New Fish! Finally!

I have some Hikari sinking cichlid pellets that I've fed them but they dont seem to eat them. I do have some frozen bloodworms I've fed them as well and much like you said, you do really like them.

Most LFS feed their fish stock about twice a week if the fish are lucky with the cheapest food they can find. Most cichlids will eat the food you feed them when they get used to it. I know it sounds strange but try them on sinking Catfish pellets. They are mostly bottom feeders so they might like them. I use King British catfish pellets and Tetra Prima complete food. I feed every 2-3 days. Try Ebay for food. Its suprising what you can buy on there. :nod:
yeah I might have to get the King British pellets off ebay since I doubt they sell it in the United States. I'm pretty sure It'll be easy to find the Tetra Prima.
yeah I might have to get the King British pellets off ebay since I doubt they sell it in the United States. I'm pretty sure It'll be easy to find the Tetra Prima.

I think most places now will ship over to the US. If your lucky you might be able to Google it and find some that way too. I've been trying to get some pics of my tank on here but struggling to downsize them. If i can do it hopefully i'll be able to show you my set up. Fingers crossed.
That would be great to see your set up, how big of a tank are they in?? By the way they really are seeming to get used to the tank, today it only took them a few min. each time I was near the tank for them to come out of hiding and slowly make their way around exploring the tank.
Hi Schooly. Sorry late with reply. Went to watch Horse Racing yesterday. Hope all ok. My tank is a 5x2x2, so roughly 485ish litres. I'm going to try take some pics tonight and try get them posted. Its good having a big tank. Can put so much more fish in it. I've got at least 15 diff type of fish.
Some day I will have a tank that big, just right now it doest work out very well due to being a college student and I know at some point I'll have to move them. but when I get my own place, definitely will have a large tank. I have the 55 gal with the key holes in it and I have a 65 gal community tank that is in the process of being done.

Key Hole update: They are doing very well, they are as you said starting to become very brave and come out almost right after they hide, the rams are doing the same. Today when I fed them they actually all came to eat right away instead of waiting and slowly creeping over there they just came and ate, I was really excited!! I think I'll be getting a school of about 10 rummy nose tetra this week, do you think they'll go well in the tank?

cant wait to see the pics of your tank!
Hi Schooly. Its quite hard when you start out. Believe me. I started with a 2ft juwel. I had to buy 2nd hand tanks until i could finally afford to buy my 5ft. All in all it cost me around £600. Then I had to buy fish. Probably another £200. I saved money by making my own stand. It scared the hell out of me when i started filling tank with water. Was constantly listening for creaks and groans but was all ok. I think 2 of my keyholes are pairing up. Saw them mouth fighting earlier. They're just following each other about now. Glad your little ones are getting braver. You could probably put any small fish in with them, a nice school of tetra's will look cool though.
I've managed to get a pic on. Its in the members tanks. Its not the best pic but now i sort of know what I'm doing there will be some more on soon. How do i get pics on this forum?
If you put your pictures on then you can copy the IMG code, it'll be right below the picture on the website, and then just paste the code on here and the image should work. so before you post it the image wont show up, it'll just be the pasted line that will look something like. www.blahbalhbalh[IMG] You can preview the post as well before you actually post it, and in that you'll see if your images actually show up.

Again the key holes are doing well, slowly becoming more brave as they begin to come out and stay out longer, especially when I feed them! I'll be getting the tetra tomorrow and will post some pic once I get them.
Hi. I've managed to put 3 pics in members tanks. Its under the heading my 5x2x2. I'm happy for you that you can finally see your Keyholes for the lovely fish that they are. Not trying to put your tank down but if it was me, I would maybe put some more caves/tunnels in there for them to explore. Just a suggestion. Completely up to you though mate. Its a lovely set up as it is. :good:
I commented on your pics but I'll say it again thats a great looking set up you have!!

I put the tetra in the tank today with them and they have helped bring out the key holes even more. I think they give them a sense of security, you know.
I commented on your pics but I'll say it again thats a great looking set up you have!!

I put the tetra in the tank today with them and they have helped bring out the key holes even more. I think they give them a sense of security, you know.
They might act as a bit of a dither fish for the keyholes. Give them a sense that there is nothing in there that can bother them. You going to put anything else in with them? Glad all working out ok. Thanks for comment on my tank. Speak soon.
Well I really like the tetra and have thought about getting a few more of them to make their school a little bigger or getting a different kind to school. I think in time though I want to put a pack of corys in there to help keep the sand turned over. yeah the tetra have made the keyholes so brave, they were all out and about today like there was no care in the world. Oh I know I would really like some cherry shrimp but I have a feeling they wouldnt go well in that tank.
wow nice pics, looks like a really spacious tank
u should have stocking it with beutifull fish :D
what fish u planning on gettin next?
Hiya Schooly, hows everything going wth the keyholes? They must be quite well established in your tank by now. You will probably have noticed that they're not as timid now. How big are they now? When they get to about an 1.5 inch their fins will develop and you will be able to sex them. Just keep an eye on your water conditions because they are quite a delicate fish. Speak soon. Wayne.

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