Poll Who Wants The Old Forum Back

Do you like this new forum?

  • Yes

    Votes: 24 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 24 50.0%

  • Total voters


Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
Well I don't like the look of this forum now and want the old one back.

What do you think?
I didn't vote because the answers were either yes or no. Honestly, I'm conflicted about it at this point. I'm sure other people are too. People don't like change, and when there is change they fight as hard as they can to get their safe little world back and that makes it hard for you to get used to it. My church got a new pastor about 8 months ago, and he was way different than our last one. Different idea's, different way of life, different preaching style, he was very different. I didn't like him too much either. Many people left out church because they were to stubborn to try and get used to the way things are now. Now we all like our pastor. I believe this change of forum decide will turn out similar to what happened to my church.

I personally believe that this new set-up, in the long run may actually attract new members, and make the forum easier to maneuver for older and newer alike. Not just the design, but the software itself is newer in nature, and protect the sight from being hacked. Better protection than before we were upgraded. I really think people should just wait it out and see how they like it. The phrase " Don't judge a book by it's cover " may be applicable here.
I agree with kribensis12, I don't really know if I fully like it yet because it is new. At first glance it took me a few minutes to navigate it, but in the long run I think it will be good. It is really just a matter of getting used to the change ... which for some people is the hardest part.
Considering that upgrading is a virtual necessity these days -- better security, more features (especially from a moderating side that is going to make our job a lot easier), better database stability -- I don't really know that this poll is going to accomplish because going back really isn't much of an option.

Once all the kinks are worked out, Tolak's plan is to make available a skin that makes the forum look very close to what it looked like before.
It looks like everything is spread out too much on the page-what next ? Large print for short sighted people? If it aint broke-dont try to fix it. It ran perfectly fine before.
I say keep the new! Maybe it is because I am new and haven't used the old set-up that much, but I really like the new look, I acutally find it easier to navigate, I have found things on this new layout that I never could find (or even new existed) on the old layout. Keep the new ... change is good.
It now has RSS feed so make's watching things much easier!

And now video can be added from youtube
Which i have been putting to good use so far, so we no longer need to keep going to youtube via text links.

Upgrading is a must though, you can let large site get out of date as hackers are always looking for ways to hack into sites eps if the forum is open source meaning once one hack is found it can be used on 1000's of other sites.

the site dose look better but the icons are far to small and spread out personally. but we'll get use to it i'm sure
theres some good features..but i always used to use one whihc would show threads i posted to...now i cannot find it other then one which is not very good IMO maybe that could be sorted who knows.....the look is awefull! i liked layout of the old forum skin, but this one does have nice colours.....
Stop fearing change people.
Just because something doesn't look the same doesn't mean it doesn't work.
You have to appreciate this is not just a new look - it's an upgrade - all the codey bits that make it work have to be updated from time to time and that means certain old features and themes/skins no longer work with the new code, so then they forums techie bods (Tolak in this case) along with the forum support network (the mods) have to spend time updating all the other stuff too.

Change isn't bad. The layout isn't really different, the same format still applies, just some of the links/buttons that you were used to look different or are in a different place.
Why not have a look around and click a few things - I'm sure you'll find pretty much everything (even the aquarium calcuator is still in place - it's just not linked up yet.

Give the forum guys a break, work with them on this - I'm sure the mods are having to learn new things (probably more so) than the people using the forum.
If you don't like something be constructive - say WHY you don't like it, what is actually wrong with it and suggest how it could be improved on. Going back is not a realistic option.

Remember everyone is going to be using different set ups.
From my view point, the new style is much more fluid, less wasted space, pale background with dark text - so I see that as good.
From the forum index the "updates" thing can be shut off - there's an x near the top of the updates column - click it and poof! it's gone. Want it back after all - then simply click the little arrow that appeared when you clicked the "x".

"I don't like it" isn't constructive and doesn't help anyone, I'm sure the mods and admins appreciate constructive feedback - that is something they have a chance of working with at least.
Yah party poopers!! give the new look a chance!

I know i'm probably in the minority but i reckon its looks great!! :good:
After my last post, I have decided that I do like this new look better. I also like the way it shows your Pm's. I find it more eye appealing.
I say this poll just makes you sound like an ungrateful brat, the mods/admin dont get paid but work bloody hard, so try and appreciate their work instead of slamming it.
Rant over.
New forum looks much better and is better set out. The old one looked a bit amatuer.

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