Search results

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    Little Aussie battler

    UFC-5, "claims" to cure Neon Tetra Disease, but I have my doubts.
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    glasscat question

    One of my Glass Cats passed away last week, presumed old age for several reasons but, I had no idea they were pseudo-transparents. When it lost its clear appearance just minutes after death I was shocked. Who knows how they keep themselves transparent?
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    Tiger Oscar

    Sheenzorz, Chances are he's just settling in to his new home. Most all fish are shy to some degree or another when new to a place. As far as the pellets are concerned, the simplest explanation is likely the right one! He simply doesn't fancy the taste.
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    Gasping Fish

    It's likely that is an illness, probably gill flukes, but it could be the very early stages of poisoning, a malfunctioning filtration system or, as you said, simply poor gill function. But as I said, if you had to wager, going with illness would be your best bet.
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    Strange Disease

    Damn, I just assumed you could delete your own posts, my bad. This forum's different to most I've ever visited. Anyway, ammonia & nitrite are the most lethal to test for, but then, your pH & Gh are exceptionally important too. Start with ammonia & nitrite.
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    Shark wont eat

    Would you be able to scan a picture of him, Jesse?
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    This a good mix of fish?

    Yeah, that'll soon be too small for either Shark. I can't see why they won't get along tho, the Red-Tailed Black is about your biggest problem, & I wouldnt envisage any serious trouble. They should get along fine, only reason they may not would be due to the tight space theyre in. Otherwise...
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    I've bought a 2nd hand tank.......

    1) There are various cleaning products available on the market. Consult your local dealer & inform them of your situation. They should have just the remedy for your quandary. 2) Quite often, yes. 3) Your LFS will generally take the fish, provided they are in good health. Make a quick call...
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    This a good mix of fish?

    As Stickle said, best to keep the Balas in a small shoal, but they'll need at least a 120cm, or 5', aquarium for that, preferably more. How big is your aquarium?
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    Shark wont eat

    Inspect the fish closely. Are there any abnormal markings or injuries? Is the fish still behaving as it normally would, eating aside? Watch the entire aquarium...are one or two fish bullying your Shark? Is the fish new & perhaps still settling in? Is your specimen simply being outcompeted for...
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    Strange Disease

    You should probably delete those excess posts, Kirstie. You need test kits for nitrite, nitrate, Gh, pH, & IMO your temperature is a tad high. 24-25 C, or 75-77 F, should be aimed for.
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    Guppy Disease...wont go away!

    Maverick, Guppies never like their water soft & acidic. You shouldn't keep them in water with a lower pH level than 7.0, ideally the water should be on the harder side, so I doubt this could be the problem. How gradually did you lower the pH level though? Perhaps too fast?
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    Guppy Disease...wont go away!

    Neither cruel nor messy, placing the fish in a cup of aquarium water & then placing it in the fridge is a common practice in euthanasia.
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    What's eating my Angel!

    "...I have 3 fancytail guppies, 3 danios, 1 male betta..." - MamaPish Not a good idea! :no: Fancy-tail Guppies can often be mistaken by Siamese Fighters as another male of the same species, causing them to attack &, of course, completely obliterate the Guppy. Even if you haven't seen signs...
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    What's eating my Angel!

    My bet would be the Danios. If not in a fairly sizeable group, the, "tag" game starts with other fish. They've been known to nip long fins.
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    Tank Mate Suggestions?

    I would recommend a Jaguar Cichlid. I am yet to keep, or see anyone else keep, a fish that could bully these beasts. The Red Devils are monsters in their own right, so things I have a feeling could somewhat even out. Definitely, I suggest a Jaguar. An adult of course. They will make your Devil...
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    Will Flat Landscaping Rocks Work?

    Well, I dont know if thats entirely accurate. Most all rocks will have some small amounts of calcium deposits. I wouldnt be too alarmed if a rock fizzed slightly, but vigorous reactors should be avoided, of course. The vinegar test is a great method tho. Soak rocks that pass that test in water...
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    Royal Rams- advice please!

    Okay, Microgeophagus Ramirezi is the Blue Ram which I have kept successfully with gentle community fish, I've never held a Royal one & can't seem to find any info on them at Google. I'm sure one of the Cichlid fans here will have a wealth of info on them, however. Sorry I couldn't be of more...
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    Royal Rams- advice please!

    Some can vary their colour & appearance according to mood. The Cichlid family aren't my strong point, I'm afraid, but I'm certain a quick search through Google would soon identify your fish! I also see CichlidMaster is online, little help here mate? I wish we could post fotos on this board.
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    Royal Rams- advice please!

    Are you referring to Microgeophagus Ramirezi? Commonly referred to as the Ram, or Butterfly, Cichlid? If so, I've kept these fish with small Tetras & Guppies, no qualms there.
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    Guppy Disease...wont go away!

    Definitely, some plants will suffer if salt is added.
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    Guppy Disease...wont go away!

    The Neons will not tolerate salt. They must be removed if you are going to experiment with it.
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    Compatible Fish

    Just plant the URL of the picture you desire between image tags. They're the ones that say, "IMG" &, "/IMG" between brackets. Id give ya an example, but the board won't allow me to. Women...such shallow, shameless perverts...:lol:
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    RD, GT, and Jaguar in a 125???

    You may have problems with aggression, but I don't think anything will bully the Jaguar. Those guys are seriously brutal.
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    The wonderful world of Corys

    Three is generally the minimum, but as always, the more the better. I keep three Albinos & they enjoy scurrying around together, even like scattering my five Kuhlis for laughs at times. Of course, the Kuhlis are infinitely too fast for them so no harms ever done, & Ive yet to see them do...
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    Don't call me Barb

    I'd say you just can't pull it off unfortunately, dude. They'll take your Siamese Fighter down, piece-by-piece. If possible, maybe you should consider a secondary aquarium for Barbs, or you'll be forced to choose between one & the other, sadly.
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    Compatible Fish

    lol. Legolas is a champ.
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    Compatible Fish

    Kirstie... 1) Simply click on the face you wish to incorporate into your post. 2) Find a picture online, anywhere, & then right click on it. Go to, "Properties" & copy the URL into your Avatar space.
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    fish game no 10

    Killifish of some description?
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    Compatable fish

    It can only be applied to oxygen supply tho, unfortunately. You really can't set a general rule for fish when it comes to required room. That depends from fish to fish.
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    Compatable fish

    Oh hell no. Who told you that? By that measure, we could have a 10" fish in a 10G aquarium! :no: I find a good guide to be 2.5cm's, or 1", of fish length for every 64cm, or 10", of squared surface area in relation to oxygen. The best you can do in regards to space is to assess each fish you...
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    Need Any Help With Emergencies?

    As will we all.
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    highest temperature for fish

    It would help if you could convert Fahrenheit to Celsius, as many here use the latter as a temperature guide. What's 83 Fahrenheit, that must be into the 30's on the Celsius scale, I can't think of any fish that would last. If your friend has the money, tell her a very wise investment would be...
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    Compatable fish

    Ive never bred them, but you should try posting that question in the forum dedicated to these particular fish, called, "The Betta Bowl". They are Anabantid's so they create floating rafts, or bubblenests, as they are more commonly referred to, when they have mated. The male places the eggs...
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    Fish Bowl Fish

    Perhaps in an ideal World, CM.
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    Fish Bowl Fish

    I agree with you, but I think we may be in the minority in the fishkeeping hobby.
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    Fish Bowl Fish

    Dude, 0.5L is a little on the negligent side, don't you think? Do you really not have room for say, even a 30-40cm, or 12-15" aquarium?
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    Compatable fish

    Hey, I haven't kept either Checkered or Rosy Barbs so I can't comment but I can unreservedly say that there is no problem keeping Siamese Fighters with anything that won't either eat, harass, or outcompete them for food, the one exception to this being another male in the aquarium. So, if you...
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    Do you use a fish cycle or fishless cycle?

    Looks like Ive evened up the votes for now.
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    Plec for 55L tank

    Sounds fair enough, with the glaring exception that any species of Shark is infinitely too large for a 23L aquarium, & a 55L for that matter. I have a 155L aquarium & I am hesitant to put Sharks in. Consider placing them in the 180L if at all possible.