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  1. G

    My Green Terror

    he is getting better sorted the tanik out !!!
  2. G

    Stupid Filter

    i think its dead to be honest. I am going to have to buy a new one sigh i will make usre i keep the reciept this time
  3. G

    Stupid Filter

    its a fluvel. well when i plug it in nothing at all happens
  4. G

    Stupid Filter

    awwww mefilter has broken for sum reason. I washed it and then plugged it back in and now nothing happens. Its new and cost me like forty pound but i dont have a reciept. any ideas?
  5. G

    My Green Terror

    i didnt realise this was the cause like i say ill let him no
  6. G

    My Green Terror

    you do ask for a lot do u lol. ermmm i just get it in a clear bag from my fish shop so dunno the food. The filtration is a lot bigger then the tank. dont no exact. and im not sure about the readings. I think it will be wateer quality to be honest because he has worked 12hrs every day at work...
  7. G

    My Green Terror

    thankyou i think he has neglected his tank a little bit so i will make sure that he changes it! I suppose its true about the diet as he has lived on only pellets. Thank you for the advice hope he gets better :(
  8. G

    My Green Terror

    its my bfs so im not sure about the stats. but its a four foot tank. whats hole in the head diesease will it kill him. can other fish cacth it. he feeds themfloating big pellet things.he has 3 african chilchalids which he gets along with fine
  9. G

    My Green Terror

    He has developed holes in his forehead. They look quite deep. He doesn't seem bothered by them but whata re they. there are about 4 holes
  10. G

    Omg Omg Help Pls Desperate

    thankyou. I have placed a gl;lass sheild which covers most of the part hat they are in to save them from my parrot the pparents are still protecting them i will just have to wait n see
  11. G

    Omg Omg Help Pls Desperate

    there atill plenty left at the mo im just worried that the parents will get tired. i will leave them for now then n leave the light on
  12. G

    Omg Omg Help Pls Desperate

    sh i dont have anhyy left because they ate them all :( what about the filter idea
  13. G

    Omg Omg Help Pls Desperate

    they are under the filter at the mo do u think i should push it down so there is only a small gap then other fish cant get to em
  14. G

    Omg Omg Help Pls Desperate

    they are low now :( i dont have anything i may have a plastic bowl ill look for one will the water be warm enough though i have to work too tomorro will they be ok in a plastiic container floating on the water until 6 pm tommoro it nearly 9 pm now
  15. G

    Omg Omg Help Pls Desperate

    what can i do to save them the mum and ada are trying their best but they are in a tank fukll of iother fish ahhhhhhhh theres loadsa babies. My first time lol. ahhhhh
  16. G

    Help Advice Needed

    hello, my albino convict male doesn't look any different but has now resided to the bottom floor of the tank and rarely swims. when he dus swim it isnt for long but he swims okish i dont think he has awim bladder
  17. G

    Some Macro Pics With A Bit Of Comedy

    ahhhhhh cant wait to get me likkle plecys :shout:
  18. G

    How Big A Tank Do I Need

  19. G

    How Big A Tank Do I Need

    i only want 1
  20. G

    How Big A Tank Do I Need

    i can get them for 7 pound and wud like one
  21. G

    Jambo Has His New Tank At Last

    what size tank wud u say u need for an oscar
  22. G

    Brothers Baby Born This Morning.

    aw congrats i really like that name. bet ur real proud :good:
  23. G

    Pictures Of Some Of My Fishies!

    ooo sum real glamourous fish there.
  24. G

    How Long Does It Take For A Green Terror To Grow Its Bump

    im pretty sure mines a male
  25. G

    Make Peace Not War!

    i agree with big c
  26. G

    Singing Catfish Has Distended Belly? Help

    heya i aint heard of a sininging catfish but i have talking catfish if its the one i think of dont worry they are known for getting obese such as rapheal catfish or spotted dora
  27. G

    Yello Water

    i have had my 120 l tank and never used it :( i didnt no u had to. i take out about 25 to 30 % water about every 2 to 3 weeks. i feed them twice a day and all food gets eaten. i got a cascade 400 filter. i have a parrot, some catfish. and convicts all medium sized
  28. G

    Yello Water

    is dechlorinter expensive
  29. G

    Yello Water

    aint it bad to take out that much water?
  30. G

    Aahhh.. Dropsy :/

    i think its up to you really i cudant do it but thats coz im a big softy. I may be wrong but i havent met any one whos fish has survived from it. i think goramis live for 3- 4 years. not sure though so double check it.
  31. G

    Yello Water

    the dtstain went and now its back again. i already have carbon inmy filter and i always do water changes. I have wood in there which has been there for a year. my tank looks dirty
  32. G

    Yello Water

    yes but its been in there for about a year and i got rid of that ages ago :blink: :blink:
  33. G

    Yello Water

    hello, please dont be mean to me lol but i have seen sum of your tanks and they asll look so spotless and my tank has a tinge of yellow to it. Is this because i need a better/ new filter. Am i doing sum thing wrong. I have had no fish deaths for months and months (except a few Bn fry which got...
  34. G

    Shrimp Tank Now Finished Yay (before And After)

    lol if my fish wunt eat them i wud but ....are u still ok for growing a a few baby bns for me? just so they survive this time lol. and have ur corys become pregnaant yet
  35. G

    Bn's And Plecos.......

    aw i like that one looks really clever.
  36. G

    Shrimp Tank Now Finished Yay (before And After)

    hey looks loads better then before. i think ill stick more plants in mine. i really like shrimp. i thought it was ace that pregnant one i saw. one day i might make a shrimp tank.
  37. G

    Free Free Free Free - Livebearers

    thats ace u always get ures to breed so unfair. id have sum but u no my parrot.
  38. G

    Free Free Free Free - Livebearers

    lol what did u get then