Want You To Be Honest Here


the one and only
Jan 20, 2008
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do you ever get fed up of reading the same post over n over again and giving basic advice?
when you know that the advice you1ve given is water tight the reader seems to "ignore" u just feel that ur banging ur head.
when there are conflcting issues, but again you know cos youve been ther done it?
takes a lot to make me fed up of TFF but just recently, today for a fact.. how do you ignore whats going on and post regardless?
also like to add that while in "real " life no one gets the better of me, here i tend to rise above it
i know what you mean shelagh its the same in alot of forums i visit but this one seems to the best out of the lot lol

i just post what works for me and if people diagree with it then its tough basically
Know what you mean Shelagh, I went through this fase about a month ago, wandering why I bothered wasting my time when half the time my advice was seemingly being ignored, now i simply ignore certain people/posts, heck if they do it us I'm gonna do it to them.

My advice is now saved for the people who i know are going to appreciate it
i actually neglect other things to come here and this thread wasnt for my beniefit its for a bloody good friend of mine that juggles and advises constantly and love her to bits, but where is there evr a thankyou sed :/
i agree not everyone says thankyou just sign out or logoff as soon as they get what info they want, i try and look for pics on whatever they are asking about and care sheets for them and personal exp and what works for me, aloot of us go to a fair bit of trouble to get the right advise for these people a little appreciation wont go a miss sometimes

manners cost nothing
Agreed with you guy's...lord knows i dont know alot but i give advice on what i know, sometimes i dont read there tank size or it does not sink in and give some bad avice on the things i thought were right, but i try to help as much as possible, if i dont know i usually know someone who does know...
That way i give the best advice i can give, i have only given advice on what i know works or does not work, sometimes its not what someone wants to hear, then someone comes in with what they want to hear, so that person who said what they want to they will listen to as apposed to the correct info,,,,does that make sence?
Thats one thing i have noticed on here,VERY FEW PEOPLE SAY THANKYOU :(

I have always made a point of thanking those who have given me advice when i need it,manners cost nothing and you never know when that persons advice may be needed again.
I think one problem is that there are a small number of regular members that do generally give the wrong type of advice that corresponds with what the OP wants to hear, and therefore it becomes harder for us to get across that the info they have been given is incorrect.
It amazes me, at work, the people who I deal with who are polite and thankful are the ones who everyone there would bend over backwards for.
Those who just assume that its a given are the ones who tend to jump up and down screaming that theyre not getting what they want when they want.

When having a good nose around on the forum, Ive seen a lot of regs coming up with so much information which has obviously taken up a lot of time for people who have asked a question thats already been answered 20 times. These types are treated too well for the thanks they give and its a shame that they take what others do for granted.

I'ld like to take this opportunity to thank anyone and everyone who has posted information on this site and, after reading your discussion, Ill ensure that from now on I remember my manners I was bought up with and say thank you for everything that I find helpful!
nothing wrong with me at all honest guv
Common courtesy, like it's cousin common sense, is becoming less and less common. I don't know to what, specifically, you are referring, but I understand your frustration with people's general lack of manners. In fact, I'm going to go back and check my posts to make sure I expressed my gratitude to those who were so helpful.

People, in general, seem to focus a lot on "me" these days, to the expense of all else, and often to even their own detriment. There will always be people who don't listen to, or don't care about, what you have to say. Try to remember the people you are here for, because there are those who desperately need your help, and who will graciously receive it. Not to mention those who get not only informed, but inspired, by you (I'm thinking of a thread where someone purchased a pair of Oscars as a result of yoru influence...hey, you can't go wrong with Oscars).

I understand you are sacrificing and giving of yourself, and you feel violated when you do so for nothing. Nobody likes urinating into the wind. Something you might want to try as a litmus test before you go into an epic and deeply informative post is to ask a few questions of the poster. Those who are actually in it will answer you. Those who just want a quick solution that's going to suit their desires usually won't.

Please don't get discouraged. I've only been here a short time, but I can tell that you are a vital and appreciated member of this board, and it would not be the same without you. The good won't always outweigh the bad, but it never will if we give up.

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