How many tanks in your room?


Feb 14, 2004
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I was thinking about my room, and i currently have 6 tanks in here :D

Does anyone else have that many or more?!





Its a little crowded in here, but its home

The 3 small tanks are betta tanks

The 10 gallon is my community

The 20 gallon is gunna be my chiclid tank :)
:D All of my tanks are in my room because my parents don't want them anywhere else. There are 3 tanks: 46 gallon, 29 gallon and a 2.5 gallon fry tank! I love to watch all of the fish. . . and it makes it a whole lot easier to clean when they're all in one room. :thumbs:
i dont have a room i have rooms but only have 2 tanks set up at the moment and they are in my living room.
my other 3 tanks are upstairs gathering dust.
Thanks peeps, lot of hard work gone into it :p

Will get some better pictures soon, was using my naff webcam to take these ones.

I would reccomed everyone has a fish at their computer desk, its sooo relaxing. Specially when work is getting ya down, or a deadline is approaching!!

I had to sneak the 20 gallon in (no easy task) now i finsihed uni im with my parents and they were not keen on another tank. Its mad really, im 20 now and they still freak :p

When i move out and get my own place its gunna be fishy heaven (Thats is the GF lets me!!)
I have 10 tanks, but they're all in my living room. :thumbs:

Hi Malt_Vinegar :)

Nice looking tanks. Your room must be a cozy and comfortable place, indeed! :nod:
I've got two in my bedroom, one in the office, and one in the living room. I saw a betta that was the most gorgeous thing ever - a deep blue with purply-blue fins, but my dad wouldn't let me buy it since I'd need a tank to put it in, and he won't let me buy another tank.

If I bought the betta and another 1 gallon tank and put them in my room, they'd probably never know I had bought them :shifty:
I've only got 3 tanks :( but then again I have only been keeping fish since x mas so at this rate I should have around 12 by the end of the year :kana:
Inchworm said:
I have 10 tanks, but they're all in my living room. :thumbs:

Hi Malt_Vinegar :)

Nice looking tanks. Your room must be a cozy and comfortable place, indeed! :nod:
10 tanks!!! wow, what sorta tanks are they? If you dont mind me asking?

Its certainly cosy now, i cleaned out about 18 years of collected clutter and its now all clean, and i have space to move about. Im really enjoying the new lease of life my room now has :)

Oh, and i have only been keeping tropical fish for 6 weeks now :p
I only have 1 betta bowl in my room - no more room!
Only have one 40 gallon tank. I'll add the second (220 gallon) after I win the lotto. :lol:
i have a 55 gallon, a 30, a 1, and a 10 all in my room. the 55 takes up most of the room. I'm probably gonna get a whole bunch of betta tanks pretty soon too.

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