Black Moor in a 10 gallon

I have a 29 gallon I could put them in if they grew too large before I could get them another tank. :thumbs: I do daily or every other day water changes anyway with one goldy in the 10 gallon. I've had him maybe a month and he is still less than 2 inches long.
sylvia said:
If you honestly believe you'll be doing water changes daily then fine but I still think there's a risk you'll miss a change or two and they'll suffer.
Hi Raechal :)

You know your schedule and the amount of work you are able to put into keeping your fish healthy. I would be more likely to trust your judgment than that of other members who tend to make rather presumptuous statements. :grr:

Your goldies will be fine and so will your corys, in their 29 gallon home. It is water quality that matters and you will have it. :thumbs: When it is no longer feasible to keep them there, I'm confident you will deal with that too. :D
Inchworm said:
sylvia said:
If you honestly believe you'll be doing water changes daily then fine but I still think there's a risk you'll miss a change or two and they'll suffer.
Hi Raechal :)

You know your schedule and the amount of work you are able to put into keeping your fish healthy. I would be more likely to trust your judgment than that of other members who tend to make rather presumptuous statements. :grr:

Your goldies will be fine and so will your corys, in their 29 gallon home. It is water quality that matters and you will have it. :thumbs: When it is no longer feasible to keep them there, I'm confident you will deal with that too. :D
:nod: I am kind of obsessed with water changes and do water changes almost everyday, even if it makes me late to school. :p

My fish come before anything else, basically. :lol: :wub:
It's nice to see that you are willing to put the time in for your goldfish. 10 gallons (u.s) is pushing it for fancy tailed fish but even then you would need 10 times filtration for just one fish as they are very messy. Two fish is pushing your filter to cope but if you are willing to do 30% water changes every day then yes for a short time you could do it.
The only issue i would have is that your fish is currently getting over ick and so you would need to be 100% positive your fish was completely over that before even thinking of getting another. Another concern is putting an unquarantined fish in with a weakened blackmoor, do you really want to risk bringing in another or the same disease?
My own oranda lived alone quite happily for several months before a tumour claimed him and i bought him at just over an inch long and in three months he was over 3 inches long.
As you are upgrading soon then personally i would suggest hanging on and using the 10 gallon as a quarantine tank for the newcomer for a month. Please dont think your fish will be lonely, with plenty of interaction from you he wont be.

As for corys, please be aware that they dont grow that big but your oranda will get to 6 inches at least and will readily eat a cory and get it stuck in his throat, believe me i've seen it happen.

The best tank mate if you want anything just now are a couple of dojo's.

Good luck with what you choose to do. :)
I agree even a 10 gallon for a goldfish is too small you will have to upgrade asap or he will be stunted and that has huge effects on a goldfishes health. he is small but with in 4 months you will need a bigger tank. If you want 2 goldfish my rule of thumb is 20 gallons for the frist fish ten for the next one you get. but thats just a min, to reach full size and health a goldfish needs 20 to 30 gallons each. a 30 gallon with 2 fancy goldfish and a small school of wite cloud minnows are a pair of dojos will be fine. i highly recomed a pair od dojo loaches in a goldfish tank they make an awsome team.

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