Brown Leaves?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 30, 2009
Reaction score
Plymouth, UK
Hey having a few problems with plants in my tank. Wonder if anyone can give me some advice.

I have a 90L community set up with a few live plants. Some kind of vallis, a java fern, ammazon sword and an anubis. The Java fern is attached to a piece of bogwood and the vallis are planted in the sand substrate. Both the Vallis and Java fern have developed brown edges to their leaves. They have been in the tank for about 2 months but show little sign of new growth. The vallis has sent out some runners and spread but has not grown upwards. Its shorter than when I first had it!

I have 1 20W T8 light tube
No ferts or anything like that yet
Weekly water changes

Some photos -




Thanks in advance
I had loads of problems with vallis (I have the twisted variety) until I started to introduce CO[sup]2[/sup] Got a really cheap kit and put it on just before the lights go on. Upped the lighting to 8 hours a day. Add Tetra Plant liquid at each water change and plants growing loads. Look at the piccy in my signature picture and then at the bottom of the - my tanks section.

Java fern (which I have growing round a tube) has done well too although it does have brown bits where the lights don't get to. Looking to put some cave like material to cover this and provide extra hiding spaces for my bristlies.

If you want live plents you gotta give 'em what they need - light, CO[sup]2[/sup] and nutrients
I say it is from the lack of ferts.

I would start to dose a good trace fert, such as Seachem Flourish.

OK looks like I need to get some ferts then. Anyone had any success with the pets at home own brand stuff?

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