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  1. LynnJ

    How Long Should I Wait To Add Kuhli Loaches

    I have this tank for about 7 weeks now. I cycled it by the help from this forum...Since I have stock my tank I have never had any problem than one day after over 60% water change I killed my BN pleco. From beginning my plan was to have some Kuhli loaches but some people told me it wasn't a good...
  2. LynnJ

    What Killed My Bn Pleco?

    I think the problem is when I took my fish out of the tank at the time I was cleaning or the water temperature was slightly different as someone mentioned before. I tried to make sure that the water was as the same temp as in my tank but I changes more than 50% at once. I read from the link...
  3. LynnJ

    Step-by-step Guide To Weekly Maintenance

    I wish I saw this before I cleaned the tank this weekend and killed my pleco....well written topic.
  4. LynnJ

    What Killed My Bn Pleco?

    Thanks I will read and see. Honesty I have never read any article on how to take care of a fish tank. Thanks so much.
  5. LynnJ

    What Killed My Bn Pleco?

    It was almost the same temperature but then b'se I changed the temp later it went up to 74 F and now 75 F but they were already in the tank then. So I was hoping the water temperature graduately raised while they were in there.
  6. LynnJ

    What Killed My Bn Pleco?

    How do I know is stres? diseases the other still doing fine and I am sure if I didn't touch that tank yesterday I guarantee this fish would have been alive today. I just feel bad and I know is my fault. At the time I was washing the tank I took them out of the tank and I put them in a bucket...
  7. LynnJ

    What Killed My Bn Pleco?

    I have been keeping my fish for more than three weeks now. I have already changed the water couple of times. Yesterday what I did was 1. Vacuuming the tank 2. Change water 50% 3. I have notice that my pleco always sit under or over the heater so I decided to raise the water temperature form 70...
  8. LynnJ

    Fishless Cycling

    I just finish cycle my tank. I went through a lot but once I managed to control the level I was well okay. 1. I didn't have a nitrate test so I never checked that before..... 2. Check the PH. If is below 7 everything will stop and you will just get the same results. Just add one teaspoon of...
  9. LynnJ

    Thanks All For Your Help And Idea

    I have to thanks all that help me till now. This is my fist picture of the fish I have in my tank. After all the two months of trials, bumps and frustration now I have a full cycle tank. I got very few fish to start with. I wanted to see if they would survive at least 48 hours before I finish...
  10. first_night__2_.jpg


  11. LynnJ

    I Am Very Confused

    Result after checking three times it went down to 0. I think it is done..well I didn't go to get the fish today because I wanted to be sure. Result ph 7 high level of ph 7.4 Nitrite 0 ammonia 0
  12. LynnJ

    I Am Very Confused

    Results after 12 hours Ammonia 0 Ph 7 Nitrite 0 I just add ammonia and I will check after 12 hours to confirm this. But now If I check tonight and find it is 0 again should I add ammonia again ? And if I don't get my fish tomorrow as I wasn't prepare for the fish tank to full cycle by this...
  13. LynnJ

    I Am Very Confused

    Yes, now I get either pale blue or purple color. It is hard to read this test kit but if I use the color code right is the purple that btn .5 and 1. I will check after 12 hours and see because for the past 2 days I have been checking this after 24 hours and 2 hours after I add ammonia.
  14. LynnJ

    I Am Very Confused

    Okay now I understand. Does this mean the cycling process is almost over. How long should I keep looking for this today results are the same Ammonia 0 ph 7 nitrite 0 After I added ammonia and check again after two hours ammonia 3-4 nitrite 1 again
  15. LynnJ

    Test Readings

    I think I have the same kit like yours very hard to read..API kit Just try your best to figure out. After two three readings you will be able to undestand better the different colors but I think Thy should come up with the different chart than this.
  16. LynnJ

    I Am Very Confused

    This is weird or is the way it supposed to be? After adding ammonia waited for two hours and checked again Ammonia 3-4 Ph 7 Nitrite 1 I was waiting for the nitrite to appear and stay in my tank at least for 4 days. Am I putting too less ammonia? At first I was adding to be about 5-6 and then...
  17. LynnJ

    I Am Very Confused

    I have been cycling my tank for almost 16 days now. Yesterday it was the first time to see the nitrite The results were Ammonia 0 - added up to 4-5 again Ph was 7.0 Nitrite 1 Today The results are Ammonia 0 Ph 7.0 Nitrite 0 Can the nitrite disappeared within 24 hours after its first spike?
  18. LynnJ

    Help Stocking My Tank

    Hey I am in my final stage of cycling my tank. I know it will probably take one more week or so but now the funny party beginning. I have looked around from people’s signature and from different photos I have come out with some fish I like but I still need help and advise. 1. My tank is...
  19. LynnJ

    Cycling This Normal?

    Hooray …it has been a long time coming. I can’t believe that today I finally see nitrite on my tank. I was just keep adding ammonia the same amount everyday at 1 pm and check the nitrite and ph only everyday. I never checked the ammonia since I posted my last comment as I knew it always go...
  20. LynnJ

    Stocking My Aquarium

    where is the photo forum in this site? I haven't see that before only know there is "non fish photographs"
  21. LynnJ

    Stocking My Aquarium

    I am thrilled and so excited to see your picture. I have been following your journal for so long. This is very good as it is a promising lead for us who are still having some ups and downs through the process. I hope soon I will be a happy camper too. Enjoy your fish
  22. LynnJ

    Cycling This Normal?

    Okay thanks for the information. I think the only thing I will have to do is either just to wait or take half of the water out The result in the morning were Ammonia -0 Ph 7.6 Nitrite as always the green color. I don’t have the nitrate test. I will get it tomorrow I followed the advice of...
  23. LynnJ

    My Cycling Journal

    Thanks ...This is good and from your chart I have learn few new things.
  24. LynnJ

    Cycling This Normal?

    So what should I do to reduce to normal? When I put the nitrite solution it turns right away to green color now and stay that even f I shake it I can still see on the buttom and then will go back to a normal clear color
  25. LynnJ

    Cycling This Normal?

    This evening ammonia -0 ppm ph - 7.6 nitrite - 0 but now the color is not dark blue again is like green and then turns back to clear
  26. LynnJ

    Cycling This Normal?

    1. My filter is Canister RENA XP1 2. by off the chart I is all white again. I didn't know it means the other way around 3. I am using API kit 4. When I try to test the nitrite. I see the dark blue color on the bottom but it doesn't stay that much longer it turns to be white again.
  27. LynnJ

    Strange Nitrite Tests

    Yeah it is not that quick but it disappears over a time. I was think as the other test like ammonia it always stays there but the nitrite I can see the dark blue on the button but when I take it to look in a broad light place it is always less than the first initial but still no purple color yet
  28. LynnJ

    My Cycling Journal

    Wow!!!! Congratulation …How many days it took you to cycle your tank? I think it would be better if you just summarize for us who are still struggling with this fishless cycling thing. I would like to read your practical experience. What obstacles you faced along the way? I would like to...
  29. LynnJ

    Strange Nitrite Tests

    Mine turns dark blue on the buttom and then disappears before I even shake ...does this mean the nitrite is there somewhere? Not purple yet buy just dark blue on the bottom then turn to clear color. I am using the same kit
  30. LynnJ

    Cycling This Normal?

    It is very frustrating. I woke up in the morning and the readings were Ammonia 0 (off the chat after 12 hours) Nitrite 0 PH 6.6 (added two spoons of bicarbonate of soda) as I have read from other members This is the second time I am doing this thing. The first time I used the wrong ammonia...
  31. LynnJ

    Good Update

    Are you doing fishless cycling? If you are doing do not have to change the water for a while. The only thing you have to monitor is your ammonia when it get to 0 you have to dose it again and keep checking for the nitrite. My tank is still cyicling and it is almost two weeks now and I...
  32. LynnJ

    Cycling This Normal?

    I added the fish and shrimps last week and for the whole week I had those things in my tank. I think they helped to create some bacteria. I am just hoping to see this process normal now. Yesterday night the results were ammonia 0....I added back to 5-6ppm ph 7.6 nitrite 0 Today this evening...
  33. LynnJ

    Cycling This Normal?

    It seems like this is too quick. I started to cycle my tank last Monday using a big piece of mahi mahi fish for the first two days and then I removed it{the smell was too bad}. I then added two extra large shrimps (about 9 cm each). Yesterday I finally found the pure ammonia and I put to 5-6ppm...
  34. LynnJ

    Just About To Get Cyclin (fishless)

    Those people will sell you anything they want. I had those staffs in my tank and its eliminate the cycling process. Just take out and don't add anymore water and continue with your process you will be fine. I had the ammonia remover, carborn remover, nitrate remover in my tank too but then...
  35. LynnJ

    Just Curious Can I Use Fish Instead Of Shrimps?

    No I want to use frozen shrimps or a piece of fish but if that doesn't work that is the time I will use live fish (tiger Barbs). I wonder if frozen fish works the same as frozen shrimps? i read so many people use shrimps but I never see anywhere frozen or fresh fish can be used.
  36. LynnJ

    Just Curious Can I Use Fish Instead Of Shrimps?

    I used the wrong ammonia once and I don't want to try to go to look for that pure ammonia again. I want to use a tiger barbs as my option for cycling my tank but before I give that option a chance can I use a piece of fish instead of shrimps? I don't have any frozen or fresh for now and I will...
  37. LynnJ

    New To The Hobby And I Used A Wrong Ammonia

    I got this one from Wal mart and it was clear but the brand is not the one you mention. I will have to check other stores. One more question while I am waiting for the right ammonia can I keep adding fish flakes? I read some people use that... I was starting to do that incase ...I can't find...
  38. LynnJ

    Anyone In Northern New Jersey Willing To Help Me With Matures Media?

    Hey there, I am very new and very raw in this hobby. I just screw up by using the wrong ammonia. I have been patient for more than three weeks waiting for the tank to cycle. I was wondering if anybody lives in South Orange, Maplewood, West Orange, Millburn Springfield or Union has anything to...
  39. LynnJ

    New To The Hobby And I Used A Wrong Ammonia

    Thanks.. I am going to take all the water down and wash the gravel ...but where can I get pure ammonia then? .... I live in Northen NJ
  40. LynnJ

    New To The Hobby And I Used A Wrong Ammonia

    First of all I would like to say hey to all Members. I just purchased a 30 Gallon tank long with the most fittings and fixtures (still saving for the light). I set this up couple of weeks ago and followed the instructions on fishless Cycling. After all these days I was watching close my ammonia...