Aahhh.. Dropsy :/


Fish Fanatic
May 15, 2006
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Omaha, Nebraska, USA
I was just feeding my fish, and my tank is bascially covered in algea and I'm too lazy to clean it off, so I don't have a great view of my fish currently, and my old-man honey gourami swims up to the surface to grab a bite... and he's bloated, and his scales are pineconing. Gawd, it made my stomach twist, seeing my fishy like that. He's been a bit sluggish these past few weeks, and there's a caterac in one of his eyes. How old do honey gouramis live, anyway? I wonder if it'd be better if I put him down... I've had him since I started serious fishkeeping, about two years go. Poor old man :/
i think its up to you really i cudant do it but thats coz im a big softy. I may be wrong but i havent met any one whos fish has survived from it. i think goramis live for 3- 4 years. not sure though so double check it.
Once scales stick out orgain failure and fish never seem to recover.
Epson salt baths help draw the fluids out.

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