Betta breeding problem HELP!~!~!~!


Fish Fanatic
Feb 6, 2004
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So I have read all of the information and have decided to give breeding a try. I primed them in seperate tanks and 2 days agao put them together in a 5 gallon. Her in a chimney and he was free roaming. I placed a half styro cup on top. He built a small but nice nest. I was going to wait until I had some free time to release her. I checked on them this moring and she was dropping what I expect to be eggs. Is this common? I have never read anything about this happening. There are small white round things floating on the surface but quite a few laying on the floor of the aqaurium. Any advice would be appreciated. :dunno:

Belle has been removed and put in a recovery tank all ready for her. I guess we will see in a few weeks again.

Thank you!
Belle has been out for 6 hours now. I noticed that Torch (the male) has cleaned up all of the spilled eggs from the bottom. He is just sitting under the nest. He has never stayed there before. He is not even eating the food I placed in the tank after I removed Belle Is this common?
Sounds like he's tending the nest, he just hasn't realized there are no fertilized eggs to tend. It is usual for the male to tend the nest and refuse to eat (you shouldn't feed your male after a successful spawn until they fry are free swimming and you take him out). So sounds like it's just his natural instinct kicking in. You may want to put him back in his own tank until you're ready to attempt the spawn again, that will get him out of the tending mode. I am assuming I didn't miss something here and they did spawn and fertilize some eggs? If there is a chance they actually did spawn and fertilized some eggs, then let him be and see what happens.

So he is just showing he will be a good father when the time is right.

As far as I could tell after I did let her go nothing happened. He chased her and she hid in the plants.

I had planned on not feeding him, but since it all fell apart I thought it would not hurt.

I think I will leave him there for a few days before moving him back to his tank just to make sure there are no fry.

Does this sound ok?

Thanks shrks1fan for all of your advice! :D
Yep, I'd leave him just in case. I've read many instances where breeders where sure their fish didn't spawn only to find fry a few days later, Lol. If the eggs aren't fertilized he "should" eat them, as they are suppose to eat the bad eggs to keep fungus from getting to the good eggs. Good luck, maybe you'll have a few little surprises soon :)

I put Belle in a holding jar over night in order to clean her tank. When I went to put her back in this morning I noticed she had a whole bunch of eggs floating on the top of her water. What is she doing?
Just shy of 2 weeks. Oh, she is such a pill...I wonder if I will ever get a successfull breed out of her. I've moved her into her new clean tank and will just let her be until the end of July. Then I will be home enough to try to breed her again. Hopefully she can wait! :/

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