Bacteria In Tanks Harmful To Humans?


Apr 5, 2007
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Vancouver, Canada
i was just wondering if people generally just stick there bare hand in the tank when working in it or do people use gloves to keep themselves safe..

ive always just stuck my bare hand/arm in there but now im a little worried with all the bacteria/worms floating around in these tanks that it could be harmful to us humans???

ive just had columninaris in my tank and now have nemotodes and am quite paranoid now that these may be contracted into humans and im going to get sick????
So long as you wash your hands afterwards Im sure there is no risk, there have been stories in the press over the years about people contracting this disease and that disease, but generaly your pretty safe, although saying that if fish have tb, then yes it can be transfered to humans, so you have to be careful there.

Im always sticking my hands in for various reasons, never worn gloves and often end up with dried out skin from all the washing of hands, then Im more careful as cracked skin is more likely to allow something yukky in.
yes same here with the cracked hands(it hurrrts!!!)...i get a bit parnoid so i wash my hands with a ton of soap for like 5 mins each time after i put my hands in..

i also have some big sratches on my hand from my cat that i was worried stuf would seap in to...

im sure though with as many people who keep fish, you dont really too often hear stories about people catching any diseases so for the most part its safe( i hope)

fish tb isnt that common though is it...??

i think ill get some of those aquarium gloves that go all the way up your arm as im tired of washing up so much ..

anyone used them before. if so how are they??
i would of thought when cycling if you put your hands in the tank water it wouldnt be good with the ammonia present ...
i would of thought when cycling if you put your hands in the tank water it wouldnt be good with the ammonia present ...

with the amount of water that I've swallowed over the years syphoning tanks at work I'd say your immune system should be strong enough to deal with any bacteria that you may come into contact with,

I don't seem to have shown any ill effects and I don't have any fins growing on me, yet :blink:
You only need to worry if your immune system is deficient in some way. Mine is because I am diabetic. I just wash my hands before and after but I wouldn't put my hand in if I had a scratch or cut. I have some long gloves which I bought mainly for catching my 15" Common Pleco. We catch him (only when necessary e.g. moving the tank) in a plastic container and use the other hand to guide him in. We use the gloves because he is spiky! You can't feel much with the gloves on so they aren't any use if you want to do anything fiddly. I also have some aquarium tongs which I use to put ornaments back when my Pleco has knocked them over and I am just being quick (I normally have to get some steps as I am short lol). HTH. :)
For Kaisa

Columnaris and white worms in the tank are normally caused by poor water quality and overcrowded tanks. Doing more water changes & gravel cleans, and making sure the filter is running properly will help prevent these from occurring. If the fish have Columnaris you will have to treat them with an anti bacterial medication.

Most fish diseases aren't a problem to people or other mammals. However, as mentioned Tuberculosis (Mycobacteria or TB) is one thing you should be careful about. It will only affect you if there is TB in the tank (from contaminated fish) and you have open wounds, cuts, scratches on you hands or arms. Then the bacterium can infect the wound and develop over time. If you have cuts or scratches on your skin, then don't do work in the tank until they have healed. If you have to stick your hands in the tank and you have cuts then wear a pr of rubber washing up gloves. Make sure you wash your hands and arms with warm soapy water after you do anything in the tank.
If you cut yourself in the tank then wash the wound with warm soapy water, dry the area, and then pour some alcohol (30% or more concentrate) over the area.
Fish TB is quite common but unless you have a weakened immune system or open sores on your skin, you are unlikely to catch it.
If you have a sore that doesn’t heal up after a week, then get it checked by your doctor. Fish TB sores grow very slowly and take months to grow a couple of mm. The infection just doesn’t heal up and gradually over time the sore gets bigger. If you have a sore that hasn’t healed after a few weeks then tell your doctor you have fish and to take a swab of the area and get it checked for Mycobacteria (Tuberculosis). The test takes a few weeks to get results.
Many doctors will just put you onto antibiotics but you should try to avoid that until the swab has returned some results. Then you can take an appropriate antibiotic for the infection.
For Kaisa

Columnaris and white worms in the tank are normally caused by poor water quality and overcrowded tanks. Doing more water changes & gravel cleans, and making sure the filter is running properly will help prevent these from occurring. If the fish have Columnaris you will have to treat them with an anti bacterial medication.

i keep my tank very clean actually so i wouldnt think my problems were caused by what you have suggested.....its a 65G tank and i do water changes once a week roughly 30-40% while vacummin the gravel at the same time and my plec keeps the algae in check... i use an eheim 2215 as well as a aquaclear 50 for flitration.

my tank was not at all overcrowded either. it had 6 rainbows 6 blk skirt tetras 8 zebra danios 1 gold gourami and 1 bn plec... i wouldnt call that overcrowding a 65G tank....

you cant just assume thats the cause

i had NEVER EVER had a problem with sick or dying fish for almost 2 years while running this tank and that was because i kept the cleanings up so well- it only went down hill the day after i introduced all these plants - i run two other tanks as well with the same cleaning routine and those both have never had a problem.

the columninaris that killed my 6 rainbows 6 blk skirt tetras 8 zebra danios while they were in their treatment tank was brought on the day after i fully planted my tank, as well thats when the nemotodes appeared as well.

other than that thanks for your knowledge and advise on fish TB... my hands are often scratched up so ill make sure not to stick it in the tank bare anymore...ive got myself freeked out a bit.
I constantly have cuts, scrapes, and general bashes on my hands due to what I do for a living. I've been sticking my hands in tanks for years without gloves. I would never get anything done putting on & taking off gloves.
You should have tried canoeing in some of the rivers round the UK a few years ago :sick:

In some sections if the smell of raw sewerage from an overflow or untreated chemicals and strange foam didn't put you off then the thought of catching veils disease through that innocent little scratch on your hand sure made you think occasionally!

Still carried on though and never suffered for it (knowingly) as I do with my tank :)
What Colin_T said. Yeah!

And also what Kaisa said - all kinds of things, including fish parasites and disease, can be brought in on plants - my usual LFS keeps fish in with their plants, as I believe most do, and I've had anchor worms, ich and other nasties, as well as the detritus worms we usually term planaria and others, come in, the latter even on plants that were bleach dipped (albeit probably too quickly) and soaked in dechlor for hours after rinsing.
When I started quarantining plants, (after dipping,) I still had nasties hatch out, sometimes weeks later.

I've seen people actually announce essentially that poor conditions produce living organisms like magic - no natural laws need apply - so engrained has this assumption become.
Although here I believe Colin_T, in his excellent comment, was merely suggesting remedies for conditions often present in pronounced cases, not stating that these were the cause in every case.

We now get aquarium critters and diseases brought in from round the world...
Of course, the diseases aren't often visible, and may lie dormant until some stressor - which may include unnoticed parasites or other disease having gradual deleterious effect - lowers the immune system of the now-susceptible fish, but diseases - like aquarium pests - aren't spontaneously created out of 'bad conditions' but arrive from somewhere...

And I've had phenomenal hatchouts of multiple critters from internet plant ordering, including white worms, in new tanks or those completely redone (having had none of these while running previously) with entirely new set-ups - substrate, hardscape, plants, with no fish/fish food ever having been in them, or in one case very little for a very short period, as with one guppy in for several days, with two tiny fragments of flake food added - although it may take as long as several weeks for the results of such hatch-outs to manifest.
And in established tanks which have had some of these plants added, I had large quantities of white worms and other critters appear, although the former gradually died down (and again after an outbreak when some unnoticed plant melt sneakily occurred in the back of a tank,) and I haven't noticed any worms at all lately in tanks where great numbers had been evident on the glass, while at least some of the other swimming critters in one evidently feed on live plants at some point in their life-cycle. :grr:
Such organisms may propagate according to food source, but this also includes (usually dead) plant matter and mulm under gravel, the last being particularly necessary for plant health and growth in tanks with inert substrates and Walstads - and they may also congregate in filters, I've heard.
These critters, like algae, survive under similar conditions to those in which our fish and plants do, and while they may propagate more rapidly in tanks which are cleaned less often/thoroughly or overfed, the fact of their existance, like that of disease, doesn't necessarily mean that the tanks are neglected or mismanaged in any fashion.
If our tanks were inhospitable to life of that type, it would also be so for our pets.
Darn it.

Tolak - the chances of picking of nasties from fish tanks is apparently greatly reduced by washing thoroughly with soap after (I always promptly wash up to the elbows after each tank, perhaps a rather half-hearted effort where I've been in up to the armpits, although this only occurrs in a couple of tanks in my case) but it also reduces the chance of transmitting any problem from one tank to another.
Personally, I'd flood washing-up gloves every time, trapping bacteria in the gloves against my skin, besides needing a separate pair for each tank, or sterilization between tanks, unless all fish and plants were long-term with nothing lately introduced...
I suppose surgical gloves might answer, at least where cuts/scratches on hands were involved, but you'd be exuding chemicals...
Personally, I'm sticking with the immediate-wash-and-hope-for-the-best method, which generally seems to work well enough, with risk really only enhanced if you have open cuts or scratches - because you still have to care for your fish no matter what.
You only need to worry if your immune system is deficient in some way. Mine is because I am diabetic. I just wash my hands before and after but I wouldn't put my hand in if I had a scratch or cut. I have some long gloves which I bought mainly for catching my 15" Common Pleco. We catch him (only when necessary e.g. moving the tank) in a plastic container and use the other hand to guide him in. We use the gloves because he is spiky! You can't feel much with the gloves on so they aren't any use if you want to do anything fiddly. I also have some aquarium tongs which I use to put ornaments back when my Pleco has knocked them over and I am just being quick (I normally have to get some steps as I am short lol). HTH. :)

Probably better to skip the wash before, just a nice long rinse with warm water.

I did contract a pretty nasty parasite from the pet store I worked at. The doctors did give me medication, but it made a big rash looking thing on my leg that has left scares that will probably never go away.

Another guy I work with once contracted ring-worm (a fungal infection) from a dirty fish tank.

As long as you have a clean tank you have nothing at all to worry about. Wash your hands thoroughly afterward just to be safe.

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