highest temperature for fish


New Member
Dec 9, 2002
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Hi, I'm back again. Another question. Someone has a ten gallon tank with a turtle. She wants to get fish to put in it, not expensive fish. Feeder fish. She lives in florida and her tank temperture hits 83 at times. When she went to the pet store, they told her that they won't last long over 80 degrees. Is this truth?
It would help if you could convert Fahrenheit to Celsius, as many here use the latter as a temperature guide.

What's 83 Fahrenheit, that must be into the 30's on the Celsius scale, I can't think of any fish that would last.

If your friend has the money, tell her a very wise investment would be a chiller, which, although not cheap, are excellent for maintaining a decent temperature in excessively warm conditions.
83 farenheit is 28.5 celsius, which is too hot for most tropical fish. They're top range is usually 80 farenheit, right? Can anyone verify that for me? 80 farenheit is 27 celsius. Yeha, that sounds right! I'd go with Amadaca, buy a chiller.
if she just wants to lower the temp for the feeder fish, i would not invest in a chiller. not worth the money for feeders. either tel her to buy them a few at a time on a as needed basis or find an alternative method for feeding the turtle. imo, i would not feed anything a feeder fish. too much of a risk for disease.

As we all know, when we treat for ich we raise the temp to 82 degress for at least the duration of the treatment period, Usually 5 days minimum.

If she insists on feeding feeders, then as Maggie said buy a few at a time as they will surely survive this high temp for short periods.

A chiller for a 10 gallon tank is a big waste of money!!!

My advice is buy the turtle prepared foods designed for turtles or frozen or freeze dried krill. I used to keep soft shell turtles and this is what I fed them with no problems at all!!!!!!

The risk of introducing a disease to your tuetle is not worth the risk of seeing it hunt down feeders.


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