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  1. C


    ok i really need to know this. when the algae dies will the water still be green and you need to change it? or will it just be drawn into the filter as dead organic matter?
  2. C


    I have a huge algae problem. My 30 gallon tank is so green i cant even see one inch into it. I really need to know how to get rid of it because its really pissing me off. I did an eighty five percent water change and put in four of those No More Algae tablets, changed the filter cartdrige and...
  3. C

    what is the fish calleD?

    Maybe its just some random thing you randomly saw and decided to randomly put in this forum randomly.
  4. C

    Do fish have memory and do they feel pain?

    This is a very arguable topic. I just wanted to see the majority of thought.
  5. C

    Chiclid Slate tank

    When my oscar was small i built him this slate cave thing. He seemed to enjoy it but he kept scraping against it as he got bigger and one day he was so scratched up it looked like his whole side was white with cuts. Buit i took the cave out and replaced it with some round river rocks and he...
  6. C

    How many tanks in your room?

    i have a 55 gallon, a 30, a 1, and a 10 all in my room. the 55 takes up most of the room. I'm probably gonna get a whole bunch of betta tanks pretty soon too.
  7. C


    Ok the water randomly turned crystal clear overnight so its not a problem anymore.
  8. C

    Digging Up Plants

    What kind of fish do you have? My oscar rips anything to shreds in his tank except for rocks. Its impossible for me to keep plants in my oscar tank.
  9. C


    Then can you tell me how to annhilate the bacterial bloom it seems to be a problem in almost all my tanks. Its so fricken annoying. The water is getting clearer from the massive amount of filters i installed but it is still noticably cloudy/
  10. C


    Does driftwood make your water cloudy? I have had driftwood in my 55 gallon for a few weeks and i noticed tat the water was getting VERY cloudy. So, thinking it was the wood, i took it out. It still remained cloudy. I pretty sure its not tannin stains because its sort of a white cloudiness not...
  11. C


    nvm. you dont speak my language
  12. C


    man shoo. those are awesome do you mind if i make on even though i didnt win?
  13. C

    Whats your favorite fish

    definetely my oscar. You can pet him all the time and he even seems to enjoy it. sometimes when im changing the water he brushes against my arm like a cat. You can hand feed him pellets and other fish. He's awesome
  14. C

    Favorite fish groups

    lol everyone picked the "betta category". y do people like those so much?
  15. C

    Favorite fish groups

    Just wanted to see what people's interests were.
  16. C

    Fish Idiots

    I just wanted to see everyone's stories on past experiences of people who were complete idiots when it came to fish.
  17. C

    overstocking? understocking?

    ok thanks. I'll do that. would johanni's or tropheus work out? What about a Fuellborn's Cichlid ( labeotropheus fuellborni)?
  18. C

    stupid people

    Some like that happened at Petsmart. I was just standing around looking for cichlids that i might put in my new tank and all of a sudden like 15 gangstas walk up. Then they asked the lady that worked there for like 30 goldfish. Then she explained that they grow very big and asked where they...
  19. C

    Unusual combonation.

    nvm i just figured out gardneri were soft water fish. lol. (inexperienced with killifish)
  20. C

    Unusual combonation.

    Can you mix African killifish such as Gardneri and Blue Gularis with African cichlids? jw
  21. C

    overstocking? understocking?

    I thought Lombardoi were commonly found in Lake Malawi. And what do you mean things will go wrong when they grow bigger? Is the tank too small? I'm planning on getting more cichlids to even out the aggression but it hasn't become a problem yet.
  22. C

    25 gallon cichlid tank?

    im not sure. thecichlidaddict would know.
  23. C

    mixing jack dempsey w/ african cichlid

    pH doesn't matter? that sucks cuz i payed 10 dollars for chemicals that made the water pH 8.2. man shoo
  24. C

    25 gallon cichlid tank?

    lemon cichlids and brichardi's don't get that big. around 3 1/2 inches. you might be able to make it work.
  25. C

    overstocking? understocking?

    i have a 30 gallon long aquarium and it currently has 1 female auratus and a male and female lombardoi. How many more (if any) african cichlids can i keep in the tank without it being overstocked? Maybe one or two brichardi?
  26. C

    back to the wal mart thing

    Actually if wal-mart was shut down like almost a fifth of the us would lose their job.
  27. C

    How smart are rams?

    I have an oscar in a 55 gallon and im in 8th grade. It recognizes me when i come into the room and starts looking left to right for food but when my friends come in the room it tries to bite them through the glass. Its really fun to watch him hunt feeder goldfish. My auratus does the same thing.
  28. C


    Auratus are herbivourous but does this mean they will consume algae? I have one auratus in a 30 gallon and algae hasnt become a problem yet but if it does will my little friend help me clean my aquarium? I'm not experienced with african cichlids so i wouldn't know but i have had 1 oscar in a...
  29. C

    My 11 Gallon (My First Tank!!)

    I nominate too. That fish is a beast. lol idk. man shoo
  30. C

    My 11 Gallon (My First Tank!!)

    i wouldnt let your heater stick out of the water that much though i did that and my heater cracked and fell apart. just some advice. once again thats a pretty cool tank
  31. C

    My 11 Gallon (My First Tank!!)

    that tank is a beast. I wish my oscars would keep remodeling my 55.
  32. C

    cichlids in a 30 gallon

    I got a firemouth and a green terror. The green terror will eventually out grow the tank but i have a huge lfs called fish world lol that takes any cichlids back. The first few weeks the green terror was well.... being a terror to the firemouth but i think they have devloped territories now...
  33. C

    cichlids in a 30 gallon

    Im giving away the oscar that was in my 30 (too small tank) and i was wondering what cichlids i can put in there. The theme is a central american rocky lake and is sort of like a volcanic landslide. Do you think it is ok for a firemouth cichlid. Green terror? If there is any other south and...
  34. C

    Glass Aquariums

    Yea i was reading your post on how to make one. That sounds really cool. Does it cost more to make one or to buy one? And if i do make one do you need to make a plastic frame around the glass at the base?
  35. C

    Glass Aquariums

    Could anyone tell me a few good sites to get just the glass aquarium itself? not ebay
  36. C

    EMERGENCY With Fish!

    I would just keep her in her tank, do lots of water changes, continue to feed her, and just wait it out.
  37. C

    Guppy fry

    I have about 40 fancy guppy fry. Are these worth anything at a local fish store? Will they even buy them? The tank is getting a little overcrowded and my oscars might like a little treat but i think i could trade them in for pellets or something which are probably better for oscars anyway...
  38. C

    Piranhas In a 30 Gallon

    Is a 30 gallon big enough for 1 piranha? If not is a 55 big enough for 1?
  39. C

    how big of a tank for two bettas

    Ok so how big of an aquarium thats all i want to know.