New Tank


Fish Fanatic
Mar 8, 2010
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north somerset
hey everyone,

i am soon going out to buy a new fish tank. currently have 2 small ones and want to upgrade. theres a few i been looking at. but the main one i like the look of is an elite 95. seen it for £100 in most places. gone to a few shops and liked the look of it. but on ebay i have found it for 85 including postige brand new. bargin. just wanted to know if anyone has one? or has had one? or if they no if there a good tank or not. would like a bigger tank but not got a great amount of funds at the moment.

anyone who could help that would be great thanks :)
Hi Adam and Welcome to TFF!

Hopefully some of our members who may have had some experience with that kit/tank will post up some info for you! Usually we've got somebody out there for just about everything if they just happen to see the post! (you might try editing your title to say "New Tank - (Elite95?)" or something like that (actually I'm just assuming you can edit a title, never tried it myself.)

Another thing you can be thinking about is having a discussion here about the filter and media you will choose and making sure all of that is the way you want it. That's a really good thing to verify before starting a cycle to prepare the biofilter for fish. Then, once that's settled it will be good to talk to the members about how to move some mature media from the filters of your existing tanks over to the new filter. A mature media transfer can provide a big jumpstart to preparing your biofilter and you only need to take 1/3 of the biomedia from the older filter and contribute it to the newer filter (in your case you could take 1/3 from two filters!) This provides millions of live bacteria to the new filter, moving you way up on the growth curve for your two colonies you're trying to grow.

Anyway, if you have any questions about filters or about these bacteria and the various techniques we use to grow them, just give a shout in your thread and lots of members can relate their own experiences and give suggestions I'm sure.

I'm taking apart my Elite 95 this weekend to switch a larger tank but have been running it for some time now.

The only problem I really had with it was the lighting as I wanted to grow live plants and the bulb that comes with it is very yellow and doesn't show the fish colours too well. To get round this I added another two T8 tubes into the lid.

Apart from this couldn't fault the tank really, the heater that came with it has been accurate and reliable and the filter provides a good flow, especially with the spray bar fitted and the general finish is good for the price.

I didn't get the stand so can't comment on that.

Not sure where in North Somerset you are, but Almondsbury Garden Centre had them for about £70 when I was last in there.

Any other questions you have let me know.

I have the Elite 60 which I imagine is the same just smaller lol.

The tank itself I think is ok. It looks nice and I've had no problems so far with the that or the light etc.

As for the equipment.....I've replaced all but the heater so far and I'll be replacing that soon. The filter broke in about 10 days (and I don't think the Stingray is a great filter anyway)and the themometer was giving me inaccurate readings.

Having said that, a new themometer cost me only £2 and you may very well get on with the filter, I know people have.

I'd say buy it, give all the equipment a go then if it doesn't work out go from there. Mind you, I do now kinda wish I'd bought a different tank (maybe a Fluval) and bought the stuff seperately coz I've ended up doing that anyway. But you may not get another tank that size for that money so maybe it's worth it?

One last thing, don't believe them when they say it's 95L. They take the base and hood measurements into account when they calculate it. Eg mine should be 60L and it's actually 57/58.

I didn't know they did a 95 :(
Hi Adam and Welcome to TFF!

Hopefully some of our members who may have had some experience with that kit/tank will post up some info for you! Usually we've got somebody out there for just about everything if they just happen to see the post! (you might try editing your title to say "New Tank - (Elite95?)" or something like that (actually I'm just assuming you can edit a title, never tried it myself.)

Another thing you can be thinking about is having a discussion here about the filter and media you will choose and making sure all of that is the way you want it. That's a really good thing to verify before starting a cycle to prepare the biofilter for fish. Then, once that's settled it will be good to talk to the members about how to move some mature media from the filters of your existing tanks over to the new filter. A mature media transfer can provide a big jumpstart to preparing your biofilter and you only need to take 1/3 of the biomedia from the older filter and contribute it to the newer filter (in your case you could take 1/3 from two filters!) This provides millions of live bacteria to the new filter, moving you way up on the growth curve for your two colonies you're trying to grow.

Anyway, if you have any questions about filters or about these bacteria and the various techniques we use to grow them, just give a shout in your thread and lots of members can relate their own experiences and give suggestions I'm sure.


thank you for your reply. i should of put it int he name of the thread but i forgot sorry dont think i can change it now. i am new to fish keeping i have two tank i have had them for about 4 months now so sorry if i get a few things wrong. to your queston the filter i will be usign is the one i get with the tank. which is a Elite Jet Flo 100 Filter. is that any good i hope so! i do also have a fluval u1 in one of my established tanks which i intend to help cycle my tank with and keep it in there aswell. always better to have to many filters then not enough i guess. im not massively great on the cycling but i have done it for two fo my tanks now and havent had a problem and havent had a fish die so i cana lso post about that at a later date went i get the tank. so if anyone has the tank and could tell me a little about it that would be great? and also weather the filter you get with it is any good? or if i have that one plus my u1 together will that do the job?

thank you for your replies!
The only problem I really had with it was the lighting as I wanted to grow live plants and the bulb that comes with it is very yellow and doesn't show the fish colours too well. To get round this I added another two T8 tubes into the lid.


How did you do that when it only has one "socket"? Coz I may well have the same problem (still cycling so don't know yet)
and also weather the filter you get with it is any good? or if i have that one plus my u1 together will that do the job?

thank you for your replies!

I've been running my tank fully stocked with just the supplied filter for ages and it works great for me and been very reliable, water parameters are always perfect. The only thing I did was replace the carbon bit with purigen but that was just to remove the tannins from my bogwood!

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