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  1. emmsy

    4ft Tank Emergency!

    I wouldn't have thought so, but check with a Mod, they could probably tell you straight away
  2. emmsy

    Every Page Is So Slow To Load

    I always have been an early riser. I get up about 5-5.30am, and go to bed about 10 - 10.30 Emma
  3. emmsy

    4ft Tank Emergency!

    sorry to leave you in the lerch last night, I just couldn't get this website working properly last night. How are things this morning mate? Emma
  4. emmsy

    Every Page Is So Slow To Load

    oh the joys of the internet Emma
  5. emmsy

    After All My Effort I Now Have Brown Water

    bogwood dye is not harmful. Does the water look like tea? Just keep doing small water changes and maybe get filter floss in your filter. If you have filter floss, give it a wash out Emma
  6. emmsy

    Hello 2 All

    Hello and welcome to the best forum. So stop shopping around. Emma
  7. emmsy

    Every Page Is So Slow To Load

    thank god you said that. I rebooted my router about 10 times. It is not just you Emma
  8. emmsy

    4ft Tank Emergency!

    how have you increased aeration in the tank? Emma
  9. emmsy

    4ft Tank Emergency!

    Give me the link, Ich spreche Deutch. Emma
  10. emmsy

    4ft Tank Emergency!

    About a year ago,when I had a 4ft tank, I was testing all my levels aprt from ph. Then, like you, all my fish were losing colour and very lethargic. I slowly lowered my ph, but I did lose a few fish in the process of doing so, so your ph does need to be monitored. Emma
  11. emmsy

    My L47

    Sarcasm is the lowest form of humour :lol: :lol: :lol: Emma
  12. emmsy

    What Can I Put In?

    okay Rob, I grant you, you can't have many. A lovely angel would go great in there, as they don't need much space to turn aaround. Get a real small angel, a juvenille, and watch him grow. I had an angel in my first 2ft tank as a juvenille. Emma Yeah, but I am a fan of cichlids....have you...
  13. emmsy

    Fin-rot, Treatable With Dips?

    RIP. A truely sad day :rip: Emma
  14. emmsy

    What Can I Put In?

    Cichlids!....Chachacha.....Cichlids!....Chachacha.....Cichlids!....Chachacha..... Get some really exotic cichlids Emma
  15. emmsy

    Just Been Down The Lfs

    Well I have phoned a friend, and the answer is deff 5. :lol: :lol:
  16. emmsy

    My L114 Plec

    oh yes Emma
  17. emmsy

    My Basset Hound Flash

    let me know Emma
  18. emmsy

    My Basset Hound Flash

    did my cream remedy work on the folds of his skin mate? Emma
  19. emmsy

    My L114 Plec

    Oh simonas, I am so gutted about dropping my camera in the tank. It wasn't very expensive, but it was pretty good. My new one should be with me thursday. Nice plec mate Emma
  20. emmsy

    My L47

    Yeah, I wouldn't say he was golden, more of a butterscotch cream Emma
  21. emmsy

    My L114 Plec

    Okay so your pictures are better than mine. You do realise this means war........(joking) Wow, what a stunner. He is absolutely amazing! Emma
  22. emmsy

    My L47

    [/img] this is on my camera phone
  23. emmsy

    My L47

  24. emmsy

    Anyone Heard Of Or Keep This Species?

    been through 4 species books, and no info. but did find this Give them a ring. seeing as they stock them, they must know something about them Emma
  25. emmsy

    Will I Need A Stand For A 20 Gallon Tank?

    Well you don't have to buy a stand, but just make sure whatever you do put it on is sturdy and can take a knock. 20 gals can take a while to clean up Emma
  26. emmsy

    Is It Worth Using A Heater In Summer

    I sometimes do a cold water change in summer, using a syphon on a very small tube, almost like a trickle filter Emma
  27. emmsy

    Is It Worth Using A Heater In Summer

    Great minds think alike eh helen? Also like the idea of the ice cubes or bottle of frozen water Emma
  28. emmsy

    I Just Can't Stop!

    A very charasmatic tank mate :good:
  29. emmsy

    I Just Can't Stop!

    personally, If you have to buy antother tank, I would buy a small Quarantine Tank. This has proved a major asset to many a fish keeper in treating fish ailments. After you have a small Qtank setup, then maybe look at other tanks in the future. Emma
  30. emmsy

    I Just Can't Stop!

  31. emmsy

    I Just Can't Stop!

    Sorry, my fault. Yes I think your tank is stocked enough. Keep an eye on the angels though, they can get big Emma
  32. emmsy

    Is It Worth Using A Heater In Summer

    That is actually very true. I find the nights can actually get colder in the summer Emma
  33. emmsy

    I Just Can't Stop!

    Good point mate I have 5 tanks also. If you really want to keep adding fish, thats fine, but as guinness said, you must be prepared to buy more tanks Emma
  34. emmsy

    I Just Can't Stop!

    Wonderfull isn't it? you have a pocket full of cash, and you go in your lFS and say...I'll have this,this and this. It makes you feel really good inside. And then a few months down the line, you are on the forum saying that you have a major disease caused by overstocking, your filter can't cope...
  35. emmsy

    Is It Worth Using A Heater In Summer

    I guess the point of a heater is to keep a constant temperature at all times, but in the nice weather we are currently experiencing and during the summer months, Is it really worth heating the water Emma
  36. emmsy

    Just Been Down The Lfs

    Oh my God, the few iffy strands are having an effect. I think the answer is 5 but I will have to phone a friend. As you can see from my full title, maths was not my strong point Dr Emma Morgan ph.D MVDr Emma
  37. emmsy

    How Much Do You Spend On Fish Food

    I know. If you did add it up, roughly what do you think it would be? Emma
  38. emmsy

    How Much Do You Spend On Fish Food

    How much on an average week/month do you spend on food for your fish? This question is sparked off by me going down the LFS, and got another tub of cichlid pellets. I decided to go for the real jumbo size simply for the economy factor that buying large tins brings. Brought it to the till and he...
  39. emmsy

    Just Been Down The Lfs

    No it wasn't on impluse, this believe it or not was a planned selection. Something I have to get back into the habit of :look: The camera thing will stay with me for a long time, I'm sure. I check for any blonde strands of hair on an almost hourly basis :lol: Emma
  40. emmsy

    New Tank

    Hiya mate, I also have 3 clown loaches in a tank full of all different cichlids, and have had no problems at all. All should be good. :good: