Bolivian Ram


Fish Fanatic
Feb 6, 2004
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I recently (month or so) purchased 2 Bolivian Ram Cichlids. I have been looking for pictures on the difference of the sexes. I have read page after page after page that tells about the rounder dorsel fin on the female and the pointy on the male.

Does anyone on this forum either own a pair that can post a picture or know of a site that shows a good picture of the difference?

I have quickly fallen for this fish and would like to get more but a male & female if possible to tell the difference.

Here is mine. Is it a male as I presume? (They both look the same. The other is just to fast to catch with the camera.My Bolivian Ram
preety sure its a female cuz the males have a longer dorsal fin
I personally think it is a male from that pic. Its hard to tell, but looks like a male to me.

Remember tho, that as juvies the rays on the dorsal fins are the same length as male and female. There is a difference, but they are the same length so thats why its hard to tell as juvies. (Its the same for german blues)
and thats a bolivian ram not a german blue
Thank you for clearing it up. I was getting more confused than I was to begin with. :S

Is there any easy way for me to tell when I go to the LPS to find a juvinile female? As fast as the fish come and go where I shop they will never be mature enough to be obvious.
MMM... I've been trying to find a good picture for you. They are a little different than the german blue rams, but its the same idea. Let me see if I can find you a good comparison picture.
Here are pictures of both :


Barney changes colors quite often. Sometimes his body is grey with no spots and his eye stripe is faint, but as soon as another fish enters his territory his colors are like this. While Fred seems to stay the same. At first I bought just one. The next week I went back and bought the other. Fred did not have the yellow belly until Barney was put in the tank. Barney has always had the yellow belly.

In Your opinion are thery both males?
Well those pictures really aren't very good for detail. Its hard to tell. If you can catch them with their dorsal fins up that would really help. Do you ever see them fight at all?
I dont have Bolivians but the regular blues.....
I dont try to get you confused or anything but,I will show you on my blues the difference between the two genders.
Like somebody said.It's difficult to sex juvies,for they don't show their phisical differences.But I will try on my blues.
Females are smaller and usually have this pinkish tummy.Males dont show it.
Males have a more fancier dorsal fin and bigger in size.
On with the pics....
This shows the female.Notice the pinkish spot around the belly area.It will turn really dark at breeding time.

Next one shows the male.A bit larger,more colorful and bigger dorsal.

And on this one...The pair is together during breeding.Notice the difference in coloration and the beautiful dorsal on the male and the pink/purple spot on the young female..
Thanks for the information. I will have to try again later to get some better pictures of mine. It sounds as though I may have to take my chances on getting some females. I just hope I do not end up with all males until they are mature enough to tell.
I wouldn't compare bolivians to blues. While similar... they are not the same.

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