Saved A Fish From A Small Tank Need To Know What It Is


Fish Fanatic
Jan 19, 2009
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Saved a fish from a friends tiny tank but worried to add to my tank as I think it will get to large and be uncompatiable with my other fish.

I have a 200ltr
1 BN Catfish
4 bronze cory
5 BW tetra
5 Harlequins
2 Angels
1 Honey Gornami
2 opaline gornami

Any help on what it is and how big it will get will be a help.


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Its one of the common pleco species, so you are looking at a fish that will be getting to 12-18"
Its one of the common pleco species, so you are looking at a fish that will be getting to 12-18"


Will it be ok in my sized tank and with the other tank mates??
Ideally it will be needing a tank that has a footprint of at least 4x2 longterm
Looks like a Gibbicep (sailfin plec). It will be fine with all of the other tankmates, and you should get a good amount of time with him in your existing aquarium if you do decide to keep him, before you have to rehome him or upgrade your aquarium. I have one about 11" and bothers no one, but when you hear him "thud" against the glass, the whole tank jumps! lol

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