Search results

  1. jbeechey

    3 Ft Tank + Malawis

    Bump. This needs to go. Taking offers.
  2. jbeechey

    3 Ft Tank + Malawis

  3. jbeechey

    3 Ft Tank + Malawis

    Equipment: 3ft Clearseal tank + heater, lid, lights unit, coral sand and rocks - no filter. Livestock: 3 Adult Yellow Labs + a male golden malawi Reason for Sale: Moving back to university and can't take my fish with me. Collection: Collection at RH1 Surrey Sales price: £60 for the lot -...
  4. jbeechey

    Selling Up. Tank + Malawis

    Some pictures of the tank and inhabitants. The pea gravel has been changed to coral sand - that is an old picture.
  5. jbeechey

    Selling Up. Tank + Malawis

    Bump. Still for sale, will add photos tonight.
  6. jbeechey

    Selling Up. Tank + Malawis

    Livestock: 3 Adult Yellow Labs + a male golden malawi Equipment: 3ft Clearseal tank + heater, lid, lights unit, coral sand and rocks - no filter. Reason for Sale: Moving back to university and can't take my fish with me. Collection: Collection at RH1 Surrey Sales price: £60 for the lot -...
  7. jbeechey

    Dolphin Fry- Advice Please

    Malawis are cleaver little #19###s when it comes to avoiding the net :)
  8. jbeechey

    Best Food For Cichlids

    I use spirulina sticks for my Mbuna.
  9. jbeechey

    Dolphin Fry- Advice Please

    I would just let her get on with it and remove them when she has spat. Goodluck!
  10. jbeechey

    My New Tropheus Red Rainbow

    Wow amazing looking fish, congratulations!
  11. jbeechey

    Juwel 125 + Equipment

    hey yall.... where abouts are you in Plymouth? is there no way that you can deliver? i dont have a car. thanks james.
  12. jbeechey

    Is This A Acei Cichlid?

    Hummm possibly a Pseudotropheus fainzilberi? or a Metriaclima zebra? I have seen some with stripes like yours, I am however no expert. Lovely looking fish though!
  13. jbeechey

    Help Me Decide - Interesting New Nano Project

    How about DP and shrimp? It does work depending on the DP.
  14. jbeechey

    What Should I Put In

    It depends on the species. I know yellow labs needs to be in 1m-3f ratio but lots of mabuna are fine kept singularly. Have a look for some local breeders, they will have top quality fish and sound advice.
  15. jbeechey

    Thinning Out My Malawis

    Where abouts are you and can you post?
  16. jbeechey

    What Should I Put In

    Yellow Labs (Labidochromis Caeruleus) are probably the most popular and easily available mabuna, stay slightly smaller than some other mabuna and I personally like them. pseudotropheus acei and pseudotropheus flavus are another couple of my favourites. However it might come down to what you...
  17. jbeechey

    Electric Yellow Labs Well-Being Concerns And Sexing Question

    All malawis are aggressive especially towards each other, I would try adding some more labs to see if the aggression is spread out any better.
  18. jbeechey

    Help With Actual Setup Of Filter And External Heater

    Looking good, the in/out refer to the direction of water yes :) Wouldn't of thought it matters whether the heater goes before or after the filter, will still be doing the same thing. Make sure all the pipes are on tight :)
  19. jbeechey

    Cotton Rope In Aquarium

    Have used cotton in my tanks with no problem for further confirmation.
  20. jbeechey

    Disaster When Changing To Sand!

    You will get a lot of sand suspended in the water after changing no matter how long you wash the sand for, can take up to a day to fully clear.
  21. jbeechey

    That Time Of Year Again.

    Haha this whole thread was made just so you could crack that joke out wasn't it :)
  22. jbeechey

    I'm Not Quite Sure...

    I would recommend a pair of kribs or a Pair of Bolivian Rams. Depends on your preference, or maybe a pair of angel fish lots of choice! :)
  23. jbeechey

    Krib Fry Much!

    Wow congratulations :) That's a lot of fry.
  24. jbeechey

    I'm Not Quite Sure...

    With a tank that size you have a lot of choice - most tetras, barbs, corys, gouramis, SA chilids. Best thing to do is have a look through some pictures, see what you like the look of and come back and ask specifics about how many and combinations etc.
  25. jbeechey

    A Trip To Hong Kong

    I think genrally you can get slightly more and slightly bigger fish for your money but no its not especially cheap, there was however a huge range of fish, more than I have ever seen in a fish shop here. This was just one of the shops on the street, there were 20-30 more doing the same thing...
  26. jbeechey

    A Trip To Hong Kong

    So over the last 2 weeks I have been on a University field trip to Hong Kong and the New Territories, I thought some of you here who have not seen the fish markets in Kowloon might be interested. These pictures were taken in Kowloon tropical fish market at about 10pm. It was probably about 20...
  27. jbeechey

    Mbuna Malawai Tank

    They require a high pH and lots of filtration. Other than that they are fairly similar to 'normal' aquarium fish.
  28. jbeechey

    Mbuna Malawai Tank

    Just a few better pics:
  29. jbeechey

    Mbuna Malawai Tank

    After seeing lots of amazing pictures and reading lots of info from this site and others on malawi cichlids I was persuaded (was not too difficult!) to transform my community tank into a mbuna malawi tank. Loving how playful and characterful they all are, so much more interesting that tetras :)...
  30. jbeechey

    Mbuna Mayhem!

    Great looking tank. Looking forward to updates!
  31. jbeechey

    My Malawi Tank

    Amazing rock work is it all slate? Must weigh a tonne!
  32. jbeechey

    Ram Free To Good Home

    Ram has settled in very nicely. Thanks a lot, let your friend know he is doing ok. James
  33. jbeechey

    Sent A Complain To Bbc And Rspca Regarding Animal 24:7

    Good points but i'm not sure you will get anything more than a letter of apology :)
  34. jbeechey

    Ram Free To Good Home

    Hey Chrisrm, Just noticed this thread, I don't think the firemouth will fit in very well but I can definitely take this guy off your hands, if he/she? is still available. I have 1 lonely ram in my tank at the moment. Am I right in thinking this is a Bolivian ram? Any idea on the sex and size...
  35. jbeechey

    Free Firemouth Free To Good Home Free

    Mutley, PL4. Not really sure it is suitable for my tank although I love the look of them. I have some neon tetras, 2 Kribs a couple of BN Plecs and a Bolivain ram in a 90L.
  36. jbeechey

    Free Firemouth Free To Good Home Free

    Is it still available? I am in Plymouth. How big is it at the moment? What fish has it been living with? Cheers James
  37. jbeechey

    Brown Leaves?

    OK looks like I need to get some ferts then. Anyone had any success with the pets at home own brand stuff?
  38. jbeechey

    3 Ft Tank Project

    Lake malawi and lake tanganyika chclinds can only really be kept with fish that are equally aggressive and are usually kept in species only tanks. A pair of dwarf chiclids like kribinsis or rams are much better suited to your tank size and other inhabitants.
  39. jbeechey

    3 Ft Tank Project

    Looking good. What have you got planned fish wise? Are you going with gravel or sand? Also, check out the hoods made by clearseal. Might be able to get one second hand...
  40. jbeechey

    My 1St Aquarium - 90L

    I will give it a go but he/she is quite shy :)