How can they survive


Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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how can goldfish live in a bowl without airation? The walmart cosmetic counter has a goldfish bowl with two goldfish, and Im pretty sure that theyre the same fish everyweek. I know when I was little I had goldfish in a bowl, and in a 2 gallon tank. But when I put a goldfish that was being beatten up in a bowl for 30 minutes it died. So how is that some of them can live with out aeration?
They can survive, Goldfish are quite hardy and providing the water is changed they could live in there for several months or even a year or two but after this the cramped conditions would cause their dimise. They can easily live for 20 years in the right conditions so if you consider this you will see the problem with keeping Goldfish in bowls. :)
I know, i have a tank for my goldfish, 10 gallons for the one. But I dont see how they can breath without aeration. Dont they need high oxygen amounts? They dont have that betta organ do they?
No they can live in water with quite a low oxygen content, but they will be far less active and some what subdued. :)
as long as there is some water surface area in contact with oxygen
there will be some (if very little ) oxygen in the water
goldfish are very resistant to low oxygen levels as are tench.

but doesent do them any good and is cruel to keep them in such conditions

have a whip round and buy them a wee pump to put in :cool:

i think the walmart people should be told them. They sell 10 gallon tanks, why they just cant take one of those for them is a mystery. They have a 3 gallon or so for sick fish, they should accomadte the goldfish more.

So if I bought a 10 gallon tank just added water and placed goldfish in it theyd be bale to breath? Would they jump out though without a top?
Goldfish aren't really jumpers. the wild ones may have been but if you get it its probably been bred in tanks and shallow clay trays for atleast 600 years and thats 30-200 generations where all the jumpers die off.
thats good. Maybe my mom will let me get another goldfish tank then. My goldfish is the easiest fish I have to take care of, well except for my betta Jennifer Magdelina. The others are stressfull at times, lol, they like to jump when Im doing waterchanges, or nip at eachother. Baxter, thats my goldfish, is really nice and simple. He likes to eat alot though, but thats another story.

but thats a laught just thinking shed say yes, she gets mad if I even mention fish.
not for all of them. Black moores can live in a 10 all their life. Others like commens need 125 when theyre adults.
I'm going to chalk that comment up to not knowing any better a 10 inch (not includeing caudial fin) fish (especially one so unmanuverable as a double tailed fancy bodied goldfish) cannot live in a tank only 12 inches wide a 20 long is pushing it for being to narrow and that is why when people suggest "20 gallons for 1 fish and 10 gallons for every other after thet" they often add that goldifhs are social critters and like to be in there own company.125 gallons sounds good for a fish in a pond but its not really aplicable for a fish tank. Fish tanks by there nature are pushing the limits and have developed different meathods for maintaining healthy fish such as activated carbon, skimmers, nitrate and phosphate absorbing medias and filtering water 10 times per hour. none of thes however make it easyer for a fish to turn around in a small tank. Many fancy Goldies dye from swim bladder conditions and the swim bladder is the first organ to be harmed by stunting so it is especialy important to keep them from stunting. And as for the liveing out there whole life in a ten gallon a seahorse can live out its whole life in a freshwater tank but it won't be a long one and it certainly wont be a happy on.

Be kind to your ray finned friends.

I'd agree with opcn, although you may not believe Black Moors can reach 8-10" believe me they can so they need at least 20 gallons if you want them to have a nice easy good life. :)
I know, ive seen some full grown ones at petsmart.

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