Stocking My Aquarium

yet they should be in absolute minimum of 3s. they ideally need a mature tank as they are quite prone to whitespot.

i'm planning on getting 3 clowns eventually, i think my 190ltr corner tank should just about have enough room.
In terms of it looking "empty" really, a lot of the forum would praise you for your stocking, especially with taking into account the full grown size of each fish and working it out.

The looking "empty" is purely someones personal opinion.

Stock slowly, see how you take to it, after all it's your tank and your hobby, it's naive to think we are just in it for the fish's benefit.
As Fry Lover suggests, 'empty' is relative. The fish you want (ten of each) in a well planted tank doesn't have to look empty. You could always up it to 15 of each. There's nothing better IMHO than watching a decent sized shoal of fish behaving as shoals do. A couple of pieces of bogwood and I think it would look rather good. Don't forget, both TBs and Danios are very lively and need swimming space. On the whole, I think if you just added some Corys a little later on it would be a very happy tank. I'd give your fish some room so you could see them at their best. Just my 2p.
Again Clown loaches: I'd love them. They need to be in a group don't they? Plus they get mighty big. Think that my tank would take them?

The can get quite large but I doubt they would live long enough to outgrow a tank that size, I have three in a 3ft tank and they are just fine; they slow down a LOT after about the 5" mark.
Just got back from the LFS.

Did a nearly 100% water change, only the bit in the gravel was left.

Let the temp raise back upto 26C and then took the 5 min drive to the LFS.

I had a look round and nearly bought one of everything! (Including a Pacu!)

Nearly changed my mind to get some harlequin rasboras but decided to stick to my original choice.

So I bought 11 zebra danios (long finned ones) for £10 and some food.
The tiger barbs (normal and green) both had whitespot and are still in quarantine but the fella is going to call me when that clears up - also he showed me what to look for in whitespot.

So the danios are floating in their bag and will release them in about 25 mins or so.

seems like you have been as busy as me this morning!

got back at the lfs about 20 minutes ago... bought:

6 Congos
3 illesties tetra (go really well with thye congos)
3 Rosy barbs

and some Khuli loaches :good:

going to release them after lunch :drool:

Just got back from the LFS.

Did a nearly 100% water change, only the bit in the gravel was left.

Let the temp raise back upto 26C and then took the 5 min drive to the LFS.

I had a look round and nearly bought one of everything! (Including a Pacu!)

Nearly changed my mind to get some harlequin rasboras but decided to stick to my original choice.

So I bought 11 zebra danios (long finned ones) for £10 and some food.
The tiger barbs (normal and green) both had whitespot and are still in quarantine but the fella is going to call me when that clears up - also he showed me what to look for in whitespot.

So the danios are floating in their bag and will release them in about 25 mins or so.

Well done Jonno.

I've just fed my danio's which on closer inspection I have 10 zebra and one leopard danio, they're now following each other around and rooting in the gravel for the left overs.

First decent photo...

Ah, long finned Danios. Hopefully the number of Barbs you're going to get will keep them away from the Danios and concentrate any aggression among themselves, but I wouldn't mix any long finned fish with Tiger Barbs. If you're in any doubt, you could always get Pentazona Barbs. They're about the same length as TBs but very peaceful.
I am thrilled and so excited to see your picture. I have been following your journal for so long. This is very good as it is a promising lead for us who are still having some ups and downs through the process. I hope soon I will be a happy camper too. Enjoy your fish
where is the photo forum in this site? I haven't see that before only know there is "non fish photographs"
had a look round and nearly bought one of everything! (Including a Pacu!)

That wasn't the best choice for your tank. Pacus get 4 feet long, and wide too. I've seen them at the local aquarium, man are they huge! :eek: they look so cute when they are little babies, but then they turn into monster sized fish! I would return it.
had a look round and nearly bought one of everything! (Including a Pacu!)

That wasn't the best choice for your tank. Pacus get 4 feet long, and wide too. I've seen them at the local aquarium, man are they huge! :eek: they look so cute when they are little babies, but then they turn into monster sized fish! I would return it.

I was saying "nearly" lol. Didn't buy one of everything and wow their Pacu's are massive!
Ooops sorry! I thought you meant you bought almost everything in the store, and one of them was a pacu. When you first look at them in the aquarium, they look like carnivorous monsters!! But even bigger, they have 5-6 foot long catfish! They are 18" wide at the head and 6"the base of the tail! The barbels are 3 feet long!

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