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  1. M

    Can i put different types of gouramis with

    Right now I have 2 golden Gouramis, 2 blue 3 spot Gouramis and 1 paradise Gourami in my community tank. I have also had a giant Gourami and a flame Gourami in there with no problem. Just watch so they have plenty of territorial space and keep your male (1) to female (2).
  2. M

    Bolivian Ram

    Thanks for the information. I will have to try again later to get some better pictures of mine. It sounds as though I may have to take my chances on getting some females. I just hope I do not end up with all males until they are mature enough to tell.
  3. M

    Betta breeding problem HELP!~!~!~!

    Just shy of 2 weeks. Oh, she is such a pill...I wonder if I will ever get a successfull breed out of her. I've moved her into her new clean tank and will just let her be until the end of July. Then I will be home enough to try to breed her again. Hopefully she can wait! :/
  4. M

    Betta breeding problem HELP!~!~!~!

    I put Belle in a holding jar over night in order to clean her tank. When I went to put her back in this morning I noticed she had a whole bunch of eggs floating on the top of her water. What is she doing?
  5. M

    Yellows and Demasoni.

    My 13 year old son was looking through our fish books today trying to find some new fish to try. He could not find the picture he was looking for. His exact comment was "I want a tank with the fish like Freshmike has." You have a fan in my house! They are beautiful fish! Thanks for sharing...
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    Bolivian Ram

    Here are pictures of both : Fred: Barney: Barney changes colors quite often. Sometimes his body is grey with no spots and his eye stripe is faint, but as soon as another fish enters his territory his colors are like this. While Fred seems to stay the same. At first I bought just one...
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    My Bettas

    First the boys: Torch: Sky was in a fight with the guy next door. I woke up one morning to find he had jumped the fence and was visiting his neighbor. This is what he looked like before the fight: Now his fins are growing back another color. Is this usual? Rusty: Fabio: Now the girls...
  8. M

    Bolivian Ram

    Thank you for clearing it up. I was getting more confused than I was to begin with. :S Is there any easy way for me to tell when I go to the LPS to find a juvinile female? As fast as the fish come and go where I shop they will never be mature enough to be obvious.
  9. M

    Cleaning divided tank

    I can get the siphon to start in a small pitcher. It will not start in the tall pail at all. Even in the pitcher when I lift the hose to dump it and cuts the water flow. Do you know how many times I would have to start it in order to clean the whole tank? :S I have been stiring up the...
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    Cleaning divided tank

    Maybe that is what I will have to give a try. I will clean the tank best I can tomorrow and give it a clean start and see how I like it that way.
  11. M

    Cleaning divided tank

    The way the stand is built it would be really hard to disconnect everything and lift it out every week to fully clean the tank. Maybe if I used some other substrate than gravel like river rocks or something. The gravel is what is a pain to keep clean. Opinions?
  12. M

    Cleaning divided tank

    I have a 10 gallon divided tank with 3 male Bettas in it. It is on the bottom of a 2 tier tank stand. It is impossible to clean like it should be. I cannot get the syphon to work because of the lack of gravity. I have a filter and heater in it. I do not run the filter because the fish in...
  13. M

    Bolivian Ram

    I recently (month or so) purchased 2 Bolivian Ram Cichlids. I have been looking for pictures on the difference of the sexes. I have read page after page after page that tells about the rounder dorsel fin on the female and the pointy on the male. Does anyone on this forum either own a pair...
  14. M

    Betta all grown up :(

    Thanks for all of the compliments! I had not realized how much she had changed until I ran across the old pictures. She was about 1" when I got her and now she is about 2 1/2" . I do believe she was still a baby when I got her. It is very hard to find females around here too. I ws very...
  15. M

    Betta all grown up :(

    Here she is today. Her tail is split due to a breeding try. She dropped her eggs before I released her. I hope to try again in a few weeks.
  16. Belle_6_3_04.jpg


  17. M

    Betta all grown up :(

    For those of you who might remember I posted a picture of Belle when I got her the end of February. Here she was then.
  18. Belle.jpg


  19. M

    Sick fish ~ please help

    Don't forget to remove the carbon filter while treating your tank with medications. I hope all clears up soon!
  20. M

    Betta breeding problem HELP!~!~!~!

    So he is just showing he will be a good father when the time is right. As far as I could tell after I did let her go nothing happened. He chased her and she hid in the plants. I had planned on not feeding him, but since it all fell apart I thought it would not hurt. I think I will leave him...
  21. M

    Betta breeding problem HELP!~!~!~!

    Belle has been out for 6 hours now. I noticed that Torch (the male) has cleaned up all of the spilled eggs from the bottom. He is just sitting under the nest. He has never stayed there before. He is not even eating the food I placed in the tank after I removed Belle Is this common?
  22. M

    Betta breeding problem HELP!~!~!~!

    BUMMER! :/ Belle has been removed and put in a recovery tank all ready for her. I guess we will see in a few weeks again. Thank you!
  23. M

    Betta breeding problem HELP!~!~!~!

    So I have read all of the information and have decided to give breeding a try. I primed them in seperate tanks and 2 days agao put them together in a 5 gallon. Her in a chimney and he was free roaming. I placed a half styro cup on top. He built a small but nice nest. I was going to wait...
  24. M

    Help Id

    Thank you very much! :thumbs:
  25. M

    Help Id

    I was told by my fish lady that this was a peaceful chiclid that could go in my community tank. I have been trying to find information on him but with no luck. Could someone here please give me a hand? Thank you in advance.
  26. fred.jpg


  27. M

    My fish!

    Picture #1 Click on new fish on the bottom of the page: Picture #2 First pic on Platty page: Picture #3 go down to molly.jpg: Picture #4...
  28. M

    Y'all get to see MY tanks now!!

    They are all very nice! :nod: I cannot wait to see the pics of Bettas flaring! Keep them coming! :thumbs:
  29. M

    Rocks Again.....The 50 gallon....

    Beautiful! It just makes me want more rocks even faster! :grr:
  30. M

    Moses the Blue Betta's Mansion

    He looks very happy and healthy. Very creative background! It goes very well with his tree. :nod:
  31. M

    Fin rot??

    If I was taught correctly: Black type is bacterial and white is fungas. They are both considered fin rot.
  32. M

    30x12x15 - Whats the volume in UK/US gallons

    Here are some sites that might be of some help. Aquarium Calculator Aquarium Converter
  33. M

    At last lol

    Very nice looking! In my case I ask them and she orders what I would like. Will they order a female for you? :dunno:
  34. M

    Cutest pic EVAH!

    Adorable pic! Looks to me like the Angel is telling the Eel a bedtime story, all tucked in for the night. :cool:
  35. M

    New betta

    Very Nice! :thumbs:
  36. M

    Moderators Tanks

    Inchworm = Moderator = Tank Pictures ???
  37. M

    Fin rot??

    I too thought mine had just a different color until it started eating the fin away. Attached is a picture of my fin rot that I am still treating.
  38. Fin_Rot.jpg


  39. M

    Agressive gourami

    My Gouramis tend to be very territorial. If you re-arrange your tank a bit before adding new fish they usually leave the new ones alone staking out new territories. Other-wise the new fish wander in an already claimed area and bam. I did notice too they seem more aggressive at night. Maybe...
  40. M

    Green Algae Bloom

    I had a nasty algae bloom a few years back. I researched and researched on how to fix it. What I found was to cure it I had to cover my tank for 72 hours with a dark blanket. My tank is in the living room with lots of big windows. I fed them from the back of the tank in the dark. After the...