Stocking Help (thinkfish Query)


New Member
Jul 17, 2009
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Hi All,

New user of the website, just like to say a big thank you to all users for all the information i have come across so far. I'm currently 7 days into a fishless cycle (something that i wasn't even aware of until i found this site! My ammonia levels haven't dropped lower than 4ppm yet either :( but that's another issue)

I'm after a bit of help stocking my tank when it finally completes the cycle.

I've been looking at & although i'm aware they are a fairly reputable site, i'm a little bit confused, due to reading other topics here, plus other websites on sizing/minimum tank sizes etc.

I currently have a 95l tank (80Wx30Lx40H), c/w Fluval 3+ filter, Tetratec APS 150 air pump & Hagen 150w Heater.

I've gone through the community creator & have currently saved this stock (which is just within my guided stock level of 115cm):

Angelfish x 2
Denison Barb x 3
Golden Nugget Plec x 1
Banded Gourami x 2
Blue Acara x 2

Is this actually possible/recommended??

If this is possible, i would like to keep Angelfish, acara & the plec.

If this is not advisable, do you have any suggestions/Alternatives? I'm a big fan of Cichlids, and they're the reason i've started this hobby!


I would definitely not put the blue acaras and angels together in a 25 gallon tank. Some would argue that a 25 gallon is too small for even a pair of angels. In my opinion, an 8" fish (pleco and acara) in a 25 gallon tank is a little too tight.

Were it my aquarium, I would consider a pair of angels, perhaps a group of apistos (some look very similar to the acara only smaller) and perhaps a small school of hatchetfish for the top of the tank. If you must have a plecostomus, and certainly many would understand that, somethign a little smaller such as a rubberlip pleco may be a better choice for your tank.

That's my opinion. Take it for what it's worth. Whichever route you end up going, enjoy the new tank. Congratulations!
Think fish tends to overestimate by at least 30-40% it also does not really consider tank dimensions.

Angels, Acara and the Gold Nugget all get too big for your tank and the Denison Barbs need more swimming space and a bigger group.

How about Odessa Barbs x6, 1x Bristlenose plec, Pair of Rams or other smaller cichlid (no larger than 4") and either 5 corys or 3 panchax.
Gold Nuggets will latch to large sided fish (Discus, Angels e.t.c) IME, so be careful what you put them with. Most GN's are agressive also, so need room on the bottom. One of the GN species gets to 6" (can't remember which at this time on a morning) and would be OK IMO, but you'd effectively rule out your Angels and Acaras if you add one.

The angels and Denisoni's will be fine togethter, the pleco I've outlined the issues with above, there are a number of "banded gouramis" so we'd need to know which you are refuring to here to confirm if they are OK, and the tnak is too small for Blue Acaras IMO :good: As said above, if you like Cichlids, you may consider a herem of Dwarf Cichlids (Apistogrammas, Rams, that kind of thing) as an alternative. The tank will look empty at the bottom, so it may be worth looking at some smaller corries for the bottom. Pandas are popular, but need a mature tank, but any of the Dwarf Corry species (Harbrosa's, the watsits and the other ones :shifty: That's the real name of the last two honest :blush: ) should be fine in a newly cycled tank :good:

All the best
I STRONGLY advise you dont put denison barbs in this tank...they can get to atleast 4 inches...and are way tooo active for a tank of this size...all of the above fish you mentioned are incompatible...the tank isnt really tall enough for angels once the substrate is in.

also which species of gourami do you mean by banded? do you have a scientific name?
Hi Guys,

Really appreciate the above comments, when i get chance tomorrow i'll look at all mentioned.. I'll also update on what i may choose this time round, if you guys don't mind commenting again?

I actually went to my LPS to have a look this morning,, the Blue Acara were all fighting with each other,, so probably a good idea i stay away considering! Have been reading on the Denison Barb, and concede this is also a bad idea :( ### small tank!!!!

I've read that the Bristlenose & the GN Plec grow to simlar sizes??

Truckasauras/Rabbut - The banded Gourami i was reffering too are the Rainbow type, although i quite like the Opaline too. As far as i'm (Thinktank!) aware the scientific name is Polyacanthus fasciatus.
BN can reach 6" but more often 4-5" while the smallest gold nugget reaches 7"+tail.

Gouramis could be a nice choice, opalines can be a bit aggressive (mine were fine but some people have had issues)
Lovely choice.

You can get some nice varieties too - not just brown - you can get albino, calico (brown and albino mix) and long fin types to name just a few!
For the smaller Cichlid, i'm looking at either:

Cockatoo Dwarf, Ram, Kribensis or MacMaster Dwarf.. Will say 2 of these be ok, with 2 x Angel, 1 x BN Plec, and maybe some Corys or panchax?
IMO angels will be too big.

I'd go for a pair of smaller cichlids and 4x corys and 3x panchax
this is a matter of my and many others personal opinion...many others may disagree...but ive seen documents to support this information...

German blue rams should be kept in warmer waters compared to other communal fish as they come from a warmer climate and when kept below the 28-30oC region there immune system and digestive system slow down and therefor cannot produce antibodies quick enough should they become ill...also when kept at higher temperatures they are from experience more colourful.

obviously...most other communal fish wont tolerate this sort of temperature but there are 2 or 3 species of corydoras which are compatible and also some tetras such as cardinals.

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