Search results

  1. V

    Rainbow Alternatives

    Swordtails would work nicely. Thank you for the reply and the suggestion. :)
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    Rainbow Alternatives

    Thank you for the reply, minxfishy. On an aside, your aquarium in your signature always looks AMAZING! I have three male and five female boesemani rainbows. While the males certainly have more color, they still don't strike me. Not to mention my males are the most skittish of the Rainbows...
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    Rainbow Alternatives

    I have a 100 gallon tank with Blood Parrots, YoYo Loaches and some Rainbows. The Rainbows have fallen far short of my expectations being skittish, drab, and just generally unappealing to me. It's nothing against Rainbows or those who like them, but they just aren't for me. I've always been...
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    Which Substrate

    Sand would definitely be less effective at anchoring your plants and, in my opinion, much more difficult to vacuum. From what I've read (as this is something I've never expereinced with corydoras regardless of substrate), barbel erosion in corydoras species is a product of poor water quality...
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    What Colour Gravel To Go For?

    edit: I just noticed this thread was started in January. Response deleted.
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    Stocking Help (thinkfish Query)

    I would definitely not put the blue acaras and angels together in a 25 gallon tank. Some would argue that a 25 gallon is too small for even a pair of angels. In my opinion, an 8" fish (pleco and acara) in a 25 gallon tank is a little too tight. Were it my aquarium, I would consider a pair...
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    Help With Stocking

    I'm not a big fan of the inch-per-gallon rule. Without resorting to the extreme examples, it is, in my opinion, not the best rule of thumb. I would definitely increase the number of cory cats. I think you could probably get away with a group of three platys (one male, two females), but that...
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    Great News!

    Personally, depending upon how many guppies you are planning to house in the aquarium, I would think one of the small, schooling tetras for the mid-bottom, such as ember tetras or cardinal tetras, would look nice, and perhaps a female betta for some added interest as a "centerpiece." That's...
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    Keeping Parrots

    Thank you both for the replies. It's such a darn hard decision whether to go with the severum or the blood parrots. At least now I feel confident in keeping either choice. Thank you again.
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    Highly Active Fish That Can Live With Zebra Danios?

    I also fail to see any problems with keeping tiger barbs in fast moving water. If you want something a little less common and, in my opinion, a little more attractive than a tiger barb, check out black ruby barbs. There are plenty of other options, too, but I'd like to know the size of the...
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    Keeping Parrots

    Thank you for the reply, Ficious. I'm definitely going with the non-dyed parrots. So would I do purchase the fish the same as with angels, where you buy about 6, let them pair off, and return the extra 4 fish?
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    Loach Selection

    Thank you so much for the replies. B. Kubotai is actually a readily available fish to me, so I'm glad to hear they are an option as well. At the same time, I'm disappointed to hear that they all pretty much behave the same. I was hoping there would be some factor that would make the...
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    Keeping Parrots

    I have a 100 gallon tank which will house various rainbowfish and a species of loach. I'm torn between severum and blood parrots for the centerpiece fish. I'd love to keep a pair or group of either, depending upon what temperament will permit. I'm familiar with basic fish husbandry, so...
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    Loach Selection

    I have a 100 gallon tank that is going to house severum and variuos rainbowfish. I'm looking for the best choice for a group of loaches. I currently have the choices narrowed down to the YoYo Loach (botia almorhae) and Queen Loach (botia dario). I am looking for the type of fish that will be...
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    What Won't Work?

    Thank you both for the replies. I'm sorry to have taken so long to respond. For some reason when I checked new posts this one didn't get pulled up. Oh well... That's really unfortunate about the pair not being compatible with any other cichlids. I didn't realize that was an issue. I will...
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    What To Do With My New Tank?

    I agree with the above. Dwarf puffers and bettas are both fantastic fish and would be good choices for your aquarium. If you aren't looking to upgrade the lighting, you could do most any of the crypt plants (I think c. parva makes a good ground cover), most of the anubias, java fern, and java...
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    If You Keep A Betta In A Community....

    Currently I don't have any male bettas, but I've had success in keeping them with platies, glolight and cardinal tetras, corydoras catfish, and hatchetfish. I have recently come to prefer female bettas, which are much more adaptable in terms of tankmates. I've yet to find anything (within...
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    "african Dolphin"?

    Try searching "dolphin mormyrid". I don't know of any good websites, per se, but that will pull up a lot of them.
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    Slim Tank

    If you google picture frame aquariums you'll get quite a few results.
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    What Book (or Books) Are You Currently Reading?

    Oh I didn't realize you hadn't read the last two books. I'm glad I didn't give anything away about the plots. You're right about it being hard to read anything after the Twilight series. There is on thing about the series that really aggravates me. Why couldn't Ms. Meyer have written a book...
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    What Colour Bg?

    That's a clever idea, Honeythorn. My opinion, and it's just that, is that a background makes a tank look finished, so I greatly prefer the look of a tank that has one. You can't really go wrong with black, provided your lighting is decent, which it appears to be. In my mind, the deciding...
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    Thinking Of Getting Angels

    I'd say your chances are better, but, as mequro said, you'd have to try it. I would have a backup plan that I could enact immediately if things start to go bad. If the barbs look at the angels and see fins they like, it won't take them long.
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    Feeding Yellow Labs

    I stand corrected, lalo99. Thank you for catching that.
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    Want You To Be Honest Here

    People want to do what they want to do, but they lack the courage to do it without someone telling them they can. If they can find just one person to tell them that what they want to do is okay, then reality will bend and what they want to do is okay. Then they wonder why it didn't work. lol...
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    Want You To Be Honest Here

    Common courtesy, like it's cousin common sense, is becoming less and less common. I don't know to what, specifically, you are referring, but I understand your frustration with people's general lack of manners. In fact, I'm going to go back and check my posts to make sure I expressed my...
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    Feeding Yellow Labs

    Hi, Ashy. Congratulations on your purchase. Yellow labs are one of two mbuna that I actually like. In terms of feeding, mbuna can be a little more difficult than other fish. If not fed the proper food or the proper amount (within reason), they can develop something called malawi bloat...
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    What Book (or Books) Are You Currently Reading?

    Twilight was a good series, save for the last book, which felt very much like it was written with the typical sequel mentality ("We've got a money-maker here. Let's come up with something quick to make more money! Not a great plot? No big deal...just start writing!"). ally86ozzy - Have you...
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    Is This Normal Betta Behaviour

    LOL I guess that doesn't speak well for my typing speed. :) If your betta flares for more than a day, it's pretty much a done deal, I'm afraid. He won't likely stop. I don't know what to say about your gouramis. The only gouramis I've really ever been fond of are pearl gouramis, which are...
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    What Fish Are Compatible With A Pakistani Loach(yoyo)

    ROFL Pakistani loaches are quite adaptable to different tankmates. What did you have in mind?
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    Is This Normal Betta Behaviour

    While I respectfully disagree that bettas need to be kept alone, gouramis tend to be poor choices for tankmates, and blue rams wouldn't be ideal either. If the betta doesn't settle down, or if it becomes the target of aggression (something that happens a lot more than peopel realize), and you...
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    Saw To Most Awesome Betta

    The care for bettas is about the same as any other tropical fish. While they will withstand lower temperatures, they prefer warmer tropical temperatures. I have always kept my bettas at 78F. Water movement is not a bad thing, but they need to have a place to escape the faster moving water...
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    Michael Jackson Dies

    That's certainly possible. As a teacher, I can attest, from firsthand experience, to the fact that kids will abandon the truth as readily as the rest of us, but seem to have more credibility in doing so due to our misconception that they are somehow innocent. I've been accused of nearly...
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    Thinking Of Getting Angels

    I would think the finnage of the angel would have something to do with your odds of success, too. If you get a standard angel, you'll probably be fine. If you're looking at the super veiled angels, you may have some serious problems. While you have large numbers of barbs, which is great for...
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    Michael Jackson Dies

    I think we all need a shamoment of silence to remember a music legend. Now that we've gotten that out of the way, I'd like to add my two-cents-worth, meaning no disrespect toward anyone. I realize my opinions, like everyone else's, are pretty much irrelevant, and I share them only for the...
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    What Won't Work?

    Thank you for the reply, minxfishy. Is that your tank in the signature line? I love the aquascape and your gold severum is stunning. I never see them so yellow. In my area they look like they were white and got thrown in the wash machine with the yellow fish. Right now the tank is empty...
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    Recommend A Book(s)!

    I'm not much of a reader, so I can't make a lot of recommendations here. However, by far the best book I've ever read, and the only book I've read more than once, is Odd Thomas, by Dean Koontz. It's a lot like The Sixth Sense with the main character seeing dead people and trying to help them...
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    What Won't Work?

    I have a 100 gallon aquarium from which I recently removed all mbuna. No offense to those who love mbuna, but I prefer a more tranquil aquarium, and having a bunch of scrappy little misfits darting around pestering one another does not a peaceful aquarium make. I am completely restocking the...