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  1. FisheyAsh

    Flare Off 3 Males 1 Tank

    okay well daring old me has 2 males fighters in a communtiy they do not fight and would remove them if they did. so i was cleaning out shreads tank and decieded to put him into the community with the other 2 males so me watching the tank armed at the ready with a net and a camera released...
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  4. FisheyAsh

    Guys May Possibly Need Some Help From You

    omg if i lived anywhere near you i would have offered to look after them all.your fish are so pretty although i couldnt of gaureented you would get them back (i would steal them all!!!!) lol
  5. FisheyAsh

    Rescued Betta

    my lps isnt to bad they only have 4 tropical tanks so only order 4 male siamese fighters at a time only problem is the tanks can get very overstocked but they have some lovely colouring siamese fighters
  6. FisheyAsh

    Fish Names

    i have male siamese fighters: mr grumpy shread ziggles miss tickle lol females frizbee mitzee fitzee joy other fish steph jnr (bristle nose) chocolate (bristle nose) coffee (bristle nose) pot (Neon tetra) splash, dash, mary, cobalt (swordtails)
  7. FisheyAsh

    My New Guy

    i dont think its anything to worry about 3 of my males have them and 2 of my females do as well ash
  8. FisheyAsh

    New To Betas (progress Thread)

    wow tank is looking good makin me jealous my tanks arent looking the best at the moment
  9. FisheyAsh


    a while ago i posted some photos of my new fish with no tails or fins her name is frizbee i got her for free but decided i couldnt call her freebee so she is called frizbee first picture is before
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  12. FisheyAsh

    My Newest Girl

    any ideas of a name???
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  15. FisheyAsh

    More Betta Art To Share

    wow they are so amazing i want to go try paint my fish now :drool: :drool: :drool: amazing beautifull well done!!! :good: :good: :good:
  16. FisheyAsh

    Name Needed, Also Other Questions Asked

    yeah i like the name milky bar aswell
  17. FisheyAsh

    Question To Breeders

    wew they look so good the black really makes you males stand ont in your photos
  18. FisheyAsh

    Cant Wait

    o and its not a promise of a new tank tank its that mum will consider letting me get a new tank
  19. FisheyAsh

    Cant Wait

    well my room is a real mess but its slowly getting omg 16 fighters is loads and loads and they will probably be all be vt's maybe a few ct's and a pk wow i cant wait. yip i will go clean my room as soon as i get my 29 pages of maths homework done lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
  20. FisheyAsh

    Question To Breeders

    i was going to say i hope your breeding taro because he is just amazinh hes so pretty you should have some nice babies with those two. may i ask what are the dividers you have in your tank are they bought or have you made them???
  21. FisheyAsh

    Cant Wait

    i cant wait i asked mum the other day if i can get a larger tank and put dividers in it instead of having lots of little tanks. the tank i want would hlod about 16 x 4.8 gallon tanks approx i cant wait mum said she wolud consider if i can keep my room clean and organised that one might be a...
  22. FisheyAsh

    Buying A Betta Tank For The First Time In The Next Few Days...

    how did the present go and do you have photos of the fish oh oh oh and does he have a name????
  23. FisheyAsh

    Question To Breeders

    sorry if ive misseda post but who are you planning on breeding???
  24. FisheyAsh

    Don't You Just Love

    my old fish originally was a horrible funny brown color he tured out to be a blue and pink sorry about the horrible picture
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  27. FisheyAsh

    I Love Vts

    he sounds like character i was doing some work in my shreads tank and he bit my finger so now whenever i have my hands in his tank he frys to play with it and bit me, it gives me such a fright sometimes and now when im cleaning his tank i put him in my community tank with my 6 females and he has...
  28. FisheyAsh

    What Else Can I Do...

    can we see a photo of him???
  29. FisheyAsh

    I Love Vts

    yeah one on tail types where people that didnt know what tail type their fish was could post a photo and get others to help figure it out wolud be good because there are so many people posting about tail types
  30. FisheyAsh

    I Love Vts

    i think thats a great idea
  31. FisheyAsh

    Swordtail X Platys

    i think i9 have some the female swordtail was heavily pregnant when got her
  32. FisheyAsh


    my 2 bristle nose plecs hav just started gettin their bristles its so cute
  33. FisheyAsh

    I Love Vts

    pks are the original betta arent they??? and well my mr grupmy doesnt have lovely long fins well his fins are lon and he has a ahort tail and its even shorter now that he ate it lol
  34. FisheyAsh

    I Love Vts

    i dont know what it is but i really like them
  35. FisheyAsh

    I Love Vts

    does anyone else have a huge love for vts or is it just me??? you can get some amazing fish but at the end of the day i still love vts the most
  36. FisheyAsh

    My Boys

    i love your yellow vt he has the longest fins i have ever seen hes so pretty ant your red vt i dont normally like red fighters but hes so pretty
  37. FisheyAsh

    Some Of My New Male Bettas

    i think that i might try to breed shread and fitzee she is looking like a crowntail now that her fins are growing back and she has a lovely green colour to her then my second spawn i will try mr grumpy and miss tickle
  38. FisheyAsh

    Crowntail X Veiltail

    worth a try i think lol
  39. FisheyAsh

    Betta Search Tomorrow... ( Another Found )

    yeah any luck??? :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
  40. FisheyAsh

    Crowntail X Veiltail

    would you get a mix of crowntails and veiltails???