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  1. R

    I Need A Name!

    I like Rasputin
  2. R

    Extremely Slow Cycle Please Help

    Hi All, well I think I can safely say that I am now cycled. I actually let the cycle qualifying week run for 15 days, as day 14 landed on Christmas. I went to the store this morning and found a beautiful Betta for the 5 gallon. I got some white cloud minnows for the 12 gallon, I origionally...
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    Extremely Slow Cycle Please Help

    So just a quick update I have been getting double zeros now for 12 days, I know I should count myself cycled, but with all the trouble I had I am not going to count my self cycled until I have had 14 days of double zeros, but if all goes well I should be able to start adding fish this weekend...
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    Overcrowded ?

    Not sure about the general stocking, but agree with the pleco being too big. My neighbour has one in his 72 gallon, and it is about a foot long (no idea what type), so I think there is a very good possibility that the pleco will get too large for the 10 gallon tank.
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    Liquid Test Kits - How To Perform And Read Tests

    Looks good to me, I think it will be very helpful to new beginners. I agree with you about it getting too confusing adding all the variables that can go wrong and the things that could change water paramers, there is just too many of them and I think it would be too much to add. Anyway the...
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    Extremely Slow Cycle Please Help

    Hello everyone, just a quick update, so it has been 9 days since I add the nite out to the tanks and everything is going great. My nitrite spike is over and I am back to dosing the tanks at 4ppm of ammonia, still clearing after 12 hours. The nitrites them selves are also doing great. I got my...
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    Extremely Slow Cycle Please Help

    SUCCESS :yahoo: Well that is if it continues. So I added the entire bottle of Nite Out 2 last night to the tanks, a small bottle for the 5 (treats 480 gallons) and a large bottle for the 12 (treats 240 gallons) and with the lab results this morning I have change. Results last night before...
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    Extremely Slow Cycle Please Help

    I know what you mean, that is actually why we did that in the first place, but like I said we did it before I started to see some progression, we haven't done it since the second media donation (since I started to see progress than stopped), so I know he does his water changes on Saturdays or...
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    Extremely Slow Cycle Please Help

    Thanks waterdrop. The ammonia is definitely still good, I always dread taking the lid off the bottle, the whole house smells afterwards, gives me a headache every time, so the smell is most definitely there. As for the media, I do currently have fluval pieces in there and have been in there...
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    Extremely Slow Cycle Please Help

    Thanks rebrn, I too did some research and found similar findings to what you reported, so I think you are right and we can safely eliminate the flouride as the problem. So update: My neighbour and I decided to do a little experiment with the smaller tank (5 gallon). I have an Aquaclear 20...
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    Extremely Slow Cycle Please Help

    Well good to know that the D2O is not the problem and that I cleaned the tanks properly. I was grasping at straws but thought maybe. As for the RO system, I know we were quite surprised that they had "whole house" systems, but they were in the thousands of dollars to buy plus installation. I...
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    Extremely Slow Cycle Please Help

    Two thoughts I just had, not sure if this will help but ... I did not clean the new tanks when I got them, I just rinsed them out with dechlorinated water. I did not use bleach, soap, vinegar or any type of cleaning solution, just water to rinse. I live near a nuclear power plant, which has...
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    Aqua Clear Filters

    Hello, I don't actually have an aqua clear filter, but my neighbour has them on all his tanks and he used to have that problem with all three of them, even after replacing the motor. What he did to fix the problem was first make sure the filters are completely level on the tank (I think that was...
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    Extremely Slow Cycle Please Help

    To Rebrn: Yes the kits are still in date, even called API to confirm I was calculating the dates correctly. All regeants were manufactured in 2009. So yep still good there. To OldMan47: Both tanks are new, including the filters, heaters, lighting hoods etc. All new. The smaller tank was...
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    Extremely Slow Cycle Please Help

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone else has any ideas regarding my stopped cycle. Just to clarify, as I was asked this by one of my neighbours, I did not wash or rinse the donated media prior to adding to the tank. I was tempted as the sponges were fairly dirty, however, as they did not impede...
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    Extremely Slow Cycle Please Help

    That is exactly what I was thinking, but I am at a loss as to what it could be. My two neighbours are using tap water too, all from the same source, and they don't seem to have these problems. I am not sure if it is the water, or if I am doing something wrong. I have the filters running...
  17. R

    Extremely Slow Cycle Please Help

    OK so it has been about a month since I added the donated media to my tanks. Basically, I put in as much of the donated sponge into the filters as I could (added to the filters, also kept my original media) while maintaining good water flow, added the donated gravel to the tanks (placed in new...
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    Extremely Slow Cycle Please Help

    Well I think I at last found the problem and a potential solution. I took my nieces to the local public aquarium (not a large one, small private owned) and spoke to one of the aquarium "keepers" that work there. When I told him the story of my tanks that just won’t cycle, he actually laughed...
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    Extremely Slow Cycle Please Help

    No I haven't, but you are right, that would make sense. I wonder if I should use the dirt in my back yard or some of my potting soil. I suppose potting soil would be less likely to have additional contaminents/pollutants in it, might be safer in the long run.
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    Extremely Slow Cycle Please Help

    ok ... well I have the heaters set at 83 so I just leave it there just in case...although I am almost certain I don't have 6 bad themometers :). I know I am so confused about this, I mean I have a biology major, granted zooology not marine biology, but still, scientifically speaking, this makes...
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    Extremely Slow Cycle Please Help

    Actually the temp readings I gave were actually off the themometers. I have 3 for each tank, one that sticks on the outside (I know not extremely accurate), one regular thermometer suction cupped to the inside of the tank and one probe digital thermometer. And of course they are all on the...
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    Extremely Slow Cycle Please Help

    Yeah I didn't think it was the dechlornitor, but that was the only difference between my tanks and thiers, grasping at straws here to find an answer :). As for the water changes. I did not do one after seeding with my friends media. I did it before then about 3 weeks after only because I had...
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    Extremely Slow Cycle Please Help

    Well I will try that again. That is what I did before I added the filter media the last time, large water change, washed the filter in the tank then added the actual spongey type thing (sorry not sure exactly what it was but look like a sponge to me) to my filter, and dosed with ammonia. I...
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    Extremely Slow Cycle Please Help

    Hi again, just tested my water again today - no changes from the information in the above post. Also, I forgot to mention, both my neighbours (20+ years of experience) also tested my water in the last couple of days. I don't remember the exact numbers they got where but they said my KH, GH...
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    Poll Who Wants The Old Forum Back

    I say keep the new! Maybe it is because I am new and haven't used the old set-up that much, but I really like the new look, I acutally find it easier to navigate, I have found things on this new layout that I never could find (or even new existed) on the old layout. Keep the new ... change is...
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    Um Is This The New Permanant Layout ?

    I don't maybe it is just because I am new and haven't used the "old" fourm that much, but I really don't see any major difference. I can still find everything, it is was easy to find the personal message section, fourms, new content etc, to be completely honest, I have actually found things...
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    Extremely Slow Cycle Please Help

    Hello everyone, Ok so I have had my 2 tanks set up for about a month. The 12 gallon has been set up and running fishless cycle since Oct 1, 2009 and the 5 gallon have been set up fishless cycle since roughly Sep 5, 2009 (I did have fish in this tank 2 danio for less then 24 hours ... they were...
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    Best Dechlorinator/conditioner

    well lots to ponder, obviously no one clear winner :lol:. I also had one other quick question. I have been pretreating the basically if I remove 1 gallon of water from my tank, then I replace with one gallon of treated water. Is this correct, or should I be treated for the total...
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    Dechlorinator: To Use Or Not To Use?

    Hi I am new to the fourm and kinda new to fish keeping so here is my problem: I have had very mixed reviews regarding dechlorinators/conditioners. I have 2 friends locally that have been keeping fish for 20+ years and never used a dechlorinator/conditioner and thier fish are great. They let the...