Extremely Slow Cycle Please Help

I know what you mean, that is actually why we did that in the first place, but like I said we did it before I started to see some progression, we haven't done it since the second media donation (since I started to see progress than stopped), so I know he does his water changes on Saturdays or Sundays. So this weekend I will go over when he does his water changes and get some of his old water and try it again. It might be enough to give it the kick start it needs to get over this stall. I know the water doesn't hold the bacteria but who know it might be something like you said, one of those weird things we don't normally test for. I don't know it is just so weird, I know he won't mind me taking his old water, he is just as curious about this as I am. It just doesn't make any sense, especially since I saw such progress and now nothing, it is just odd. Like my tanks are working against me or something :lol: I did mix up the gravel just in case something somehow got into my tank, like a snail or something that might be producing ammonia, but I saw nothing. I did however see some planaria today, I am assuming that it got in when I was using the neighbours media not sure though. I know that they are harmless to the fish, and come in with poor water conditions, could that be the cause of the stalled cycle, do they produce ammonia? There wasn't much, at least that I could see, just 4-5 little worms, like I said I know they are harmless to the fish and will go away when the water conditions get better, but wasn't sure if they could cause the stall.

Thanks again
SUCCESS :yahoo: Well that is if it continues. So I added the entire bottle of Nite Out 2 last night to the tanks, a small bottle for the 5 (treats 480 gallons) and a large bottle for the 12 (treats 240 gallons) and with the lab results this morning I have change.

Results last night before dose (the same results since the stall roughly 1 month ago):

Ammonia 4ppm both tanks
Nitrite 0ppm both tanks
Nitrate 80+ both tanks
pH 7.6 (5 gallon) and 7.4 (12 gallon)

Results this morning 12 hours after adding product:

Ammonia 1-2ppm (5 gallon) 1 ppm (12 gallon)
Nitrite 2 ppm (5 gallon) 2-5 ppm (12 gallon)
Nitrates remain at 80+ppm both tanks (I'm thinking it is actually at the 160 but it is really hard to tell the difference red none the less)
pH 8.4 (5 gallon) 8.6 (12 gallon)

So it definitely looks like it got it going, hopefully it will stay that way now. I'm not expecting much, I know bacteria products don't really work, but it does look like it did what I was hoping it would, that is getting the cycle moving again. I just hope it continues.

Thanks again for all your help. :thanks:
Glad to hear things have picked up for you again, hope you don't have anymore problems, good luck with the rest of your cycle.
Hello everyone, just a quick update, so it has been 9 days since I add the nite out to the tanks and everything is going great. My nitrite spike is over and I am back to dosing the tanks at 4ppm of ammonia, still clearing after 12 hours. The nitrites them selves are also doing great. I got my first double zero in both tanks last night, and again tonight. So I guess if this keeps up for another week I can count myself cycled finally :lol: I still don't know what the problem was in regards to the stall, well actually the stop, of the cycle but what ever it was seems to be gone now. I will have to watch my tanks really closely for the first couple of months after adding the fish, but it looks like I am on track, and hopefully no more stalls. Thanks again to everyone who helped me out, and if I ever figure out the reason I will let you all know.

Thanks again.
Great News :band: Glad to hear things turned around for you, hopefully you are on your way now to a fully cycled tank. I agree it might be a good idea to keep an extra close watch once you add your fish, especially since you don't know the cause of the stall. Good luck, hopefully you won't have anymore roadblocks.
So just a quick update I have been getting double zeros now for 12 days, I know I should count myself cycled, but with all the trouble I had I am not going to count my self cycled until I have had 14 days of double zeros, but if all goes well I should be able to start adding fish this weekend.

I just wanted to thank Oldman47, Waterdrop and Rebrn for all your help with this. I still don't know what the initial problem was or what caused the cycle to stop, but what ever it was it seems like it is gone now. Thanks again for all your help, mostly for letting me vent :lol:
That is really great news, and I admire your patience to wait an extra 7 days of qualifying, but you are right probably not a bad idea with all the problems you have had.
Good job there RookieAqua. Have you got your stocking plan put together yet?

To me and many others, the real thanks is the chance to see the successful tank set up. Where are the pictures?
Yes, many congrats from me too, always nice to hear when someone can reach the point of their first stocking!

Hi All, well I think I can safely say that I am now cycled. I actually let the cycle qualifying week run for 15 days, as day 14 landed on Christmas. I went to the store this morning and found a beautiful Betta for the 5 gallon. I got some white cloud minnows for the 12 gallon, I origionally wanted Zebra Danio, but was advised that the 12 gallon tank was really too small for them. Anyway, I got a digital camera for christmas, my first one ever (I know a bit behind the times :lol: ) but it didn't work, so we took it back to the store on Boxing Day but they didn't have a replacement in stock, so they have ordered me one. I will try to get some pictures posted then.

Thanks again

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