This a good mix of fish?


Fish Addict
Feb 22, 2003
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:no: Can someone tell me if this is a good mix of fish in an Aquarium: 1 Bala Shark, 1 Red-Tail Shark, 1 Knight Goby, 1 Algae eater. Is there anything wrong with this mix? They seem to be getting along fine.
Well bala sharks like to be in groups, and what size tank are they in?
StiX said:
Well bala sharks like to be in groups, and what size tank are they in?
As Stickle said, best to keep the Balas in a small shoal, but they'll need at least a 120cm, or 5', aquarium for that, preferably more. How big is your aquarium?
Well, I know I need a much larger aquarium. I only have a 12g one right now, but I cannot afford a larger one. I just want to know if the fish will get along. I plan on trading my fish in for credit when the get too big.
Yeah, that'll soon be too small for either Shark. I can't see why they won't get along tho, the Red-Tailed Black is about your biggest problem, & I wouldnt envisage any serious trouble. They should get along fine, only reason they may not would be due to the tight space theyre in.

Otherwise, theres no reason to believe these fish wont get along quite well.

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