Fish Bowl Fish


New Member
Feb 1, 2003
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I have a 1 and half gallon fish bowl I would like to set up for my daughter. Would you please give me your recommendations for a fish or fish that would survive with a room temp of 70 degrees. No filters or heaters.

Thanks for any response.

Its not really a good idea to have fish bowls because it isn't very good for the fish as ammonia nitrite and nitrate levels will all build up. Especially without a heater.

The only fish I could think of which could live in there is either 2 white cloud mountain minnows or a couple of applesnails. Even so you'd have to do quite frequent water changes to dilute the "pollution" which will build up rapidly in a tank so small.
What about a betta?
They do well in bowls but will require frequent water changes...
They also are jumper's so you would need a lid of some sort with air holes to keep him in the bowl...I have 2 betta's, each in 1 gallon tanks at room temp(about 72-74) my kids love them...
I would suggest a male betta fish(chinese fighting fish). They are very hardy and very colourful. My son has one in his bedroom in a 0.5 litre bowl. Just don't put more than one male in the bowl. They will tear each other apart.
:eek: Yes the bowl is that small... let's all feel sorry for my son's betta :sad: Betta's are not that full of energy to begin with... the fish seems to do fine though.
Perhaps thats the reason as to the betta's lethargy. The betta that I had before it died was very active.
My betta's have wonderful personalities. :wub: One even eats from my hand! :fun: Betta's will adapt to smaller homes but do better in larger one's. In a bowl that small how many water changes are you doing?
I don't really want to ruffle any feathers, but I think putting any fish in a tank smaller than five gallons is just plain mean. If you have room for a bowl, you have room for a tiny tank, and a happier fish.
Dude, 0.5L is a little on the negligent side, don't you think? Do you really not have room for say, even a 30-40cm, or 12-15" aquarium?
Great Lakes said:
I don't really want to ruffle any feathers, but I think putting any fish in a tank smaller than five gallons is just plain mean. If you have room for a bowl, you have room for a tiny tank, and a happier fish.
I agree with you, but I think we may be in the minority in the fishkeeping hobby.
Unfortunately GL and Amadaca,

When it comes to beta's this seems to be the rule!!! Place the fish in a cup of water simply because they can breath air!!

I guess I am in the minority as well. I don't recommend bowls for anything (except maybe soup)!!

I thought betas liked it rather warmer than room temperature :huh:
Hi again everyone :)
Don't worry about ruffling my feather's ( I have none lol )
Betta's do better in larger tank's...I have mine in 1 gal. which I feel are too small...Would love to have a 5 gal. for each of them but raising 4 kids and fish gets expensive lol.. When I first got our betta's the pet store told us the "They only need to live in this teeney tiny hex tank( cup more like), they require no care other than feeding and every month a quick water change"
I brought the fish home and hit the computer because I thought" that really can't be right can it?"
I was addicted to fish keeping before I knew what happened to me. :lol:
I try my best to keep my betta tanks warmer than room temp by using a heating pad as heater's don't come in sizes for smaller tanks.
The betta does best in the temp range of 74-82 degrees F...don't know what that would be in C.
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