    New Tank

    I'm taking apart my Elite 95 this weekend to switch a larger tank but have been running it for some time now. The only problem I really had with it was the lighting as I wanted to grow live plants and the bulb that comes with it is very yellow and doesn't show the fish colours too well. To get...
  36. Sayuri

    Move To New Larger Tank Advice

    Thanks, I didn't know I would be able to do that, never even seen an external filter before :lol: No acclimatising makes it easier as well, thanks!
  37. Sayuri

    Move To New Larger Tank Advice

    I am picking up a new Fluval Osaka 260 this weekend which will replace my 95 litre tank as my main community display tank. Trouble is I want the Osaka where my 95l tank is currently sat! I was planning on the following: 1. Siphon out water from 95l tank into two buckets (one 30 litre, one 55...
  38. Sayuri

    Ember Tetra Dying

    Just come back to say that all the remaining fish are doing fine so it seems isolating the 3 affected ones stopped the bacteria spread. Big thanks for your help :good: !
  39. Sayuri

    Mystery Fry Id And How To Care For

    Thanks for the reply! I've googled cory and swordtail fry and have to say it's body shape looks just like the cory fry! It's seriously tiny compared to the newborn platy fry too. I wonder if I have a colony of Corys squatting in my tanks :lol:
  40. Sayuri

    Mystery Fry Id And How To Care For

    Thanks, I'll get down to the LFS tomorrow and pick up some Liquifry and a small heater. Do you think it will be okay in a 30 litre tub? Don't think it could be a deformed platy as I haven't had any drops for the last two weeks and is just so tiny compared to even the platy fry that drop half...