Mixing Gouramis


Jan 11, 2011
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Is it ok to mix gourami? Planning in getting maybe 3 for my bigger tank. Considering 3 morphs of 3-spot gourami (gold, blue, and anither), keeping 1m 2f ratio. Would that work?

I've heard many people say that it isn't the best of ideas to mix different species of Gourami as they have a tendency to be fairly territorial fish. However, I've had a gold gourami, moonlight gourami and honey gouramis in a community tank together for over 6 months and there have been no issues at all; they all seem to be pretty harmonious together. I think it's just a case of looking at the fish before you buy them and seeing if they appear to be at all territorial or aggressive and if so, steer clear of those particular fish. Some people may say otherwise based on their experience, but in my experience it shouldn't be a problem at all if they are in a big enough tank :nod:
Thanks. Gold, blue and opaline are all 3 spots but different colour morph. So essentially same species. In theory it should be ok right?
Thanks. Gold, blue and opaline are all 3 spots but different colour morph. So essentially same species. In theory it should be ok right?
:good: :good:

I'd consider getting all females, though, males are territorial gits ;)
Thanks. There isn't much advantage getting a male unless I want to breed, is there? I mean colour-wise both the same. Behaviour-wise not much difference right?
Thanks. Gold, blue and opaline are all 3 spots but different colour morph. So essentially same species. In theory it should be ok right?

3 spot gouramis are known to be one of the more aggressive types. have you heard of the snakeskin gourami? they get bigger than 3-spots and they're remarkably peaceful. i have one in with 3 dwarf gouramis and he hasn't gone after them once.

Thanks. Gold, blue and opaline are all 3 spots but different colour morph. So essentially same species. In theory it should be ok right?

3 spot gouramis are known to be one of the more aggressive types. have you heard of the snakeskin gourami? they get bigger than 3-spots and they're remarkably peaceful. i have one in with 3 dwarf gouramis and he hasn't gone after them once.


Thanks. Isn't snakeskin gourami a bit big for my tank, if it has a potential size of 25cm?

Thanks. Gold, blue and opaline are all 3 spots but different colour morph. So essentially same species. In theory it should be ok right?

3 spot gouramis are known to be one of the more aggressive types. have you heard of the snakeskin gourami? they get bigger than 3-spots and they're remarkably peaceful. i have one in with 3 dwarf gouramis and he hasn't gone after them once.


Thanks. Isn't snakeskin gourami a bit big for my tank, if it has a potential size of 25cm?


hm... well how big is the tank?
Well, got my 3 gouramis. Golden, blue and opaline (male). 2F 1M. The male is a bit smaller and the blue is biggest. The blue appears to be the boss at the moment, (occasionally) nipping the male. The male is fairly placid. Oh well, someone's got to wear the trousers.

The other thing I've notice is that the colour is so different when in my tank. The markings of the opaline is so much more distinct and dark(er) compare to when he was in the LFS tank. I must be doing something right. Only got him today too!

Behaviour-wise not much difference right?
Males are usually more aggressive and territiorial.

Thanks. Gold, blue and opaline are all 3 spots but different colour morph. So essentially same species. In theory it should be ok right?

3 spot gouramis are known to be one of the more aggressive types. have you heard of the snakeskin gourami? they get bigger than 3-spots and they're remarkably peaceful. i have one in with 3 dwarf gouramis and he hasn't gone after them once.

+1 Snakeskin are indeed very peaceful.

Thanks. Isn't snakeskin gourami a bit big for my tank, if it has a potential size of 25cm?


The largest my Snakeskins have got to is just over 16cm. They very rarely get to 25cm, 6 inches is more realistic.

Your tank is fully stocked and you have some 3 spots in there already which is likely to cause problems.

So far the gouramis are only nipping amongst themselves. They are not disturbing the rainbows or loaches. I think the two female (golden and blue) are fighting for dominance and the male (opaline) is just trying to get out of the way. They seemed to have stopped chasing each other now. If anything the female is more territorial. My male is rather submissive (for now).


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