
Just a thought...Sell your story to a newspaper or the that would be funny. Come on, lets see you on the news!!!

Ha....yeah...might pay for the stuff I need to keep the little thing, he has a name.....Gordon!

LOL...Gordon the Gecko!! Bet you have a hamster called Hammy too! lol

By the way...know anything about Acara's? I've put a post in here.
I dont have a clue!

No but I have a cat call cassie! :)

That hilarious!! I've got 20+ fish and none of them have names, a zillion acara eggs and they're certainly not getting named and 2 dogs...yes they have names...but left to me, they would be known as "OI, get off the chair" or "OI, stop bloody barking" or maybe just "OI, leave the post alone" LOL
Yarr... my kid did somthing similar witha turtle, found it on the road and was gonna keep it, then found outs it was a rare subspecies that is endangered and comes witha $5000.00 dollar fine if ur caught with it. little bugger went right to the zoo.. almost , my daughter took the lid off the tank in the back seat and it crawled out under the frount paSSENGER WHILE I WAS DRIVING.... scared the crap outa me even though i knew it was in teh car and what it was.
Wow, what a cutie pie Gordon is!!

I bet you end up keeping him - I mean, you've named the little guy so you're getting attached already LOL!

Hope he's getting over the shock of being unexpectedly dunked in your aquarium.

Maybe next time you buy an ornament you'd be better off checking all the little nooks and crannies for stowaways, giving it a wash and seeing if anything pops out!

Let us know what happens to lil' Gordon! He's got quite a fan base on here already by the looks of things :hyper:

Regards - Athena
have to agree with athena, if you've named it, no doubt you're gonna keep it! once a pet has a name it is part of the family, one of those unwritten rule things ;)
Just a thought...Sell your story to a newspaper or the that would be funny. Come on, lets see you on the news!!!

this is a good story for a local rag, or TV. its like one of those, "and finally," story's for the end of the news!
ah but if the pet shop got a whiff of the story could they not demand their gecko back?! or is it a classic case of finders keepers? :)
ah but if the pet shop got a whiff of the story could they not demand their gecko back?! or is it a classic case of finders keepers? :)
If the pet shop had any marketing sense they would apologise profusely for the mistake and offer either to take it back or donate her some of the basic equipment/food required to keep it if that's what she decides to do.
ah but if the pet shop got a whiff of the story could they not demand their gecko back?! or is it a classic case of finders keepers? :)

i'd thought of that! i don't think they are i a position to "demand" anything, to be honest. but you make a good point!
if they did demand the geko back - one could potentially sue them for causing undue stress and shock, as well as emergency care for geko. plus with the media, you would have a lot of support and as the others have said, may get donations....dare i even say from the pet shop in question
Why not take it back to the shop?

I am not taking it back to the shop, I am not saying keeping it, is an honest thing, but I do not think the shop was looking after him very well, if they were, he would not of ended up hiding in an ornament that was for sale?

Anyway I have decided to keep him, have bought a vivarium today and other bits and pieces he needs, have spent all last night reading up on how to look after him, and have also joined a reptile forum, I am not saying I would of ever thought about keeping a reptile, but hey now I have him, I think its really cool, and he will become a valued member of my animal/fish family...I shall do my upmost to learn what I need to know, (have been given some good advice on here and also on the reptile forum) Not a way to start keeping reptiles, but hey I am a responsible pet owner and am sure he will do just fine.

He is settled in his new home and has pride of place next to my fish tank, he has eaten for the first time, and drank quite a lot of water, poor guy he could not get the mealworms down fast enough, but have only allowed him 5 for now, on recommendation from a reptile fan, I shall continue to feed him up till he has put on the weight he has lost.

I would say I am smittened with him!

If any news person wants my story, then I want a big fat fee, ha, its cost me a small fortune today!
He is a little cutie pie.
I'm not into reptitles either.
Good luck, and glad he found a home where he will be loved and well taken care of.
that is a albino leopard gecko. it eats crickets and worms and even baby mice. they sell for about 40 u.s. dollars.

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