4ft Tank Emergency!


New Member
May 6, 2008
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We discovered a dead Glass catfish in our tank this evening. On closer inspection, we've noticed all the swordtails and the Angel are at the top of the tank and our loaches are a greyish colour instead of teir usual deep dark brown with our smallest loach struggling to swim upright and is battling to swim at all - he's also being harrassed by the Angel!

We've checked the temp (81F/27C), Nitrite is at 0.0 and ammonia is slightly raised at 0.1. We haven't checked the pH as yet because we cannot find the instructions for the test kit (JBL Testset ph 3,0 - 10,0)

We don't know what to do now because our levels are fine, aside from the ammonia which could be from the dead fish in the tank.

Should we do a water change??

Can anyone give us some ideas please??

Personally I would do a water change after finding a dead fish anyway. Have you looked closely for signs of whitespot? It will look like tiny salt like white specks on them, and is easier to spot on tails and fins. My tank had a nasty case of whitespot and my glass catfish were amongst the first to die unfortunately.... get looking for spots!
Increase aeration in the tank.
The greyish colour is it also slimey looking.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing.
I think I would also do a water change.
Check your ph.
Personally I would do a water change after finding a dead fish anyway. Have you looked closely for signs of whitespot? It will look like tiny salt like white specks on them, and is easier to spot on tails and fins. My tank had a nasty case of whitespot and my glass catfish were amongst the first to die unfortunately.... get looking for spots!

Thanks for replying! That was quick!

Would a 1/2 water change do?

Nope no whitespot - the others look healthy and happy! Looked at the smallest loach and he seems to be struggling to breathe now too!

I've got a pH test kit but can't find the instructions and when I did find instructions on the internet on use they were in German :angry:
About a year ago,when I had a 4ft tank, I was testing all my levels aprt from ph. Then, like you, all my fish were losing colour and very lethargic. I slowly lowered my ph, but I did lose a few fish in the process of doing so, so your ph does need to be monitored.

Do a water change fast.
Personally I would do a water change after finding a dead fish anyway. Have you looked closely for signs of whitespot? It will look like tiny salt like white specks on them, and is easier to spot on tails and fins. My tank had a nasty case of whitespot and my glass catfish were amongst the first to die unfortunately.... get looking for spots!

Thanks for replying! That was quick!

Would a 1/2 water change do?

Nope no whitespot - the others look healthy and happy! Looked at the smallest loach and he seems to be struggling to breathe now too!

I've got a pH test kit but can't find the instructions and when I did find instructions on the internet on use they were in German :angry:

Give me the link, Ich spreche Deutch.

Increase aeration in the tank.
The greyish colour is it also slimey looking.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing.
I think I would also do a water change.
Check your ph.

Thanks for the reply!

Aeration increased.

Loachy isn't slimy he's just completely lost his colour which means he's either not happy or not well. Big loache looks concered and keeps going over to nudge smaller one back upright!

None of the fish are fllicking or rubbing!

I think I will do a water change!
I wouldn't treat just yet to we know your water stats.
Greyish film on fish can be many thngs.
Does the greyish area look slimey.

Sorry both replyed at same time.
I would do a water change and see if that helps for now.
Don't add the med.
Personally I would do a water change after finding a dead fish anyway. Have you looked closely for signs of whitespot? It will look like tiny salt like white specks on them, and is easier to spot on tails and fins. My tank had a nasty case of whitespot and my glass catfish were amongst the first to die unfortunately.... get looking for spots!

Thanks for replying! That was quick!

Would a 1/2 water change do?

Nope no whitespot - the others look healthy and happy! Looked at the smallest loach and he seems to be struggling to breathe now too!

I've got a pH test kit but can't find the instructions and when I did find instructions on the internet on use they were in German :angry:

Give me the link, Ich spreche Deutch.


Excellent... I'll post it now - going to have to search for it again!

I speak Afrikaans which is close to Dutch and German but the translation is going slow as I've not spoken or read it in 5 years! Arrrrrrggggghhhhh!
Clown loaches can grey out when there stressed.
I wouldn't treat just yet to we know your water stats.
Greyish film on fish can be many thngs.
Does the greyish area look slimey.

Sorry both replyed at same time.
I would do a water change and see if that helps for now.
Don't add the med.

I think it's best to do the water change first and then monitor the changes... I'm a little apprehensive of medicating without checking levels!
Thats good then.
As if a parasite was involved would of expected signs of flicking and rubbing.
Clown loaches can grey out when there stressed.

Yeah he does go grey when he's stressed out but we've never seen him so lethargic and grey at the same time! He's breathing really quick too!
Ok I would still do the water change first bless him.

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