Fish Stolen ?

how low can they go???????/ i cant believe that anyone would do this, i just hope the swine that took it knows how to care for it,if its still alive :(
Had someone last Xmas get in to my FH and tried to net off some of my angels, just kids I think but my hubby disturbed them at it and they legged it.

Water everywhere and my poor angels were really stressed out !!! :grr:
o my god this is so upsetting for us fish lovers,there are some real sad greedy people out there,why just take one,and not the pair,if they have to go so low as to steal anyway,she may never breed with another shark,And they may now both die as a result of this thoughtless act,these are not fish lovers,They are just greedy,hoping to make a bit of money.Well i do hope she is found soon,safe and well.....
Call me cynical but nothing surprises me these days, there is someone who will steal anything.
Of course its a sad story, but that tank did not look big enough to house a 2 foot shark, let alone having a mate in there too.
Am I the only one thinking this criminal was none too smart... I mean he only stole one.... why not steal the breeding pair? As the man in the news report said... they are worth much much more as a pair.... plus he could produce off spring and just keep the parents....

But this is all assuming the man knew how to care and keep the sharks.... the shark might have been dead by morning if the theif didnt have the proper set-up for the shark...

Ox :crazy:
Damn Idiots >.<
Who would steal a poor shark

Saying that idiots will steal anything these days to make a quick $$$

think it's in a LFS somewhere now?
Very possible Leedsboi. Could have been stolen by a competitor that was jealous of this show owners success in breeding a rare species.

Ox :blink:
Thats what I was thinking.
Or a Private Collector that was after it.

Ya gotta wonder why petty thugs would steal just that one?
Why not the pair? Why not other stuff around?

It's as if that was there target.
Or it could have been stolen by an employee who already has the mate. Maybe it was local kids who were bored. Maybe the owner stole it as part of an insurance scam. Maybe it was a customer who had seen it and thought it wasn't a big enough tank.

Hell, it could be a forum member. I'M WATCHING YOU :crazy:

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