How's This Stocking


Apr 6, 2009
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this is not my tank, but a tank belonging to someone i live with

heres the tank, it holds roughly 2 gallons of water and it is somewhat well-planted. it has about 3 inches of gravel with a cycled undergravel filter but no heater. also, the tanks been up for over a year now without any water changes.

the stocking is

1 male betta
5 neon tetras
and 2 corydoras

i tried to persuade him out of the decision but he is stubborn. anyway, what i can't wrap my mind around is that he hasn't had any deaths yet... at all. he bought 2 corys, they lived. then 2 weeks ago he bought 5 neon tetras and a male betta and just tossed them in too. no acclimating at all, he even used the water from the fish bags.

whats the deal here? this success (or perceived success) only encourages these bad decisions.
I know someone who has a small'ish tank overstocked (not by much) and doesnt do water changes, the tank is complete green with algea (water too) and no fish have died in over 2 year but it's awful on the fish imo...

^ she also is too stubborn to do anything or take my advice.
TBH, someone like that doesn't deserve to own a fish tank.
As said above, it is not fair on the fish.
If you can't be bothered to look after it, don't have it.
Give it to someone who will.
yeah, maybe it is just luck... but jeez, neon tetras?! i cant even get them to live in a bigger well cared for tank. and here this guy just buys 5 and callously dumps them in. ticks me off, to be honest.

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