What Book (or Books) Are You Currently Reading?

TWILIGHT SERIES :hyper: !!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!! I don't think anyone has even said Twilight yet..... so I guess I'm unique xD I love Twilight. I just finished reading her 5th book Midnight Sun (technically not a book, she never published it because people posted it illegally online :( ) but it's pretty much the first book in the series but from a different point of view :D And now I have to read the others! I'm hooked, you can tell by my avatar and sig :lol:
About to read Ghost Walk by Brian Keene.
Read 4 of his other books prior to this one. Very good horror stuff if you don't mind reading about gore :)
I'm reading :

The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy and The Bourne Ultimatum by Robert Ludlum & The Bourne Legacy, The Bourne Betrayal, The Bourne Sanction, The Bourne Deception (have not read yet) and The Bourne Objective (is not out yet) by Eric Van Lustbader.

And after that I'm going to read The Ruins by Scott Smith.
currently watching the series adaptation of the take by Martina Cole. was sooooooooo excited, but all i can see is the same "wiered" man that played BRONSON :(
Twilight was a good series, save for the last book, which felt very much like it was written with the typical sequel mentality ("We've got a money-maker here. Let's come up with something quick to make more money! Not a great plot? No big deal...just start writing!").

ally86ozzy - Have you read The Host? I keep trying, and I've gotten about half way through, but it just doesn't have the hook of the Twilight series. Perhaps the promise of a good ending could get me going on it again.
Twilight was a good series, save for the last book, which felt very much like it was written with the typical sequel mentality ("We've got a money-maker here. Let's come up with something quick to make more money! Not a great plot? No big deal...just start writing!").

ally86ozzy - Have you read The Host? I keep trying, and I've gotten about half way through, but it just doesn't have the hook of the Twilight series. Perhaps the promise of a good ending could get me going on it again.

I've only read up to the second book in Twilight..... my dad won't get me the other two :X

I haven't read The Host... I may after I'm done with the Twilight books... but after Twilight I don't think any books I read will compare. I love the series so much :wub:
Oh I didn't realize you hadn't read the last two books. I'm glad I didn't give anything away about the plots. You're right about it being hard to read anything after the Twilight series. There is on thing about the series that really aggravates me. Why couldn't Ms. Meyer have written a book with a skinny, red-headed, pale, piano-playing high school student as a studly leading man while I was still in high school? lol
currently watching the series adaptation of the take by Martina Cole. was sooooooooo excited, but all i can see is the same "wiered" man that played BRONSON :(

Ive just seen the series and loved it - am assuming your talking about the lead character? Havent seen Bronson, so guess am lucky in that respect.

Am currently reading (for about the 4th time!) Martina Cole - Mauras Game (sequel to Dangerous Lady). Have got all her books and am currently re-reading the all of em!! I love her..she certainly has a way with words!!
i didnt enjoy the series at all :(
tried reading the business but couldnt get into it
on the other hand just read (in 2 nights) mandasue hellers "snatched" i really couldnt put it down.. not as gritty as martina`s books ( it the wording like you say) but really really enjoyed it
i have all her books too and spares :lol: ( book section is asda is sooo cheap)

you read any of mandasue hellers books? if not gimme a shout ill lend you one to have a read of,shes on the same lines, but less " hows your father" :lol:
I dont read books that often, so 2 in 2 weeks has been a record for me :)
"Boys in Baghdad"- quite good, about private contractors(payed for job) who tells his story about the battles and jobs he's encountered while being in iraq/afghanistan/africa

"House to House"- by david bellavia- an awesome book, would recommend to anybody who likes the kind-of army scene, shooting, killing, war basically... its his story(again) of being in iraq with his company of US Marines, and it is the best book i have read, some crackin imagery in there, it actually makes you feel the battles

I'm an avid reader and over the last few months have read a selection by: Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman, David Gemmell, Trudi Canavan, Robin McKinley, Dan Brown, Robert Ludlum.....

At present I'm on 'Tis by Frank McCourt (the sequel to Angela's Ashes)
Just finished Appaloosa by Robert B Parker( :good: ) and have started the Treasure of the Sierra Madre by B Traven.
Just bought Push by Saphire and waiting for it to arrive. Thought I would read it after watching the trailers for Preciuos.
My Tasted in Books is ecclectic.
Wasp Factory by Ian Banks
Brother Odd Books by Dean Koontz
Oleander Jacarande by Penelope Lively - Was going thru my old english lit books and thought i would read it again.
I've just finished Tami Hoag's Prior Bad Acts, and have started on The Sinner by Tess Gerritsen. :D

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