Search results

  1. D

    Aquarium Closedown

    pm me :)
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    Aquarium Closedown

    Hi, the only fish i'd like to keep in the groups, are the parrots and the loach. They have been with me since juveniles, and i tried separating them once when i bought i rio 180. Stressed! They looked as if they were all about to die after 1 week! always been together since.
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    Aquarium Closedown

    Selling everything in my aquarium as i'm shutting it down due to lack of time. sensible offers on the items listed please, and collection only sorry. items to be sold last: 1 x 5ft 370l aquarium on black ash cabinet with substrate, lid and lights and in very good condition apart from a couple...
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    Marine Project For Sale...

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    Marine Project For Sale...

    ideally i want it all to go as 1 job lot, but if it doesn't go then maybe. :)
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    Marine Project For Sale...

    Well i was going to start a marine aquarium alongside my trop, but with working loads now, i just haven't got the time to see it through, and now my laptop is broke so i need to sell it!! Juwel Rio 180 in beech, in very, very good condition and only a couple of light scratches on the glass...
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    Getting Wild Fish To Eat Flakes

    I know this may sound daft, but have you tried putting a bit of current in the water to get the food moving around a bit more and maybe get them interested? just a thought.
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    Possible Price On Full 5ft Setup...

    Could do with a bit of advice on price if i was to sell my aquarium, lack of time is pushing sale... 5ft in black ash cabinet, around 350litres and in very good condition, glass condensation sliders both intact with no cracks or splits on runners, and only a couple of hairline scratches on...
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    Rio 180 Closedown

    The tank's not for sale, i'm converting to marine, it's everything inside it that's going. :)
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    2 Parrot Fish

    I'm closing my aquarium down and have 2 very large parrot fish up for grabs. Pink/red colour and i'm after £15 each for them. Stoke on trent, collection only please. :)
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    Rio 180 Closedown

    That's if this lot gets sold! lol. I wonder what parrot fish taste like...
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    Rio 180 Closedown

    Yeah, should be a nice size to start! :P
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    Rio 180 Closedown

    I'm closing down my rio 180 and everythings to go what's in it. Want to rid everything together really, but if i was to sell things separately, the fish would have to go first. Here's the list: 1 juwel filter with media and additional media. ( I mentioned it's a rio 180 as i don't know what...
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    Bristle Nose Cat Fish And Rummy Nose+?

    In a 60 litre tank, i personally wouldn't add much more than a school of rummynose and a bristlenose, maybe a couple of shrimps and an apple snail, otherwise you might end up overstocking and running into problems. You could make it look fantastic with a bit of aquascaping, even if you have an...
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    Saved A Fish From A Small Tank Need To Know What It Is

    Looks like a Gibbicep (sailfin plec). It will be fine with all of the other tankmates, and you should get a good amount of time with him in your existing aquarium if you do decide to keep him, before you have to rehome him or upgrade your aquarium. I have one about 11" and bothers no one, but...
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    Polypterus Senegalus X 2

    The story My nephew has bought a Jewel 3ft aquarium, along with fish, mainly african cichlids, but it also houses 2 polypterus senegalus. Now these two guys (not sure of sex) are still quite young and the longest being around 7" and the other an inch shorter, both in good health. These 2 have...
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    2ft Tank With Stand Wanted

    I have a friend in need of a 2ft tank with a stand, and as he's on a budget, it needs to be reasonably priced or free. Just the tank and stand will be fine, with or without lid, but no heater/filter...etc required. Can pick up locally thanks
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    Tilapia Buttikoferi - Free To Good Home!

    Well we've just had a couple of parrot fish, and this guy was going nuts at them. He was the biggest in the aquarium, and the parrot fish are only slightly smaller, but all hell was breaking loose! So, he's up for grabs, perfect health and around 6" or so. Collection only peeps, and he needs...
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    Is This A Convict?

    Just seen how big they grow... hmmmmmmm lol He was only about an inch when i had him, about the size of the palm of your hand now, only 3ish months on!
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    Is This A Convict?

    Just looked him up on wikipedia... Absolutely right! Not really had a problem with aggression with him, apart from when he's shredding a cucumber up! Thanks for that.
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    Is This A Convict?

    Just thought i'd check, as i'm after a couple more. But all the pics i've seen of convicts look a bit different. Thanks
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    Convicts Wanted -****closed*****

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    Would You Believe It!

    LOL. That's cool! And one hardnut shrimp! I used to have shrimps...then a few of my fish took a tasting to them, after i'd had them for over 12 months :(
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    Tiger Oscar

    I'm sorry, but the little dude has been rehomed. Havent had chance to get this updated.
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    Your Chinese Algae Eater

    I have 1 and have had him from when he was just under an inch. He's about 4" now and i've had him about16 months. He bothers with none of my other fish at all and usually hangs out with my clown loach. The only time he showed a bit of aggression is when he's munching on cucumber, and that was...
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    Tiger Oscar

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    Please Help Id My Catfish

    Thanks for that folks. I was under the impression for ages, info from lfs, that the gibbicep was a common plec, and the new one was a catfish. Oh well! Here's another pic anyway of the beast. Have a fluval 404 running alongside a small internal filter, which will be upgraded this weekend to...
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    Please Help Id My Catfish

    i'll try and get a better pic.... lol
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    Please Help Id My Catfish

    The common plec is to the left of it. The photo doesn't really show that he's grey or the big whiskas he has!!
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    Please Help Id My Catfish

    He's 12" of pure muscle!! lol and only been in my aquarium for about 2 hours and i haven't a clue what sort he is. Any ideas? Thanks
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    Tiger Oscar

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    Tiger Oscar

    I've got 2 tiger oscars and 1 of which needs to be rehomed :( The one to be gone is around 4" and growing fast, but the other oscar has suddenly started to hate him and he's just hiding behind a large piece of wood! He's in good health, no HITH or parasites. Thanks
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    That hilarious!! I've got 20+ fish and none of them have names, a zillion acara eggs and they're certainly not getting named and 2 dogs...yes they have names...but left to me, they would be known as "OI, get off the chair" or "OI, stop bloody barking" or maybe just "OI, leave the post alone" LOL
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    Angelfish With Odd White Spikes - Please Help

    I've just been reading a post about this, and this looks like what your fish has on it...
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    LOL...Gordon the Gecko!! Bet you have a hamster called Hammy too! lol By the way...know anything about Acara's? I've put a post in here.
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    Just a thought...Sell your story to a newspaper or the that would be funny. Come on, lets see you on the news!!!
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    Sorry to say this....but that's cool as hell!!!! I would be well proud to have had this! Looks like a geko to me, but i would do a quick scan for what you need and go shopping in the morning! Keep him!!
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    Blue Acara Laid Eggs

    This afternoon my blue acara laid a few hunderd eggs on a rock. There's only them 2 in there along with a small 2" plec. Now from what i've been told the clearish eggs are fertilised, and the white eggs are unfertile. Around 15% are white. I also know thet she'll move the eggs to another...