Cheapest Online Store


Fish Addict
Sep 7, 2004
Reaction score
Leicester, England
Is this the cheapest online store ever!! :hooray:


I cannot believe how cheap some of the stuff is on here. Tetratec APS 400 Airpump is £20.56 on here but is over £35.00 at my LFS. They are selling Algarde Biofoam filters at over £1.20 cheaper than someone is selling used ones for on eBay!! The Internet revolution is amazing! :shout: :shout:
Has anyone here ever bought from this website? Are they reliable? :unsure:
Hey guys

I've tried ordering from here lately, but it keeps giving me cookie errors...? My IE settings seem fine (nothing set to high)...and I think java is up and running ok. Any ideas guys?

Don't mean to hijak your thread ghent_3rd, just I've tried a few times with this site and this cookie error has me stumped -_-
Ive used them as have others on here and not one of us has had a good word to say about them, there is a reason they are cheap, its because you wont get what you order!!
search for the store name on these forums (you will have to do it via google) and you will see some of the threads about them. You can try them, but I recommend only doing it via a credit card so you can be sure to get back your money. Try the phone numbers they give, see if you have any luck with them :lol:
Glad I ended up sidestepping them then!! :#

As much as my wallet hates to say it you cannot beat your LFS. You know the people, you can see the product, they can tell you how it works and they are stll going to be there, (credit crunch aside) if you get any problems.

Just ordered the 1st of my tanks from LFS, 1 week delivery time, pick it up when I'm ready adn with delivery charges from the net it actually worked out about the same price. B-)

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