Dragon eel?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 19, 2004
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candada B.C
hey guys at the pet store they had "Kuhlii Loachs". but i dont think they were. they looked alot like a dragon eel..they were gray shaped like them too. they were 2-3 inches long. but they didnt have spikes. and they were in a tank with about 30 of them...were they dragon eels....or some weird Kuhlii Loach ? do some dragon eels not have spikes?
did they have friendly little faces with little barbels like cory cats or did they have BIG mean looking faces with huge, upturned mouths?

khulli loaches rather look a bit innocent and befuddled, with teeny-tiny specks for eyes. there are 3-4 species that are commonly confused with khulli loaches, but their care/size/habits are all pretty much the same, so that shouldn't be a problem. mine's one of those and is all-black as opposed to the bands of orangey-pink that true khuliis have. i have to say, he looks a bit grey for a few hours after i've had to chase him around the tank.

can't really speak for dragon gobies/eels.
were they....


dragon goby.
yup thats them! no i have 2 dodjos of my own so i knew they were not a dojo. so its a dragon goby. dose any one know about them? they are interesting looking. so ugly there hipnotic. whats there personality like? are they as mean as they look?
Depending on the exact species of dragon goby it could get anything from 9-24" full grown.

My fella will get to about 20" eventually (IIRC!!)

My one the G. Peruanus is happy in freshwater or brackish. Currently living in a brackish tank at SG 1.010. They require a sand substrate are they like to do there own aquascaping :rolleyes:

Mine eats anything i chuck in which is only froozen and some live- bloodworms, discus mix (high protein froozen food), lance fish - he just nibbles at these same with river shrimp.

The are filter filters which means they can't actually kill anything of a descent size, just no keeping guppies and such like with them.

There grumpy lil guys who will nudge anyone out of there way.
I'd tell the shop they are not khuli loaches :) I can imagine some poor guy buying four and ending up with no fish left in his community....

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