Yello Water


Fish Fanatic
May 28, 2008
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hello, please dont be mean to me lol but i have seen sum of your tanks and they asll look so spotless and my tank has a tinge of yellow to it. Is this because i need a better/ new filter. Am i doing sum thing wrong. I have had no fish deaths for months and months (except a few Bn fry which got attaked by piggy the parrot). How can i get rid of it? thank you

oh i asked the fish shop why it was like this and he sed you get it when u over feed ure fish is this y?
hello, please dont be mean to me lol but i have seen sum of your tanks and they asll look so spotless and my tank has a tinge of yellow to it. Is this because i need a better/ new filter. Am i doing sum thing wrong. I have had no fish deaths for months and months (except a few Bn fry which got attaked by piggy the parrot). How can i get rid of it? thank you

oh i asked the fish shop why it was like this and he sed you get it when u over feed ure fish is this y?

yellow tannins is uassly from bogwood!!! have u got any in ur tank?

carbon added 2 filter usually clears it up or water changes will slowly remove it 2 :)

yes but its been in there for about a year and i got rid of that ages ago :blink: :blink:
yes but its been in there for about a year and i got rid of that ages ago :blink: :blink:

that was slightly unclear lol wot do u mean it's been in there for a year and still in there or it was in for a year but u took it out ages ago lol :p

if u mean u got rid of the tannins ages ago then bogwood will always leech a certain amount of tannins no matter how long it's been in a tank so after a while the tank will still turn yellowish :)

the dtstain went and now its back again. i already have carbon inmy filter and i always do water changes. I have wood in there which has been there for a year. my tank looks dirty
the dtstain went and now its back again. i already have carbon inmy filter and i always do water changes. I have wood in there which has been there for a year. my tank looks dirty

if i remeber ritely carbon will only suck up for so long then it's just sits there holding the stuff it's collected, it may well just be dirty but it still is probably the bogwood leeching as i said earlier bogwood will continue 2 leech untill it's taken out of the tank it will obviously slow down the leeching after time but it will still leech a certain amount over a certain period of time :)

other than that just give ur tank a good old clean do a very big water change say 75% and see if it happens again :)

aint it bad to take out that much water?

no not at all as long as the water u re ad is roughly the same temp and dechlorinated it should be fine i done a 100% water change the other day and my fish loved it when i put them back in :) just make sure ur media is always wet while doing it just 2 make sure u dont kill the bacteria

this thread is in the wrong section, this is an area for fish pictures. u might get more help in a different area. as for your problem i have seen sometimes that old light bulbs can sometimes look yellow
is dechlorinter expensive

no m8 i use a seachem prime product which is 100ml for about £5 or so from ebay and u use rougly 5 ml per 200 ltrs. But wot worries me is that ur asking that question have u never used it before? u need 2 add dechlorinator 2 newly added water 2 remove harmful metals and such :(

How much water do you change and how often?

Yellow water can be a sign of insufficient water changes. It could also be tannins from bogwood. Try running carbon in your filter and if its tannins, the carbon will get rid of it.

P.S. Mods, please move this to 'New to the Hobby'.
How much water do you change and how often?

Yellow water can be a sign of insufficient water changes. It could also be tannins from bogwood. Try running carbon in your filter and if its tannins, the carbon will get rid of it.

P.S. Mods, please move this to 'New to the Hobby'.

yeah could be a result of poor filtration, overstocking, overfeeding or the bogwood.

if you give us some more details about your set up we can try to decipher what's wrong.

what size is the tank, what equipment do you have running (makes and models particularly for filter), how old is the set up, what is your maintenance routine?

what fish species do you have and how many of each, how big are they all at the moment?

do you have a test kit? if so what are the readings for pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate?
i have had my 120 l tank and never used it :( i didnt no u had to. i take out about 25 to 30 % water about every 2 to 3 weeks.
i feed them twice a day and all food gets eaten. i got a cascade 400 filter. i have a parrot, some catfish. and convicts all medium sized

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