My Green Terror


Fish Fanatic
May 28, 2008
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He has developed holes in his forehead. They look quite deep. He doesn't seem bothered by them but whata re they. there are about 4 holes
He has developed holes in his forehead. They look quite deep. He doesn't seem bothered by them but whata re they. there are about 4 holes

sounds like HITH (hole in the head) disease,

what size tank do you have?
what is the stocking?
what are the water stats?
what do you feed them?
its my bfs so im not sure about the stats. but its a four foot tank. whats hole in the head diesease will it kill him. can other fish cacth it. he feeds themfloating big pellet things.he has 3 african chilchalids which he gets along with fine
its my bfs so im not sure about the stats. but its a four foot tank. whats hole in the head diesease will it kill him. can other fish cacth it. he feeds themfloating big pellet things.he has 3 african chilchalids which he gets along with fine

I'm afraid its generally cause by poor water conditions and/or poor diet and if not treated can kill them,

water stats are needed asap, but i would be doing a 30% water change as a precaution,
thankyou i think he has neglected his tank a little bit so i will make sure that he changes it! I suppose its true about the diet as he has lived on only pellets. Thank you for the advice hope he gets better :(
Four foot is how many gallons? What make & model of filtration, how often/how much water is being changed, what are you feeding (name and brand), along with water test results, numbers on that please.
I would be less inclined to think diet without knowing what type of pellet that the BF has been feeding the fish. there are actually a lot of very good pellets out there and imo would be one of the last contributors to HITH. I would say water quality would be the biggest contributors to your case and most others.
you do ask for a lot do u lol. ermmm i just get it in a clear bag from my fish shop so dunno the food. The filtration is a lot bigger then the tank. dont no exact. and im not sure about the readings.

I think it will be wateer quality to be honest because he has worked 12hrs every day at work for the past few weeks and ahas neglected his tank a little. I will let him no though so he can change it
I know how it goes with the work schedule trust me. the job that I just left after 4 years there I was working 15-18 hours a day and my tanks suffer a little because of it.
i didnt realise this was the cause like i say ill let him no

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