Search results

  1. Gun

    Guppy Identity?

    Hey guys Can you help me identify some guppies? Here's some pics of my fish.... The first pic is of the fry, rest of the pics are of the parents (well at least there mother is one of the 3 photographed). I'm not sure the male is defo the father of this 1st batch of fry, as they were...
  2. Gun

    More Plants

    Hi Hoddy What you selling the duckweed in (amount) and for how much? Could do with a fair bit of this stuff..... Kev
  3. Gun

    Flaoting Amazon Frogbit For Sale £5= 10 Plants

    Plants arrived this morning :) Put them in my 2x2x2 cube and they look great. I hear they're fast growers aswell..just hope I don't kill them lol! It was a good deal and the packaging was sound also, cheers Sarah :good:
  4. Gun

    Flaoting Amazon Frogbit For Sale £5= 10 Plants

    'I think my son's Siamese Fighter (Finbar) is going to love these when they arrive' I think so Leanne..they're perfect for resting on, may put one or two in with my fighter :good: Could well be knocking back for some more Sarah...think for now, it's fair to let others have a chance :)
  5. Gun

    Cheapest Online Store

    Is it all bad minxfishy? Might give it a miss then...
  6. Gun

    Cheapest Online Store

    Hey guys I've tried ordering from here lately, but it keeps giving me cookie errors...? My IE settings seem fine (nothing set to high)...and I think java is up and running ok. Any ideas guys? Don't mean to hijak your thread ghent_3rd, just I've tried a few times with this site and this cookie...
  7. Gun

    Plants Wanted

    Hi T Please let me know when it's ready, mate :good: Kev
  8. Gun

    Plants Wanted

  9. Gun

    Plants Wanted

    Hey guys Does anyone have any spare plants for sale? I'm mainly after floating plants and short 'grass/moss like' plants for guppy fry, but will consider anything really. :) Kev
  10. Gun

    3 Ft Tank

  11. Gun

    Tank 30 Inches Long

  12. Gun

    Regulating Heat In A Fishroom

    Cheers for that Colin :good: Ok, so I'll move the heaters to the bottom rack, add a fan or two and see what happens.
  13. Gun

    Regulating Heat In A Fishroom

    Hey guys..Can you help me out? What it is..I'm having trouble controlling the room temperature in my fish house.Problem is when I heat the as the 'bottom rack' tanks reach 78-79, the top tanks soar to 82-85+. Currently only half the shed is being used with a temp partition in place...
  14. Gun

    Nishi-aquaria Growth Food For Sale!

    I'd take 2 tubs, buddy :good:
  15. Gun

    Championship Guppies For Sale!

    Fish arrived as and when promised. The packaging/care of the fish was also top notch! Great service, cheers Chris :good:
  16. Gun

    Wanted: Corydoras Haraldshultzi &/or Corydoras Sterbai

    Hey guys Can you help me find these cory's? Ideally 2-3 breeding trio's (depending on cost) would be great. A lady in my area was selling a breeding group..missed out though, as I seen the ad to late :unsure: Any help would be much appreciated :good: Kev
  17. Gun

    Championship Guppies For Sale!

    Hmm bit of a cheeky request... If you have any left to clear rocknurworld2006, could you do 3 pair/+del for £15? Kev
  18. Gun

    Java Fern

    Hi fifefish Do you still have the java fern..any pics? I'll take it. Kev
  19. Gun


    Hi Dan How much for all of the plants? Do you have a single pic of the plants together? Kev
  20. Gun

    Calling All Diy Experts

    'If you dont know what Rooster means by bracing, you really shouldn't be trying to build a tank' :nod:
  21. Gun

    Off Topic Question...

    Hi Tolak It has nothing to do with fish...hmm wrong forum I suppose :unsure:
  22. Gun

    Off Topic Question...

    Hey guys I have a question regarding work/overtime. This is the only forum I use and was hoping for some advice. Is there anywhere I can post my questions? Kev
  23. Gun

    Worth A Look

    Thanks keenofish :) 'To protect you kill all power whenever you service the tank'...I've never really thought about it like that...damn I'm slow sometimes :look:
  24. Gun

    Bacteria In Tanks Harmful To Humans?

    Thanks for that Colin :good:
  25. Gun

    Worth A Look

    nitro7 - hide your heater/wires to complete the effect in your 4th pic :good: Guys, what safety device/equipment should I have in place with a multiple tank set up? (20-40 tanks-various). Electric Shock worries me, sometimes :unsure: ps, don't mean to hijack..seems there's a lot of knowledge...
  26. Gun

    Random Questions Regarding My Fish-room/keeping..

    Thanks for that guys :good: I was thinking more on the lines of chloramine/temp. Say I wanted to get a tank/s ready to go in a few days, I would us 'maintenance' water to fill/part fill the tanks..the rest tap water. This way there will be far less chloramine present..if at all and the temp...
  27. Gun

    Random Questions Regarding My Fish-room/keeping..

    Hey guys :) Can you help me out with some questions I have..? Ok.. 1) When doing a 10-20% waterchange on my tanks, can I use this water to fill other tanks? 2) What's the fastest time other tank/tanks can be cycled? (If I use my other tanks to help out) There's bound to be more questions to...
  28. Gun

    Dissapearing Fish

    Hi fifefish This happened to me a couple of weeks ago with a zebra danio. It was in a tank with small tiger/green barbs, the next day it was nowhere to be seen. The tank was bare bottom with no escape route. The other fish (9 barbs) were to small to eat it and the air powered filter was...
  29. Gun

    Making A Living - Breeding Fish

    Hmm, predicting demand is very difficult. How many fish do you think a local small lfs would take from you a month? Using guppies again as an example..or angels/other livebearers maybe. 50-200 fish maybe...? If I can work out some rough figures/prices, I can then work out how many fish and the...
  30. Gun

    Making A Living - Breeding Fish

    Just a thought... Say I found a buyer for a specific fish. As a breeder, how much could I expect to be paid for each fish? Half the retail price?...or a 1/3rd more likely? Say for instance...male/female much should I ask for this fish?
  31. Gun

    Most Profitable Fish To Breed

    Great advice guys :good: With the Discus, Angels, etc...Maybe there's systems that can be installed to take away/reduce the maintenance...?
  32. Gun

    Making A Living - Breeding Fish

    Hmm yeah. When I first thought of building a was initially just as a hobby. But now, I'm looking more and more at the money making side of things. Been in my current job now for 10 years and it's become very boring...I would be very happy to work with fish for the next 10 years :D...
  33. Gun

    Making A Living - Breeding Fish

    Thanks for that Miss Wiggle. My aim is to spend 1 more year in my current job and then hopefully make a living from breeding fish. The odds are probably stacked well against me, but it still doesn't stop me from putting some serious thought to this idea. Just read this from an...
  34. Gun

    Making A Living - Breeding Fish

    'depends on what tank you have' I don't understand?
  35. Gun

    Most Profitable Fish To Breed

    Hey guys Say I had a primary breeding set up of angels/discus/ and Livebearers.. What 's my chances of making a living from this?
  36. Gun

    Making A Living - Breeding Fish

    Hey guys Is it possible...? The more views/opinions, the better. :good: I cannot decide whether it is or isn' good to here what you guys think or have experienced..? If there's any hope, Is it best to concentrate on 1-2 species..or several species at a time? Kev
  37. Gun

    Breeding Betta Fish *should I Give It Up*

    Thanks for the pics Netty :good: How long do you keep your males in the jars for? Is it roughly the same ratio of sexes per spawn? Hmmm, may think twice about breeding betas. Temp control and segregating could be a problem for me. -_-
  38. Gun

    Breeding Betta Fish *should I Give It Up*

    Ok, cheers for that Netty, I'll give it a read. When I said easy, I wasen't refering to the actual breeding/rearing of the fish...I was meaning the actual initial set-up of the tank. :good: Have you any pics, mate? Would be great to see all those betas/containers.
  39. Gun

    Breeding Betta Fish *should I Give It Up*

    Hi newfishy. Ok, this seems easy enough..going to give it a go :good: I have an 18x12x12 or an 18x11x7 set aside for my attempt at beta breeding. My plan is to silicone a plastic runner vertically down the centre of the tank..front and back. Then cut a piece of glass to fit, this way...
  40. Gun

    Converting Shed Into Fish House

    I'll get back to you with the wattage, Bungy. I think it's an Haleia Hi Blow 70 as far as I can remember.... Edit: Yes...I have 2 of these heaters..picked them up for £6 each brand new. Each tank will also have it's own heater.