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  1. M

    Dead Animal Found In Pond

    lol it turned out to be a raccoon. I used a shovel to scoop it out this morning and i buried it in the corner of my backyard. Thanks for the reply :good:
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    Dead Animal Found In Pond

    I just discovered a pretty large animal floating in a small pond that I built in my backyard. Its about midnight and while drunkenly smoking a cigarette by my pond, I noticed an animal floating at the surface :blink: . The area around my pond is pretty dark right now, so I can't make out...
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    Festivum Cichlids

    I have 2 in a 55 gallon. They've been in there for about 3 months and they're still pretty young (about 3 inches). I was excited to find them in my LFS, but their behavior hasn't been especially interesting. I guess I would compare it to angelfish-like behavior. Graceful slow movements...
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    Are There Any Tricks To Silence A Loud Power Filter?

    I have a marineland filtering my 55 gallon and while it is significantly quieter than some of the competitors, it still has a pretty annoying hum to it. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to cut back some of the sound? I took a close look at it today and there are no noticeable clogs...
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    What Gourami?

    I strongly disagree as well, and I consider your theory to be a widely spread gourami myth. Gouramis do not get along with company of their own species or similar species. Unless you have intentions of breeding, there is no reason to keep more than one. Doing so will only increase stress and...
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    Plants Beginner

    java moss, java ferns, and duckweed (a floating plant) all ridiculously easy to care for and i've set up tanks with these three plants alone. just add some source of light and they'll survive. hope that helps
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    Dwarf Gourami

    wooo!! CAPITAL LETTERS!! :hyper: The truth is, most gouramis are aggressive and territorial to an extent. Even little dwarfs can become bullies if given the opportunity. They'll cower to larger more dominant fish, but if they're the biggest fish in the tank, they're quick to pick up on...
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    Gouramis In 10 Gallon?

    you could have one dwarf gourami and about six tetras.
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    Paradise Fish

    absolutely male, and a beautiful one at that. the paradise fish in my area are generally pale blue without stripes. anyway, anytime you see a very colorful paradise fish, its almost always male. Many stores won't even sell females because they lack color and are therefore less appealing.
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    Are Snakeskin Gouramis Aggressive Toward Eachother?

    i have a snakeskin gourami in my 55 gallon community and i want to get more because the one i have now is very peaceful toward the smaller fish in the tank. im worried though that multiple snakeskin gouramis might cause tension toward eachother. any thoughts?
  11. M

    Mixing Gouramis

    hm... well how big is the tank?
  12. M

    White Cloud Minnows Nipping Angelfish

    I have 2 angelfish and 12 white cloud minnows in a 55 gallon tank. the angels are about 4-5 inches, but they were pretty beat up when i got them (about 2 weeks ago). it looks like a fin rot/parasite problem and im treating that now. anyway, the white clouds have been nipping the angels on a...
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    Mixing Gouramis

    3 spot gouramis are known to be one of the more aggressive types. have you heard of the snakeskin gourami? they get bigger than 3-spots and they're remarkably peaceful. i have one in with 3 dwarf gouramis and he hasn't gone after them once.
  14. M

    Need Help Setting Up Tank With Substrate Fertilizer

    The fertilizer bag said about 1 to 2 pounds per gallon. I used three 15 pound bags in a 55 gallon tank. I filled the tank up but the water is now very cloudy. I rinsed the gravel and fertilizers out, but i discovered its nearly impossible to really wash out substrate fertilizer completely...
  15. M

    Euthanizing Fish With Benzocaine

    thank you, but from what i see that link focuses on benzocaine hydrochloride, and not simple benzocaine. :/ i used this method once. actually i used a hammer, but it was pretty off-putting. i'd like to avoid that if possible. i keep hearing that clove oil is widely available, but i've...
  16. M

    Euthanizing Fish With Benzocaine

    I read about the clove oil (tooth ache medication) method of euthanizing fish, but I can't find clove oil anywhere. I've been to about 5 stores now and I havent seen it yet. I got fed up and bought a similar product called benzocaine. Can this be used to euthanize a fish? I have a betta that...
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    How Big Will My Goldfish Get?

    i probably shouldve added that they're all comet goldfish, and i have a pump and filter that is advertised as suitable up to 500 gallons.
  18. M

    How Big Will My Goldfish Get?

    I have 8 goldfish in a 120 gallon pond. its about 6 feet long and 3.5 feet wide. i hear they can get huge, but the biggest one right now is just about 6 inches. how long do they take to get huge?
  19. M

    Paradise Fish In Pond

    oh no, my pond is actually very shallow. it was a design flaw on account of my ignorance at the time. i think its only about 11 inches deep. to keep the water from freezing i bought a heater and covered the pond with a tarp. it actually worked out very well. some sad news though, the...
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    Big Fish With Small Mouths?

    a snakeskin gourami will get up to 8 inches. it has a pretty small mouth too, theyre supposed to be very peaceful.
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    Can Angelfish And Ghost Shrimp Co-Exist?

    I know the answer is generally no, but are there any grey areas? I'm upgrading to a 55 gallon and I want to keep a densely planted community tank. I plan on stocking the tank with loads of ghost shrimp, a dwarf gourami, a bolivian ram, some white cloud minnows, some corys, and an angelfish...
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    How's This Stocking

    yeah, maybe it is just luck... but jeez, neon tetras?! i cant even get them to live in a bigger well cared for tank. and here this guy just buys 5 and callously dumps them in. ticks me off, to be honest.
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    Opaline/ Dwarf Gourami

    is it the only gourami in the tank? gouramis are generally only aggressive toward other gouramis
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    How's This Stocking

    this is not my tank, but a tank belonging to someone i live with heres the tank, it holds roughly 2 gallons of water and it is somewhat well-planted. it has about 3 inches of gravel with a cycled undergravel filter but no heater. also, the tanks been up for over a year now without any water...
  25. M

    Are Female Bettas Hardier Than Long-Finned Males?

    i'm under the impression that the males long-fins leave them more vulnerable to fin rot and other diseases.
  26. M

    Opaline/ Dwarf Gourami

    thats a bummer. gouramis, in general, are solitary beings. most gouramis don't like to encounter others of the same species (or similar species). the opaline gourami is much tougher fish than the dwarf. its probably best to take one of them out. if you were to heavily plant the tank you...
  27. M

    Paradise Fish In Pond

    in the summer he would go after the goldfish sometimes during feeding. its a little bit of a nuisance but the gold fish are so much bigger than him that he can't really bully anyone. and the minnows are just too fast. i'll have to keep an eye on how it turns out. yeah, it surprised me too...
  28. M

    Paradise Fish In Pond

    Has anyone else tried this? I bought one and its been in a 120 gallon pond for about a year now. i didn't want to leave it in there over winter but it seemed to be enjoying itself and my only other option was to give it to a pet store. anyway, he apparently lived through the winter because...
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    Golden Dojo Loach

    i have 3 golden dojo loaches in my 120 gallon pond. i put them in last summer and they survived the winter just fine. they survive everything really, they're incredibly hardy and they can live for about a decade. the brown ones get bigger than the gold types but you might have a hard time...
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    Dwarf Gourami With Shrimp?

    If the shrimp have enough places to hide they should be fine. ...even the small ones.
  31. M

    Shocked With Pets At Home

    personally, i don't know where all these great fish shops exist. they're like myths in my mind. all the chain stores around me (petco, petsmart) are pretty terrible, but the independently owned shops are even worse.
  32. M

    Do Low Maintenance Tall Plants Exist?

    and if so, could you name a few? by tall i mean about 12-16 inches. i have amazon swords and wisteria but they always end up looking pretty crappy after a couple months. im looking for something as low maintenance as java fern or anubias... only larger. thanks.
  33. M

    New 45L Hex

    anubias, java ferns, java moss, and duckweed are some of the easiest plants to care for. duckweed is a floating plant by the way. you could make a great looking tank simply out of those 4 plants.
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    Finally Re-Scaped

    from that picture it looks like the java fern may be getting too much light. java ferns are pretty indestructible though, maybe it wont be a big deal. you could add floating plants to provide shade but i don't know if that'll effect the needs of your other plants. nice tank :good:
  35. M

    Possible Stocking Of A 16 Gallon Tank..

    i would advise against a trio of dwarf gouramis. i've had a trio in a well planted 20 gallon tank for over a year now and its been very regrettable. i guess it comes down to personal preference but unless you have your heart set on breeding them, i think its a bad idea. the male will chase...
  36. M

    Cruelty Against Fish?!?!?

    even though it might not seem so to people on the boards, i'd say about 90% of people that keep fish abuse the hell out of them. most people that come to these boards are either educated or people looking to be educated. most fish keepers don't bother to do research. and then when you weigh in...
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    Cacatuoides ( Appistogrammas )

    lol you try google? I've never kept them but i know they're dwarf cichlids. from what i've read they're supposed to be one of the hardiest dwarf cichlids and also one of...