I'm Not Quite Sure...


Fish Herder
Aug 29, 2006
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I have now decided on the 55 gallon's stocking:

4 yoyo loaches
1 rainbow shark
1 chinese algae eater
2 bolivian rams
6 corydoras catfish
10 cherry barbs
2 angel fish

But now I have a question on the stocking of the 29 gallon. Would this be okay?

5 female bettas
5 platys
1 mollie
1 guppy
3 oto catfish

I'd also like to know if cherry shrimp would be okay in that sort of setup or would they just get eaten?
Hi. The Yo-Yo loach, Pakistani loach, should be in a group so I'd buy at least 3 more of a similar size if I were you and you've a 55 gallon tank. They really come in to their own in a small group, playful with occasional scraps and are bolder and a pleasure to watch. I had one but now have 5 and the original one comes out much more.
With a tank that size you have a lot of choice - most tetras, barbs, corys, gouramis, SA chilids. Best thing to do is have a look through some pictures, see what you like the look of and come back and ask specifics about how many and combinations etc.
Hi. The Yo-Yo loach, Pakistani loach, should be in a group so I'd buy at least 3 more of a similar size if I were you and you've a 55 gallon tank. They really come in to their own in a small group, playful with occasional scraps and are bolder and a pleasure to watch. I had one but now have 5 and the original one comes out much more.

Yeah, I was thinking about that. The only problem is that the pet stores around me have stopped selling them. I've had the yoyo ever since I first got the tank. Maybe I could buy them online?

So if I had 4 yoyo loaches and then the rainbow shark.. what else goes well with them?
I was thinking more on the lines of fish that I'd normally not be able to have in the 29 gallon.
4 yoyo loaches
1 rainbow shark
1 chinese algae eater

I've never kept Cichlids before, so do you have any suggestions for those?
I was thinking more on the lines of fish that I'd normally not be able to have in the 29 gallon.
4 yoyo loaches
1 rainbow shark
1 chinese algae eater

I've never kept Cichlids before, so do you have any suggestions for those?

I would recommend a pair of kribs or a Pair of Bolivian Rams. Depends on your preference, or maybe a pair of angel fish lots of choice! :)
I was going to suggest angels too. But there are LOTS of things, just look around, do some research and find what you think is nice. Then check with the guys here. :good:

You could have Apistos (Any species)
Keyhole Cichlids

And more...
My local petstore has a some nice Bolivian Rams. Is it too much having 2 rams and 2 angels in the same tank? Also, what about some corydoras?
I've been looking around and I was wondering if this is an okay list for the 55 gallon:

4 yoyo loaches
1 rainbow shark
1 chinese algae eater
2 bolivian rams
6 corydoras catfish
10 cherry barbs
2 angel fish

Is this okay? Or would the angel fish be bothered by the barbs? Also, I've been thinking about what I want to do with the 29 gallon and I came up with this idea.

5 female bettas
5 platys
1 mollie
1 guppy
3 oto catfish

That roughly. And would cherry shrimp be okay in that sort of setup, or would they be eaten?
Thanks for the help :)
I've been looking around and I was wondering if this is an okay list for the 55 gallon:

4 yoyo loaches
1 rainbow shark
1 chinese algae eater
2 bolivian rams
6 corydoras catfish
10 cherry barbs
2 angel fish

Is this okay? Or would the angel fish be bothered by the barbs? Also, I've been thinking about what I want to do with the 29 gallon and I came up with this idea.

5 female bettas
5 platys
1 mollie
1 guppy
3 oto catfish

That roughly. And would cherry shrimp be okay in that sort of setup, or would they be eaten?
Thanks for the help :)

Your 55g sounds good, cherry barbs wont bother angels but fully grown angels may eat them , if you get small angels they wont see the cherrys as food and will grow up with them around and still not think of them as food even when the angels are bigger, they will see them as tank mates.
On your 29g i have no experience with female bettas so hopefully someone else can comment.

spoon :cool:
I've been looking around and I was wondering if this is an okay list for the 55 gallon:

4 yoyo loaches
1 rainbow shark
1 chinese algae eater
2 bolivian rams
6 corydoras catfish
10 cherry barbs
2 angel fish

Is this okay? Or would the angel fish be bothered by the barbs? Also, I've been thinking about what I want to do with the 29 gallon and I came up with this idea.

5 female bettas
5 platys
1 mollie
1 guppy
3 oto catfish

That roughly. And would cherry shrimp be okay in that sort of setup, or would they be eaten?
Thanks for the help :)

Your 55g sounds good, cherry barbs wont bother angels but fully grown angels may eat them , if you get small angels they wont see the cherrys as food and will grow up with them around and still not think of them as food even when the angels are bigger, they will see them as tank mates.
On your 29g i have no experience with female bettas so hopefully someone else can comment.

spoon :cool:

Thanks for the help :)

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