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  1. schooly20

    How Much Is That Fishey In The Window?

    Personally I think bringing in the government would have a bad effect. I do believe that stores should test competence upon hiring, or even before confirming the hire. In a specialty shop like most of our lfs are the employees should know their stuff. I understand that no one will ever know...
  2. schooly20

    90g Tank Help Stock [want Rams/community]

    go with the rummy nose tetra, you wont have any trouble with the angels then. I have a group of 10 in my 90 and they are amazing, they never break school, and their bright red faces look brilliant in a fully planted tank!
  3. schooly20

    Final Stocking Options

    Well in my experiences, the rams and the angels will pick of the shrimp quickly. I would agree with Biulu that the guppies might get a bit nippy with the angels, but also the barbs might be a little nippy. So with that I would go with option C, using the 6 black neons, 2 german blue rams, 6...
  4. schooly20

    Anti Hair Algae

    Yeah SPB has it right, those cartridges will pull that stuff out of the water before it can do anything. Your tank should be fine without them while you get rid of the hair algae, but buy new ones and put them in after the treatment.
  5. schooly20

    55 Gallon

    I believe the average stand hight is about 30 inches or so. But really you can make it to whatever hight you want, just remember the higher you go, the easier it would be to push it over. Personally, I wish my sands were a bit higher so I didnt have bend over all the time to see my fish, lol...
  6. schooly20

    Altum Angels

    Does anyone know where I can get some younger Altum Angels? Im redoing my 90gal and want a group of Altums to be the center piece.
  7. schooly20

    Discus Keepers

    I think thats a good idea, sounds like you know what you're doing.
  8. schooly20

    Discus Keepers

    How many fish do you have? But either way I would pull out the runts but be aware of the fact that now that you have pulled out the lowest fish in the hierarchy there will be a new bottom fish that will start taking the brunt of the rest of the fish.
  9. schooly20

    Discus In A 29 Gallon

    First off I haven't kept discus yet, I'm working on getting some for my 90 but from what I understand a 29 just wouldn't work because there isn't enough space. A good rule of thumb is about 10 gallons per discus and since they are a schooling fish you really shouldn't have any less then 5...
  10. schooly20

    Sump Size?

    How big of a sump would you need for at 90 gallon freshwater tank?
  11. schooly20

    Discus Questions

    Thanks for the advice on breeders, I'm feeling more and more confident about getting discus and being able to keep them alive. I figure, from things I've read that since they are my first ones, I should get some that are at least 4 inches, what should I expect to pay for at least 6 of them?
  12. schooly20

    Discus Questions

    Thank you everyone! One last questions, Im in Michigan, US and I've been looking at rocky mountain discus, anyone have any experience with them, good stock or not? They're who I was looking at getting them from. I dont trust the lfs around me with discus.
  13. schooly20

    Discus Questions

    Sweet Thanks. Thommo the tank in your sig. is quite similar to what Im looking at doing. How big is that tank?? Just out of curiosity, you said that a min of 5 discus, in a 90 gallon along with the rummy nose, would 5 be the limit?
  14. schooly20

    Discus Questions

    Hey there I've been entertaining the thought of getting some discus, and am just curious as to what types of other fish can be kept with the. I've been keeping fish for years but never discus and just wanted some opinions. I have a 90 (US) Gallon tank thats pretty densely planted. I 10 cory...
  15. schooly20

    Easiest Pairs To Breed?

    I've found rainbow cichlids (Herotilapia multispinosa) to be really easy to breed, and not overly aggressive either. Mine actually just spawned in my 55gal, I have about 300 wigglers right now, there in there with the two parents of course, 4 keyhole cichlids, 3 gold rams, 11 pristela tetras...
  16. schooly20

    Marienland C-360 Canister Filter Leak

    Hey there I just wanted to see if anyone has used the Marienland C - 360 Canister (image of filter), I had heard really good things about them so I got one a couple weeks ago, and noticed this morning that there was a small leak. I put the filter in a bucket so no more water got into the floor...
  17. schooly20

    Switching From Hob To Canister Filter

    I was just wondering how to get the bacteria culture to move over. Could I just cut up the bio wheels and put them in with the media in the canister or should I run both filters for a while??
  18. schooly20

    Weird Stuff On Wood

    Alright so I have a question, my girlfriend is working on stocking a 50 gallon tank and well I would say 2 weeks ago put some driftwood in that her mom had for I think like 18 years. Well all the fish and stats haven't changes, everything seems to be just fine, except that only one of the few...
  19. schooly20

    What Would You Do With A 1,000 Gallon Tank

    Do a perfect south american bio-type. Basically pull out a section of some river and put everything you'd find there in it! live plants fish everything!!
  20. schooly20

    Best Way To Lower Ph?

    Alright so I've been keeping fish for a while now and I've always known that pH was something you should watch and understand what it does and to research what fish would do best in what pH. Also that a consistant pH no matter what it is, would be better for a fish than a frequently changing...
  21. schooly20

    Little To No Nitrate

    Well like you have read a little nitrate isn't bad. It's not going to hurt anything and most mature tanks often have consistent readings of nitrate. Now I'm not exactly sure one when that little become too much, I think its around 40 ppm but really it depends on the fish. The remedy for...
  22. schooly20

    Question About Lights

    Alright I have come to the planted section because Im looking at setting up a planted tank, and you guys probably know the most about lights. Alright so I have been looking at compact florecent lights, and I like the ones that come with a moon light built in, but I was wondering how that works...
  23. schooly20

    Question About Watts Per Gallon

    Alright cool, thanks for clearing that up for me!
  24. schooly20

    Question About Watts Per Gallon

    Alright so Im fairly new to the planted tank thing but I know that one of the ways you can measure the amount of light you have, and what you can grow is by watts per gallon. My question is I have a 50 gal cube, dimensions 24"x24"x18", and well I can buy a nice light for it that is 24" but it...
  25. schooly20

    Angel Fish Growth Rate?

    Just curious, whats the growth rate of Angel fish?
  26. schooly20

    Keyhole Cichlid

    Yeah I would agree with minxfishy a keyhole in there would get chased around by the kribs. So its probably not the best idea.
  27. schooly20

    New Fish! Finally!

    Thank you for posting those pictures, they will definitely help me when it comes to sexing my fish. it was weird today though, the keyholes all seemed to get very nervous again, I checked all the stats and they are fine, right where they should be. The only thing that I could think of was that...
  28. schooly20

    My 5x2x2

    Beautiful looking Keyholes!! Again your set up is great, and this will definitely help me sex my fish!
  29. schooly20

    New Fish! Finally!

    Hey there, sorry about the wait, I have been gone for a few days for the weekend. the keyholes are doing really well, you're right in that they are not nearly as shy any more, they are all just about to be 1.5 inches so I'm hoping like you said I can start sexing them soon! The water stats are...
  30. schooly20

    New Fish! Finally!

    Well I really like the tetra and have thought about getting a few more of them to make their school a little bigger or getting a different kind to school. I think in time though I want to put a pack of corys in there to help keep the sand turned over. yeah the tetra have made the keyholes so...
  31. schooly20

    Powerhead For 55 Gallon

    yeah powerhead put in the nice place would help keep the crap suspended in the water so the filter has a better chance of sucking it up. I would say a powerhead that pushes 150 gal an hour should do you just fine.
  32. schooly20

    Fish Stolen ?

    Thats so weird how do you steal a 2 foot shark and not get caught??
  33. schooly20

    New Fish! Finally!

    I commented on your pics but I'll say it again thats a great looking set up you have!! I put the tetra in the tank today with them and they have helped bring out the key holes even more. I think they give them a sense of security, you know.
  34. schooly20

    My 5x2x2

    Hey man that tank looks sweet! I really like it, a background, as others have said, could do some good, but either way it looks really nice, that wood looks great!
  35. schooly20

    New Fish! Finally!

    If you put your pictures on then you can copy the IMG code, it'll be right below the picture on the website, and then just paste the code on here and the image should work. so before you post it the image wont show up, it'll just be the pasted line that will look something like...
  36. schooly20

    Shrimp In 2gal Tank?

    I dont know a ton about shrimp but from what I remember hearing if you give one gallon for each shrimp you should be fine, so in terms of that you could have 2. As I said though I'm not a shrimp expert, but hopefully someone will see this that will know for sure.
  37. schooly20

    New Fish! Finally!

    Some day I will have a tank that big, just right now it doest work out very well due to being a college student and I know at some point I'll have to move them. but when I get my own place, definitely will have a large tank. I have the 55 gal with the key holes in it and I have a 65 gal...
  38. schooly20

    New Fish! Finally!

    That would be great to see your set up, how big of a tank are they in?? By the way they really are seeming to get used to the tank, today it only took them a few min. each time I was near the tank for them to come out of hiding and slowly make their way around exploring the tank.
  39. schooly20

    New Way To Get Ride Of Algae?

    Alright so I was speaking with my mom today and she was talking about a way to stop algae growth in her bird baths that are in her garden. She said just put a few sprigs of lavender in the water and supposedly it clears the water of algae? I wanted to see if anyone has heard of this, ever...
  40. schooly20

    New Fish! Finally!

    yeah I might have to get the King British pellets off ebay since I doubt they sell it in the United States. I'm pretty sure It'll be easy to find the Tetra Prima.