Discus Questions


Fish Fanatic
May 16, 2008
Reaction score
Grand Rapids, MI
Hey there I've been entertaining the thought of getting some discus, and am just curious as to what types of other fish can be kept with the. I've been keeping fish for years but never discus and just wanted some opinions. I have a 90 (US) Gallon tank thats pretty densely planted. I 10 cory cats, a bush nose pleco, and a school of 6 rummy nose tetra that I would like to keep in the tank with the discus, would this be okay? I'd want to bump the school of rummy nose up to maybe 10 or 12. Will that work or do I need to pull some of those fish out? and how many discus could I put in there? I understand the amount of care they need and water stats they need, I just want some opinions on if something like that would work or what would work if this wouldn't.
The rummy nose will be fine. I have about 20 of them at the mo and are schooling really nicely. Cardinal Tetras are also doing well as they are generally found with discus in the wild. You have to be careful with cory as the higher temps can damage them but I have 5 Sterbai Cory who are recommended for the higher temps but also have 5 bronze cory which I got from the guy I got most of my fish from and they are about going well.
You should keep a recommended minimum 5 Discus to avoid stressing them out due to bullying,

I think that the water conditions are overplayed a bit when it comes to Discus. You definitely have to have clean, uncontaminated water but as far as PH etc is concerned I personally think you are better leaving it alone and work with what you have got. Unless you want to fork out for a RO unit.

A Planted tank looks great with Discus IMO. They both compliment each other nicely :good:.

I actually think that the Rummy nose and Cardinals look great together with the discus. I have 2 bristle nose and have been told to look out for them due to the higher temps needed for Discus but so far so good. I think Ottos are a good cleaner but it depends on who you ask as whether they can latch onto Discus or not(so far I think it is 50/50 :) ) The REAL Siamese Algae eater AKA Flying fox also do a good job in the planted tank with eating algae but apparently they may get lazy when they get older.

I agree with the above, discus are hardier than people give them credit for and once they settle in they are boisterous like most cichlids!!

I've kept rummys and cardinals in the past with them, rummys being my favourite as they colour up really well as they mature

I also keep rams with mine and at the moment egyptian mouthbrreders cos I got no where else to put them lol
Sweet Thanks. Thommo the tank in your sig. is quite similar to what Im looking at doing. How big is that tank?? Just out of curiosity, you said that a min of 5 discus, in a 90 gallon along with the rummy nose, would 5 be the limit?
My tank is a 5'er at 100gal(US)

You could put quite a few in their if that was all you were going to put in but a community tank in a 90gal you would really just have to suck it and see. 5 is the minimum but not the maximum. It really depends on how much room to swim you have in the tank as well. It may well be 90gal but if planted and only 50% is left to swim around well you get the picture.
I personnaly would start with maybe 5-6 and see how it goes. If you have to add more later it isn't as hard as trying to get rid of them is it -_- . You could go for quite a few rummy nose in there though as they are smaller and like the planted tank. Like I said I've got 40 cardinals and 20 Rummy nose and I could easliy put in another 20-30 if I wanted. I would really is just see how it all goes and build on that I feel.
I would like to get another Discus eventually which would make 7 in a 100gal with a very large piece of drift wood taking up alot of the swimming space.

Introducing one fish to an established gorup of 6 is a major risk. My origional two pinned the new group of 4 into the top, front, right hand corner for about a week after introduction and wouldn't let them move :rolleyes: Just imagine what 6 on 1 would do to the poor newcommer :crazy: Add at least two and re-skape the tank first for the best chance of success :good:

All the best
Thank you everyone! One last questions, Im in Michigan, US and I've been looking at rocky mountain discus, anyone have any experience with them, good stock or not? They're who I was looking at getting them from. I dont trust the lfs around me with discus.
Introducing one fish to an established gorup of 6 is a major risk. My origional two pinned the new group of 4 into the top, front, right hand corner for about a week after introduction and wouldn't let them move :rolleyes: Just imagine what 6 on 1 would do to the poor newcommer :crazy: Add at least two and re-skape the tank first for the best chance of success :good:

All the best

Thanks for the advice Rubbut,

How did the 4 new discus go once they were in? Were they stresses a lot and not eat etc. or just not allowed to come out and play? :)

Sweet Thanks. Thommo the tank in your sig. is quite similar to what Im looking at doing. How big is that tank?? Just out of curiosity, you said that a min of 5 discus, in a 90 gallon along with the rummy nose, would 5 be the limit?

Max you would want to put into a 90 for now is 9 Discus. If you feel confident and are really thorough with your water changes then you can push it to the limit and add 10 or 11. This would be the maximum amount you would want to put in.
Thank you everyone! One last questions, Im in Michigan, US and I've been looking at rocky mountain discus, anyone have any experience with them, good stock or not? They're who I was looking at getting them from. I dont trust the lfs around me with discus.

I've looked at rocky mountain and I would definitley not buy from them. Their Discus don't look very good, not only that, I had once inquired about buying some Discus from them and they never even replied to my message!

If you want to get some discus shipped to you I would go with one of these guys:


The people at Discus Madness are awesome. I have talked to them before and also inquired about getting some Discus but they do not ship to Canada. :(
Daniel (houstonaquariumwarehouse) is an awesome guy. When I was having some problems he gave me his phone number and talked to me about medicating Discus! I recently ordered some of Kenny's Discus from a supplier in Canada. I am very happy with the quality. The other websites are known for their high quality Discus.
Introducing one fish to an established gorup of 6 is a major risk. My origional two pinned the new group of 4 into the top, front, right hand corner for about a week after introduction and wouldn't let them move :rolleyes: Just imagine what 6 on 1 would do to the poor newcommer :crazy: Add at least two and re-skape the tank first for the best chance of success :good:

All the best

Thanks for the advice Rubbut,

How did the 4 new discus go once they were in? Were they stresses a lot and not eat etc. or just not allowed to come out and play? :)


They were pinned in the corner, exceedingly stressed out and not allowd to eat for the full week, before getting a bit more bold and fighting back :good: Still took them another week before they were allowed near food, but after the week they were allowed to move. They were still stressed but not as badly :nod: As far as your established fish are concerned though, newcommers are unwelcome guests that should be removed :lol: Only remove the new fish though, if they are realy badly beaten up and have nacked finnage e.t.c, they will settle down and be allowed to be happy healthy Discus sooner or later by their new tankmates :good:
Introducing one fish to an established gorup of 6 is a major risk. My origional two pinned the new group of 4 into the top, front, right hand corner for about a week after introduction and wouldn't let them move :rolleyes: Just imagine what 6 on 1 would do to the poor newcommer :crazy: Add at least two and re-skape the tank first for the best chance of success :good:

All the best

Thanks for the advice Rubbut,

How did the 4 new discus go once they were in? Were they stresses a lot and not eat etc. or just not allowed to come out and play? :)


They were pinned in the corner, exceedingly stressed out and not allowd to eat for the full week, before getting a bit more bold and fighting back :good: Still took them another week before they were allowed near food, but after the week they were allowed to move. They were still stressed but not as badly :nod: As far as your established fish are concerned though, newcommers are unwelcome guests that should be removed :lol: Only remove the new fish though, if they are realy badly beaten up and have nacked finnage e.t.c, they will settle down and be allowed to be happy healthy Discus sooner or later by their new tankmates :good:

Thanks Rabbut.
Thank you everyone! One last questions, Im in Michigan, US and I've been looking at rocky mountain discus, anyone have any experience with them, good stock or not? They're who I was looking at getting them from. I dont trust the lfs around me with discus.

I've looked at rocky mountain and I would definitley not buy from them. Their Discus don't look very good, not only that, I had once inquired about buying some Discus from them and they never even replied to my message!

If you want to get some discus shipped to you I would go with one of these guys:

<a href="http://www.discusmadness.com/" target="_blank">http://www.discusmadness.com/</a>
<a href="http://www.discus-hans-usa.com/" target="_blank">http://www.discus-hans-usa.com/</a>
<a href="http://www.houstonaquariumwarehouse.com/" target="_blank">http://www.houstonaquariumwarehouse.com/</a>
<a href="http://www.kennysdiscus.net/" target="_blank">http://www.kennysdiscus.net/</a>
<a href="http://www.wattleydiscus.com/" target="_blank">http://www.wattleydiscus.com/</a>
<a href="http://www.sunrisetropicals.com/" target="_blank">http://www.sunrisetropicals.com/</a>

The people at Discus Madness are awesome. I have talked to them before and also inquired about getting some Discus but they do not ship to Canada. :(
Daniel (houstonaquariumwarehouse) is an awesome guy. When I was having some problems he gave me his phone number and talked to me about medicating Discus! I recently ordered some of Kenny's Discus from a supplier in Canada. I am very happy with the quality. The other websites are known for their high quality Discus.

I have to disagree with the Discus Madness endorsement. He sent me the wrong fish, and the fish he did send me were not of the quality I had hoped for. I'd go with Hans if you are on the east coast.

Edit: just read you were in Michigan. DL's comments about Rocky Mountain are the first negetive ones I've read. I've read a lot of good reviews about them and almost bought, but went with Discus Madness because they were much closer to me. Im in NY.
Thanks for the advice on breeders, I'm feeling more and more confident about getting discus and being able to keep them alive. I figure, from things I've read that since they are my first ones, I should get some that are at least 4 inches, what should I expect to pay for at least 6 of them?
$200-$300 at least. Probably more.

Oh. I take back what I said about Rocky Mountain Discus. I was thinking of this place. You should check them out.. <a href="http://www.choiceaquariums.com/about/greatLakesDiscus.php" target="_blank">http://www.choiceaquariums.com/about/greatLakesDiscus.php</a>

Just noticed that their stock is pretty light at the moment. You might want to email them and see if thats accurate or if they will have more variety in soon. They usually have a few pages of discus to choose from. They are in Michigan, if I were you I would drive out there and get the chance to choose the ones you want. They are pretty well respected in the discus community. You are actually in a pretty good position. They import fish directly from Asia and Germany.

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