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  1. K

    female gourmis and fancy guppies

    im worried about over crouding the betta tank though. the platies i have now are a good 3 inches each. the parents were 4 inches each....
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    Dragon eel?

    yup thats them! no i have 2 dodjos of my own so i knew they were not a dojo. so its a dragon goby. dose any one know about them? they are interesting looking. so ugly there hipnotic. whats there personality like? are they as mean as they look?
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    Dragon eel?

    they had big ugly faces and up turned mouths.
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    Dragon eel?

    hey guys at the pet store they had "Kuhlii Loachs". but i dont think they were. they looked alot like a dragon eel..they were gray shaped like them too. they were 2-3 inches long. but they didnt have spikes. and they were in a tank with about 30 of them...were they dragon eels....or some weird...
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    i agree and you should have a 5 gallon tank to heat it properly and ammonia will be high in a few days if its a smaller tank.
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    female gourmis and fancy guppies

    i have a 20 gallon with one female groumie and was wondering if a few guppies would be a good choice? some say yes were others say no.....if they didnt work in the gourmis tank then in a 7 1/2 gallon with a male betta work? or will they fight ect?
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    blue gouramis ..20 gallon

    this question has probly been asked a millon times but what would be a good tank mate? i have one full grown female blue gouramis, with 2 red platys in a 20 gallon tank. what about other typs of gouramis? guppys? tetras ect? any ideas would be great! :nod:
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    female bettas and gourmies?

    i didnt see how they could work together. :dunno: what about other fish? any sugestions? :flex:
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    female bettas and gourmies?

    Hi i have a 20 gallon tank with one blue gourmie(female) and 2 red platies. i was wondering if i have any more room for some other fish? if so what? the lady at the pet store said female bettas do well with them ........ -_- but i dought it. i like guppies but was wondering about them too. and...
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    Black Moor in a 10 gallon

    I agree even a 10 gallon for a goldfish is too small you will have to upgrade asap or he will be stunted and that has huge effects on a goldfishes health. he is small but with in 4 months you will need a bigger tank. If you want 2 goldfish my rule of thumb is 20 gallons for the frist fish ten...
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    dwarf puffer

    ps i have 20 gallon with one blue femal groumie 2 platys and a molly but i thnk they would not mix. no?
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    dwarf puffer

    would it be fine for one puffer in my 7 1/2 gallon or should i keep them in pairs?
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    dwarf puffer

    Hi, I have this 5 gallon tank with a heater hoood light and filter and a 7 1/2 gallon that is a bow front tank. i have had bettas in them in the past but i was looking at the Dwarf puffersand i love the look of them and they have some of the tings i looking for but befor i even think of geting...
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    i have a 20 gallon tropical

    Realy i thought they were like tetras and needed a school. so they dont need others but will they be happier with them?
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    Fish in the sink!

    lol. I have 2 dojo loaches(weather loaches) in my goldfish tank when I was cleaning an orniment just like you, didnt see them so assumed they were some were and put it in the sink. i tuned my back for a min or two to get some towels and i hear this thud. my poor fish was in the oniment and...
  16. K

    i have a 20 gallon tropical

    Hi guys I have a 20 gallon wide tank with 2 platys one blue groumie and one molly. the problem is i feel im stocked up but they all are schooling fish and need min 3 each....what should i do?
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    baby brine shrimp

    Hi :) i have hatched bbs sevral times :) and my fish dont eat them because i belive they cant see them :sad: ....why els would they not eat them? :thumbs: they dont even know there there. I would like to feed them to my 2 male bettas and in my 20 gallon tank with 2 platys one blue gromie and...
  18. K

    in a bind..housing blue gouramies and a male betta

    its a shaped tank though... can you buy dividers for them? its a bow front tank.
  19. K

    in a bind..housing blue gouramies and a male betta

    i had a breeding container(it was plastic not one of the new net ones.) and had him in the 7 gallon with the platies and he hated it. just sat there all day, fins down ect. the container was about a half a gallon big.....any more ideas? my betta has eaten the fry when they were smaller and so...
  20. K

    New Nitrate Filter

    I dont like to use other things besides plants and water changes to remove anything from my water, alot of the products that remove things like ammonia will also give you a high(false) reading, so how do you know if it removed hardly anything or alot?
  21. K

    in a bind..housing blue gouramies and a male betta

    Hey guys, i have a 20 gallon tropical tank that is highly planted(fake ones though with some real) it has 2 platies, 4 corys, and 2 blue gouramies. Well my platies mated and i needed a place to put the fry. So I put my male batta in milk jug (I no it was only temp) and the fry in the 7 1/2...
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    small tanks

    Hey guy im a breeder of show bettas, and in my opinion, one gallon is a MIN(meaning they can survive but few strive) the ideal tank is 2.5(heated in any way possible) to 5 to 7 gallons. If you get any bigger they do get stressed out and don't swim around ect. Heres a some littel tricks to see...
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    omg omg omg!!!!!!!!

    im going to move my betta out of the tank he is in now and place him in a 3 gallon jar( not the best but it'll do for now) I already have a heater on the 7 gallon, im going to take them out tonight. some of the fish are already showing coler! i wonder how long they have been there for?
  24. K

    omg omg omg!!!!!!!!

    omg!!!! i was cleaning out my tank doing a syphoning of my river rocks and as im dumping the water into the tup I see 4 littel fish splashing around!!! im like wut the hell were did you guys come from i looked in my tank and couldt find any more not having any more room in any of my tanks i...
  25. K

    What fish are you?

    lol i like this topic. :P hmmm im new to tropicals so i dont know a hole lot of diffrent fish out there :unsure: . but...i like large groups,as well as my alone time, i like bright dramatic things(like my cloths and my red hair) i always seem to know whats going on around me. im a lover not a...
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    African Cichlids Community Tank

    hey guys my mom is going to try an african cichlid community do we know if they are african cichlids? i dont want to be putting the wrong fish in there.
  27. K

    platy not eating?? why??

    he must be . its been about 5 days now and i havnt seen him eat and he looks just as good as when i got him
  28. K

    platy not eating?? why??

    ok, my bettas dont even notice them in the tank so i figured it would be the same but ill try :D i fed them peas today but he picked at it but never took a bite out of one.(i de shelled them and everything :( picky fish. maby he is eating when i go out of the room because iv had him for a few...
  29. K

    platy not eating?? why??

    :unsure: ohh well, I have bbs eggs I just havn't masterd harvesting them yet. they hatch fine but how long dose it take for them to get big enuff so they will eat them?
  30. K

    platy not eating?? why??

    Hi everyone, I have a 20 gallon tropical tank, its been running 3 months and is fully cycled. I have 2 Blue Groumies, 4 Corys and just got 2 Platys. I have had them in the tank for two days now and the one will not eat the flake food(tetramin tropical mix)it's interested in food just dosn't end...
  31. K

    platy and groumies?

    i think i would only get too females? wutcha guys think? i dont want to push over stocking my tank,
  32. K

    90 gallon wut to do?

    i talked her out of puffers because she wanted other fish with them. and as iv been reading here you shouldnt realy put puffers in a tank with other fish besides some bottem dwellers. she wanted to chance it like one of the other posters i so i showed her the post and she was ":unsure...
  33. K

    90 gallon wut to do?

    we were looking though some fish sites and she likes the blood parrot ciclid and the red tail shark. wut info dose any one have on the parrot fish? i love the african ciclids alot but she dosnt want just one typ of fish in the tank she wants a more comunity tank sorta thing but with difrent...
  34. K

    90 gallon wut to do?

    hey guys my mom wants to set up her 90 gallon she knows nothing about fish so i will be doing most of it :flex: any ways i dont know uwts realy out there my mom is looking for a very active tank. she wants somthing going on at all times. she likes ciclids(spelling?) and red tail sharks and...
  35. K

    platy and groumies?

    hey guys i have a 20 gallon tank with 2 blue groumies and 4 corys i saw some HUGE platies all about 2 to 3 inches. i was wondering if they would be ok in the tank? i did some basic reading on them and they seem like they would be i just wanted to dubble check.
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    How can they survive

    yah i agree i dont keep any goldie in anything under 20 gal
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    Aggressive Black Moor?!?!?

    goldfish in general are nice fish but i have this one goldie(fantail) that has a 5 point kill on his belt. so he is in a 29 gal all by him self. some just dont like other goldies. wen mating they do get more fisky. to sex a goldie is hard but can be done. males will have breeding stars on there...
  38. K

    another idiot on ebay

    i breed goldies.keep em and love them :D and there is no way you can house a healthy goldie in anything under ten gallons. ten galons is a bare min like one gallon for a betta. i keep all my goldies in min 20 gallons each.
  39. K

    Another product of fish cruelty :(

    no i dont think anyone minded. my science teacher was toltaly into it though. he was so proud i actuly kept care of it and it wasnt just an assesorie like one of thoughs hand bags