Will I Need A Stand For A 20 Gallon Tank?


Fish Crazy
May 4, 2008
Reaction score
Cheshire, UK
I'm hoping to get a 20 gallon tank. I don't really have room for a stand/cabinet to hold up the tank, and the tank i have at the moment (9 gal) is on my bedroom drawer/cabinet. The cabinet is wood, but it is full of stuff inside probably weighing 6 kg. I don't want to risk my cabinet breaking (it stands on short legs). Will it be possible to put my 20 gal on the cabinet without any risk or is a tank stand a necessary item?
Well you don't have to buy a stand, but just make sure whatever you do put it on is sturdy and can take a knock. 20 gals can take a while to clean up

ok thanks, it should be ok then, i'm always banging into it and sometimes even stand on it! (won't be with 20 gal tho!!)
I think i'll even tie it to the wall in case so i can sleep at night!
I wouldn't put ANY sized tank on something that wasn't made for the purpose. Probably the first thing you'll be asked if you have to claim for any damage to carpets or furniture will be ''What was the tank supported on?''. Even if insurance doesn't bother you, peace of mind should. Even a small tank is heavy (just bear in mind how heavy a single bucket of water is).
my 10 gallon is on an oak 3 drawer standish thing from 1938, my grandparents used it as protection when their home got shelled.

lets just say it supports my weight (180).. Plus the tank, and a cat...

So if you can find anything along those lines your all set.. i think the shrapnel in the back deffinately adds character as well.
my 10 gallon is on an oak 3 drawer standish thing from 1938, my grandparents used it as protection when their home got shelled.

lets just say it supports my weight (180).. Plus the tank, and a cat...

So if you can find anything along those lines your all set.. i think the shrapnel in the back deffinately adds character as well.
wow, cool!
I have my 16gal on an old toybox I used to use - It's been there for a good 9 months now and it's held fine.

I couldn't tell you whether it'd work or not, but I can tell you how! :p :

20gals of water is 90 litres, 1 litre of water wieghs 1KG. So to test your cabinet find a weight of 90KG, put it on the cabinet and leave it for a few days. IF at any point you hear a crack or creak coming from the cabinet DO NOT USE IT! It will collapse over time and you'll lose the tank :)

As for where you can get 90KGs of weight from, use books! (or something) To weigh them just get alot and put them on some people-scales, there are 2.2 pounds to a kilo so you'll want about 14stone of stuff on the scales, call it 15 just to be safe as this'll take into account any rocks in the tank and the tank itself (which are far heavier than water).

That's a good test for making sure the cabinet will hold :) If it survives a week or two I'd say that's good indication you could put a fishtank on there.

Hope that helped!
thanks people, yeah my mum weighs about that i'll jus stick her on it for a day or so lol
Since most 20Gs weigh about 200 lbs, try putting about 250 lbs of stuff on there. That way, you have some lee-way with the weight, and you can tell if it's gonna shake easily.

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