Ember Tetra Dying


New Member
Feb 24, 2010
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Bristol UK
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Tank size: 130l
pH: 7.2
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 5
kH: unknown
gH: unknown
tank temp: 24 C

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):

This Saturday I got a shoal of ember tetra, 12 in total. They all seemed to be doing fine this afternoon but this evening I noticed one was just resting on a leaf. It looks slightly paler than the others and is now just lying down at a 45 degree angle breathing quickly. The only thing I can see that looks worrying is a small patch of red inside its body just behind its head. Apart from that nothing else is visibly wrong.

Volume and Frequency of water changes: 25% once per week every Friday

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: Seachem Prime with water change

Tank inhabitants: 6 Platy, 5 Neon Dwarf Rainbowfish, 3 Dwarf Chain Loaches, 12 Ember Tetra

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): 12 Ember Tetra (Saturday)

Exposure to chemicals: None

Digital photo (include if possible): ember tetra.jpg

Please could someone let me know if there's anything I can do to help him?
Can you isolate him as it sounds bacterial.

Bleeding beneath the skin can be septicemia.
Hard to cure once it advances.

What's your location?
Thanks for the reply, sorry for the delay in getting back to you - bit of a family emergency.

I isolated the fish but he didn't make it and two more of the tetras started showing similar signs. I isolated both of them and one died, the other isn't looking good but hanging in there. I'm treating them and the tank with Interpet Anti Internal Bacteria as it was all I could pick up yesterday. If there is a better medicine available I will try and find it, I'm in the UK.

Is there anything else that will help stop this spreading that I can do?
It's not a great med. Only really good on mild bacteria infections.

Once septicemia progresses it hard to cure.
Done the right thing isolating them.

Do some water changes for a few days on main tank.


Let me know how you get on if you don't mind.
Thanks, unfortunatly the other tetra didn't make it. Everyone else in the tank is still acting normally so fingers crossed.

I will keep up daily water changes for a bit and keep a close eye on the others.

Hopefully I can come back and say all the other fish survived!

Thanks again for your help

Good luck with the rest of the fish.
Just come back to say that all the remaining fish are doing fine so it seems isolating the 3 affected ones stopped the bacteria spread.

Big thanks for your help :good: !
Thanks for the update much appreciated.
Good Luck.

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