in a bind..housing blue gouramies and a male betta


Fish Fanatic
Apr 19, 2004
Reaction score
candada B.C
Hey guys, i have a 20 gallon tropical tank that is highly planted(fake ones though with some real) it has 2 platies, 4 corys, and 2 blue gouramies. Well my platies mated and i needed a place to put the fry. So I put my male batta in milk jug (I no it was only temp) and the fry in the 7 1/2 gallon the batta was in. Now the weather is getting cold so my bettas "tank" is too cold for his and my liking. But he eats the fry. and the gouramies will eat them for shure. so they are going to stay were they are. what i would like to do (if itll work) is put my aduly platies with the fry( will they eat them? they are about a month old --- and about that big not see though any more) and then put my betta in the 20 gallon with the gouramies and the corys. Will this work? If not dose any one have an idea on what will work using what i have? ps i paln to give the fry away as soon as they are a inch or so to a pet store. i just want to wait beacause they would be fed as feeders if they are any smaller. :(
i acquired about 100 swordtail fry and had no where to put them, so i put them in a ten gallon with my betta, i figured he would eat some but i had no where else to put them. he never ate a single one.
you might need a breeding net.. put the male betta in there with the gourami's??

then add the fry in the bettas old tank.. till they are bigger and then swap everything back like it was??

the breeding net will me much better than a milk jug
i had a breeding container(it was plastic not one of the new net ones.) and had him in the 7 gallon with the platies and he hated it. just sat there all day, fins down ect. the container was about a half a gallon big.....any more ideas? my betta has eaten the fry when they were smaller and so i tryed to put him in there now that they are biger and he ate 5 of them :blink:

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